Show Intercompany Invoice Details Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Intercompany Invoice Details tab.

Executing Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the executing company of the currently selected invoice. The executing company is the company who ran the intercompany invoicing which resulted in the current invoice.

This field also displays the name, address, and country of the company.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Bill to Customer This field shows the number of the customer billed on the current invoice, as well as the name, address, and country of the bill-to customer. In the Company Information window, each company can be assigned to a customer for use in intercompany invoicing, and when a company is being invoiced in an intercompany invoicing, this customer is automatically assigned to the invoice created for the company in question.

In other words, the customer in this field is the customer representing the company being billed in the intercompany invoicing.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number of the ship-to customer on the current invoice, as well as the name, address, and country of the ship-to customer. The ship-to customer is automatically derived from the information card of the customer shown in the “Bill to Customer” field above.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the number of the current invoice.
Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date of the current invoice. This invoice date corresponds to the one specified in the Intercompany Invoicing window when the current invoice was created.
Due Date This field shows the date on which the invoice is due for payment. The due date is calculated automatically from the invoice date and payment terms.
Department This field shows the department to which the current invoice is assigned. The department is automatically derived from the information card of the customer shown in the field “Bill to Customer” above.
Reference This field is not used in the current version of Maconomy.
Printed by This field shows the name of the user who ran the intercompany invoicing which resulted in the current invoice.
Printing Date This field shows the date on which the current invoice was originally printed.
Invoice Supplement Name Enter the invoice supplement name to use in the invoice.

Price Island

Field Description
Billing Price Total, Currency This field shows the total invoice amount.
Sales Price Total, Base This field shows the total invoice amount in the base currency.
Hereof within Search Criteria This field shows the total billing price on the lines currently shown in the Intercompany Entries sub-tab. The amount is shown in the currency displayed in the base currency.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines When you check this box, the Intercompany Entries sub-tab will display the intercompany entries that are covered by the current invoice and match the Selection Criteria specified in this island.
Intercompany Type In this field, you can select an intercompany type. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries of the selected type. The intercompany type is the type of transaction which caused an intercompany entry. See the field “Intercompany Name” in the Intercompany Accounts window for a description of the individual intercompany types.
Entry Date In these fields, you can specify a range of entry dates. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries where the entry date is within the specified range.
Responsible Company In these fields, you can specify a range of responsible companies. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to a responsible company within the specified range.
Job No. In these fields, you can specify a range of job numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to jobs within the specified range.
Employee No. In these fields, you can specify a range of employee numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to employees within the specified range.
Activity No. In these fields, you can specify a range of activity numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to activities within the specified range.
Task In these fields, you can specify a range of task names. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to tasks within the specified range.
Customer No. In these fields, you can specify a range of customer numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to customers within the specified range.
Vendor No. In these fields, you can specify a range of vendor numbers. The table part will only show intercompany entries pertaining to vendors within the specified range.
Asset No. In these fields, you can specify a range of asset numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to assets within the specified range.
Item No. In these fields, you can specify a range of item numbers. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries pertaining to items within the specified range.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can specify a range of locations. The Intercompany Entries sub-tab will only show intercompany entries where the value in the field “Location” is within the specified range.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.