Job Budget Line Merging Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Line Merging sub-tab.

Field Description
Description This field shows the description that would result if the two budgets were merged with the current selections.

The budgets are actually only merged by the Approve Merge action, so this field should be regarded as a preview.

Quantity This field shows the quantity that would result if the two budgets were merged with the current selections. If the line is a sum line, the value is the sum of the subordinated lines.

The budgets are actually only merged by the Approve Merge action, so this field should be regarded as a preview.

Start Date This field shows the start date in the merged budget. If the line is a sum line, the date will be the earliest date in the set of start dates in the subordinate lines (and if all the dates in these lines are blank, this field will be blank, too.)

The budgets are actually only merged by the Approve Merge action, so this field should be regarded as a preview.

End Date This field shows the end date in the merged budget. If the line is a sum line, the date will be the latest date in the set of end dates in the subordinate lines (and if all the dates in these lines are blank, this field will be blank, too.)

The budgets are actually only merged by the Approve Merge action, so this field should be regarded as a preview.

Employee Category No. This field shows the employee category that would result if the two budgets were merged with the current selections.

The budgets are actually only merged by the Approve Merge action, so this field should be regarded as a preview.

Keep <Budget to Update> <Budget to Update> in the header will dynamically be substituted with the name of the budget type presently selected as the “Budget to Update” in the Budgets island.

If you mark this field, the value from the budget with this budget type will be used in the merged budget.

Note that if there are no conflicts between the two budgets, you cannot mark any of the Keep <Budget.> fields. Also, when there is a conflict, both fields cannot be marked at the same time.

Keep <Budget to Merge with> <Budget to Merge with> in the header will dynamically be substituted with the name of the budget type presently selected as the “Budget to Merge with” in the Budgets island.

If you mark this field, the value from the budget with this budget type will be used in the merged budget.

Note that if there are no conflicts between the two budgets, you cannot mark any of the Keep <Budget.> fields. Also, when there is a conflict, both fields cannot be marked at the same time.

Conflict When there is a conflict between the two budgets, this field contains a textual description of the conflict. The following conflict descriptions are defined:
Conflict Field Contains Explanation
Several Values Differ More than one field differs between the two budget lines. You can use the fields to the right in the table part to see the contents of the relevant fields in the two budget lines.
Line Added (<Budget Type>) The line was added in the budget with the budget type <Budget Type> (this is dynamically replaced with the real name).
Line Removed (<Budget Type>) The line was removed in the budget with the budget type <Budget Type> (this is dynamically replaced with the real name).
Descriptions Differ Only the Description field differs between the two budget lines.
Quantities Differ Only the Quantity field differs between the two budget lines.
Start Dates Differ Only the Start Date field differs between the two budget lines.
End Dates Differ Only the End Date field differs between the two budget lines.
Start and End Dates Differ Both start and end dates differ between the two budget lines.
Employee Categories Differ Only the Employee Category field differs between the two budget lines.
Description, <Budget to Update> This field contains the description from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Update” (<Budget to Update> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
Description, <Budget to Merge with> This field contains the description from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Merge with” (<Budget to Merge with> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
Start Date, <Budget to Update> This field contains the start date from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Update” (<Budget to Update> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
Start Date, <Budget to Merge with> This field contains the start date from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Merge with” (<Budget to Merge with> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
End Date, <Budget to Update> This field contains the end date from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Update” (<Budget to Update> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
End Date, <Budget to Merge with> This field contains the end date from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Merge with” (<Budget to Merge with> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
Empl. Cat. No, <Budget to Update> This field contains the employee category from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Update” (<Budget to Update> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).
Empl. Cat. No, <Budget to Merge with> This field contains the employee category from the budget of the type selected in “Budget to Merge with” (<Budget to Merge with> is dynamically replaced by the real name of the budget type).