
Top Tab

Field Description
Load Job Budgets for Merging When you select this action, the budgets to merge are loaded. The fields “Budget to Update” and “Budget to Merge with” must have a selection before the action be used.
Mark All from Budget to Update When you select this action, all conflicts are resolved by selecting the line from “Budget to Update.” You will see a tick mark appear in all relevant Conflict fields in the table part of the window. This corresponds to rejecting all changed from Budget to Merge with (for example, all changes made in People Planner.)
Mark all from Budget To Merge with When you select this action, all conflicts are resolved by selecting the line from “Budget to Merge with.” You will see a tick mark appear in all relevant Conflict fields in the table part of the window. This corresponds to accepting all changed made in, for example, People Planner.
Auto-resolve Conflicts When you select this action, conflicts are resolved automatically. The following rules are used:
  • If a job budget line exists in both budgets, but changes have been made in only one, the line that has been changed is kept
  • If a line has been added or removed in one of the budgets, this change will be kept.
  • If a line has been changed in both budgets, the conflict cannot be resolved automatically.

Note that the action does not approve the merge: it is necessary to do this explicitly (by selecting the Approve Merge action).

When merging two budgets with a lot of lines, using this action can often very effective: it makes a “natural” selection in many cases so that you can concentrate on the conflicts that require more investigation.

Approve Merge When you select this action, the budgets are merged, and the “Budget to Update” will be changed to look like the preview. This action can only be performed when all conflicts between the two budgets have been resolved. Note, though, that the Budget to Update can, possibly, have been changed while the conflicts were being resolved. In this case, new conflicts can appear after the approval.