Order Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Order Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Orig. Order No. This is the number of the sales order the line was transferred from first time.
Orig. Line No. This is the number of the sales order line the line was transferred from first time.
Item No. This is the number of the item.
Orig. Ordered This is the quantity originally ordered before the sales order line was transferred to the back order register.
Deliv. to Date This is the total quantity delivered since the sales order line was created.
Ordered This is the quantity which was not delivered last time items were delivered to the customer. When the back order line is transferred to the sales order, the quantity here will be transferred to the sales order line. It can be changed.
Blocked Mark this field to block the current back order line. When a back order line is blocked, it is ignored when running the actions “Assign to Sales Orders” and “Recalculate Delivery Dates.” You can also use the field in combination with the action “Delete Blocked Lines” which will delete all back order lines with a mark in this field.
Unit This is the unit the item is sold in. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Description This is the item text. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Note No. In this field, you can specify the number of a note to be assigned to the current line for further specification. The note number is transferred from the sales order, but you can change it here. Notes are created and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.
Note Description This field shows a description of the note specified in the field “Note No.” above.
External Desc. This is the external item text for the item. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Internal Desc. This is the internal item text for the item. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields show the extra texts entered in the corresponding fields on the order line.
Popup 1-5 These fields show the values entered in the corresponding fields on the current order line.
Orig. Quantity This field shows how many units of the current item were originally registered.
Unit Price This is the unit price on the order line. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here. The unit price is not changed even though the quantity in the “Ordered” field is changed.
Discount % This is the discount percent on the line, if applicable. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Discount This is the discount amount calculated from the above percentage.
Extended Price This is the extended price, which is found by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit price and then dividing it with the pricing unit. It also includes a possible line discount.
Currency This is the currency used on the line. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Order No. This is the number of the sales order from which the line was transferred. It can be different from the number in the “Orig. Order No.” field, if it has been transferred back to the back order register.
Deliv. Date This is the delivery date. The delivery date can be changed as you please. If the delivery date is changed to an earlier date, Maconomy checks if the item can be delivered on this date. If this is not the case, the date will automatically be changed to the date on which the item can be delivered. If you want to update the delivery date so that it reflects the latest developments in availability (for instance changes in the expected date of receipt of purchased items), you can delete the date in the field and press Enter. Maconomy will then calculate the earliest possible delivery date based on delivery time, the current purchase, production and order volumes, and quantity in stock. However, whether you enter an earlier date or a blank value, the original date will be kept (that is, the date registered before the change was made) if the date found during the search is later than the original date.

You can also select the action “Update Delivery Dates” to recalculate the delivery date on all the lines in the back order register, or use the window Update Back Orders to update delivery dates on a range of back order lines. When delivery dates are changed in batch, the affected lines are re-reserved, and lines concerning the same item are prioritized based on their current delivery dates. In this case, however, Maconomy does not keep the original delivery date in case the search results in a later date.

Remarks This field shows any remarks about the delivery. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Discount Desc. This is the discount text from the order line from which the current line was transferred. The text cannot be changed here.
Pricing Unit This is the number of units of the item, which are included in the unit price. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Price List This is the price list which the item line on the sales order was priced from, before it was transferred to the back order register. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Price Step This is the price step the item line on the sales order was priced from, before it was transferred to the back order register. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one pricing unit of the item, if the line is assigned to a price list, and if the item is priced in this price list. If you are not using a price list, or if the item is not in the price list, the value here will be the same as the unit price. It cannot be changed here.
Quantity Disc. This is the discount amount, which is the difference between the price at step 1 and the unit price, multiplied by the number of units and divided by the pricing unit. As a rule, this amount is the total quantity discount on the item line. It cannot be changed here.
Bill of Materials This shows whether the item is a standard item or a bill of materials. If the field is marked, it is a BOM. You can see the individual items in the BOM in the window Order Lines, if the BOM was specified when the original sales order was created. You determine whether to specify BOMs in the BOM Information Card in the Inventory module.
Settling Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company which applies to the order from which the back order line originates.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the sales order from which the back order line originates.
Location In this field, you can enter a location created in the window Locations. The value is transferred from the window Sales Orders, but you can change it here.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Warehouse This is the warehouse entered on the order and which the item is delivered from or returned to.
Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify a stock location in the current warehouse from which the items are shipped. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the stock location field is left blank. If a stock location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field. When you create an invoice, Maconomy suggests the standard shipping location specified for the selected warehouse, but you can specify another location.
Last Deliv. Date This is the date items were last delivered to the customer. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Latest Promised Deliv. Date Here you can enter the date you promised to deliver by. The value is transferred from the window Sales Orders, but you can change it here.
Confirmed Delivery Date In this field, you can enter the last date which has been communicated to the customer as the delivery date. In other words, This is the date the customer has been informed is the delivery date of the items on the line. By comparing the date in this field with the one in the field “Deliv. Date” on the line, you can determine whether the customer needs to be informed of any delivery date changes.
Vendor In this field you can enter a vendor number. The vendor is used when creating purchase orders in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders. The default value is the vendor number from the item information card, if a vendor has been specified for the item.
Customer’s Item Purchase No. This field shows the customer’s item purchase order number, if the original sales order was based on an item purchase order from the customer. It is transferred from the sales order and cannot be changed here.
Campaign No. In this field, you can enter the number of a campaign if the current sales order is connected to a certain campaign in the Contact Management module. If you enter a campaign number, Maconomy transfers the number to lines that are then created in the table part. The campaign number can be used for, for example, statistical purposes.