Invoice Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Selection tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This is the name of the job in the window. The value cannot be changed here. You can only retrieve a job if there are entries to it and if it is still open.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned. The job group is selected in the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Status This is the job status. The value will always be “Order.” It cannot be changed here.
Responsible This is the name of the employee responsible for the job. The name is retrieved from the window Jobs.
Open Purchases In this field, you can see whether there are any open purchase orders for the job. If this field is marked, there are open purchase orders in the window Purchase Orders in the Accounts Payable module.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the name and number of the customer the job is for.
Bill to Customer This is the name and number of the customer who is paying for the job.

Invoice On Account Selection Island

Field Description
Job Currency This field shows the currency of the job.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “No,” then the invoice currency of all bill-to customers on the job will be equal to the currency of the job indicated in this field. If the currency is changed, then all invoice currencies will be changed accordingly.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to “Yes,” then changing the currency on the job will have no consequences on invoice currencies of bill-to customers.

Note that prices in the window Job Price Information will remain in the currency of the job, even if the invoice currency differs.

Invoice Currency This field shows the invoice currency for invoicing on account the bill-to customer on the job.

You can set up more than one bill-to customer for a job in the window Bill To Customer Distribution. The Invoice Currency field only represents the invoice currency for the bill-to customer specified directly on the job and not all bill-to customers on the job.

If you change the invoice currency, and invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer or for split billing all bill-to customers in the window Invoicing Plans, the amount in invoice currency on the lines will be recalculated. A warning will tell you that you must reconsider the amounts on invoicing plan lines.

If the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoice on Account in Multiple Currencies” is set to ‘No,” the invoice currency cannot be changed but will remain the same as the currency of the job.

When an invoice selection is currently approved you cannot change the invoice currency.

Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between job currency and invoice currency for the bill-to customer specified on the job.

By default, the exchange rate is the current exchange rate specified in the table for the job on the preferred invoice date (or current date if no preferred invoice date is set), but if the field Specify Exchange Rate is marked, then the exchange rate is fixed at the rate you specify.

If you change the exchange rate, the field Amount for Invoicing on Account, Currency will be recalculated and a check mark will be placed automatically in the field Specify Exchange Rate. If the exchange rate deviates from the exchange rate table by more than 10%, a warning will be displayed.

Note: The base currency for the exchange rate is based on the rate specified in the field Exch. Rate in Ref. Currency in the window System Information.

Note: There may be unblocked bill-to customers in the window Bill To Customer Distribution who may not be set up to use the same invoice currency and exchange rate.

IoA, Fixed Price Enter the fixed price amount (fixedprice) invoiced on account.
Default 1-2 (n/a) These fields are relevant if the job parameter of the type “Invoicing on Account” attribute “Activity required for Invoicing On Account” is “Yes.” Either the same job parameter defines one or two activity numbers in the attributes “Default Activity for Invoicing On Account 1/2” or the job task list defines one or two standard tasks for “Invoicing On Account 1/2.”

These two fields enable you to add amounts for invoicing on account on the predefined tasks or activities.

Note that the titles of the two “Default (n/a)” fields are dynamic and will show the task or activity titles.

Invoice Selection Island

The fields in this island show the totals of the lines shown in the table part. If the current job is a main job, and the field “Includes Subjobs” in the island Main Job Invoicing below is marked, the amount fields in this island will show totals for the main job only or for the main job and its associated subjobs. If the invoice layout rule for the current main job specifies that invoice selections should be made from the main job only (the field “Main Job Invoice Selection” is selected on the invoice layout rule), the fields in this island show the totals of all jobs in the main job/subjob structure. If the field is not marked on the invoice layout rule, the fields in this island show invoice selection totals for the current main job only.

Field Description
End Invoice If you mark this field, the field “End Invoiced” will be marked when an invoice is created from the selection. If you have also marked the field “Close at End Invoicing” on the job, the job will be closed upon invoicing, provided that the job has no open entries, no open purchase orders, no open invoices on account, and no unapproved time sheets.
Invoice Discount % In this field, you can enter a discount percentage. Maconomy suggests the value from the window Job Information, but you can change it.

The invoice discount is automatically deducted from the total invoice/credit billing price. Invoice discount, however, is not deducted from invoices on account.

Time These fields show the sums of hours, costs, billing prices, GM, and GM % of the time activities that are being invoiced in the table. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Amount These fields show the sums of costs, billing prices, and GM % of amount activities that are being invoiced in the table. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Total These fields show the sums of costs and billing prices of all activities being invoiced in the table. They also show GM and GM %. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Hereof Outlays These fields show the sum of registered cost prices for all amount activities with the cost type “Outlays.” For further information on outlay activities, see the window Activities in the Set-Up module.
Excluding Outlays These fields show the sum of cost prices and billing prices for all activities which have been transferred for invoicing in the table part of the window, less amount activities with the cost type “Outlays.” The column “Billing Price” hence shows the sum of the registered billing prices, less any cost price for amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” In addition, the fields show the resulting gross margin and the resulting gross ratio excluding outlays.
Prev. Invoiced These fields show the cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the invoices that previously have been made for the job.
On Drafts These fields show the cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the draft invoices. Recently created drafts are not included in the sums.
Total for Job These fields show the total sum of billing prices in the current invoice and all previous invoices, that is, the sum of the amounts in the “Total” and “Prev. Invoiced” fields. They also show the resulting GM and GM %.
Budget This field shows the total budgeted cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the job. The figures are retrieved from the window Job Budgets.
Limit These fields show the budget limit for cost and the billing prices of the job. The limits are retrieved from the job’s budget in the window Job Budget.
Fixed Price This field shows the effective quote price of the job as defined in the window Quote Editing. Depending on the selected basis for fixed price in the field “Basis” on the current job’s invoice layout rule, the price in this field can originate from the quote price specified for the job and which can be edited in the window Quote Editing, or from the job’s budgeted sales price registered on the most recently approved revision of the job budget of the type specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules.

For time and material jobs, this field shows a quote price, if any.

Desired Sales Price In this field, you can enter a value if you wish to invoice a job at a certain price. This can, for example, be relevant in connection with writing up a job for which you want to allocate the amount written up proportionally to all activities involved. The amount in this field can also be the result of a calculation of the fields “Desired Markup” or “Desired Markup %” (see below).

If you enter a desired sales price, the invoice selection cannot be approved if the value in this field is different from the sum of the sales price on the invoice selection lines.

Two system parameters concern the desired sales price. Note that both system parameters may be marked.

  1. If the system parameter “Transfer desired sales price when changed” is marked, the table part will be updated (that is, the desired sales price is transferred) immediately when you press Return after updating the amount in this field (if the amount fulfills the criteria for transfer). If this parameter is not marked, you have to select the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price” when you want to transfer the desired sales price to the entries in the table part.
  2. If the system parameter “Transfer Sales Price to Desired Sales Price” is marked, the desired sales price in the card part (this field) is updated to match the sum of the billing prices in the table part. This update takes place immediately when you change the billing price in the table part, either directly or indirectly by, for example, changing the field “Action.” If this parameter is not marked, this field is not updated when you change the table part.

The adjustment of the activities can be limited to include only time activities as described in the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price.”

For more information, please see the description of the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price.”

Desired Markup In this field, you can enter an amount if you wish to calculate a desired sales price by adding a certain markup to the cost price. When you press Return, Maconomy calculates a new desired sales price and a markup percentage. These figures will then be transferred to the table part of the window as described for the field “Desired Sales Price” above. For more information, please see the description of the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price” and the description of the field “Desired Sales Price” above.
Desired Markup % In this field, you can enter a percentage if you wish to calculate a desired sales price by adding a certain markup percentage to the cost price. When you press Return, Maconomy calculates a new desired sales price and a markup amount. These figures will then be transferred to the table part of the window as described for the field “Desired Sales Price” above. For more information, please see the description of the action “Transfer Desired Sales Price” and the description of the field “Desired Sales Price” above.

Main Job Invoicing Island

Field Description
Includes Subjobs This field is maintained by Maconomy. If the field is marked, it means the following:
  • The current job is a main job.
  • The current job is marked for blanket invoicing in the window Job Information.
  • Some or all of the subjobs of the current main job are marked for blanket invoicing.
  • The invoice layout rule for the current job specifies that subjobs should be invoiced as part of the main job (the field “Main Job Invoicing” is selected on the invoice layout rule).

If this field is marked, Maconomy will treat the main job and its associated subjobs as one job with regard to invoicing. When you approve the invoice selection of the main job, entries from the subjobs are approved also, and when you print an invoice from the main job, the subjobs are also printed. Furthermore, some of the functions in the Action menu will be disabled or have a different effect. For more information, please see the description of the individual actions.

If this field is not marked, one or more of the criteria listed above is not fulfilled.

Invoiced on Main Job This field is maintained by Maconomy. The field is marked if:
  • The current job is a subjob.
  • The main job of the current job fulfills the criteria specified in the description of the field “Includes Subjobs” above.
  • The criteria for blanket invoicing are fulfilled for the current job.

If this is the case, you will not be able to perform any actions in this window, and the fields in the card and table parts are either closed for entry or without effect.

If you want to create a job entry, for example, for direct invoicing, and assign it to a subjob, you must use the window Itemize Invoice Selection.

The remaining fields in this island are similar to the fields in the island Invoice Selection above. If the field “Includes Subjobs” is marked, the fields in the island show the totals for all jobs in the main job/subjob hierarchy which fulfill the criteria for blanket invoicing.

Time These fields show the sums of hours, costs, billing prices, GM, and GM % of the time activities that are being invoiced in the table. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Amount These fields show the sums of costs, billing prices, and GM % of amount activities that are being invoiced in the table. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Total These fields show the sums of costs and billing prices of all activities being invoiced in the table. They also show GM and GM %. The GM % is calculated from the billing price and GM. Gross margin is calculated from cost and billing price.
Hereof Outlays These fields show the sum of registered cost prices for all amount activities with the cost type “Outlays.” For further information on outlay activities, see the window Activities in the Set-Up module.
Excluding Outlays These fields show the sum of cost prices and billing prices for all activities which have been transferred for invoicing in the table part of the window, less amount activities with the cost type “Outlays.” The column “Billing Price” hence shows the sum of the registered billing prices, less any cost price for amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” In addition, the fields show the resulting gross margin and the resulting gross ratio excluding outlays.
Prev. Invoiced These fields show the cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the invoices that previously have been made for the job.
Other Drafts These fields show the cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the invoices on draft.
Total for Jobs These fields show the total sum of billing prices in the current invoice and all previous invoices, that is, the sum of the amounts in the “Total” and “Prev. Invoiced” fields. They also show the resulting GM and GM %.
Budget These fields show the total budgeted cost, billing price, GM, and GM % of the job. The figures are retrieved from the window Job Budgets.
Fixed Price This field shows the effective quote price of the job as defined in the window Quote Editing. Depending on the selected basis for fixed price in the field “Basis” on the current job’s invoice layout rule, the price in this field can originate from the quote price specified for the job and which can be edited in the window Quote Editing, or from the job’s budgeted sales price registered on the most recently approved revision of the job budget of the type specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules.

For time and material jobs, this field shows a quote price, if any.

Charges Island

Field Description
Charge Table Specify the charge table on the job.
Field Description
Charge Discount % In this field, you can enter a discount percentage, if you have entered a charge table in the Charge Table field. The discount will be subtracted from the charge amount calculated from the charge table.

Delimitation Island

Field Description
Extend Selection If you mark this field and then select the action “Delimit,” Maconomy will extend the invoice selection to also include uninvoiced entries within the types and ranges specified in the other fields of this island. You can specify, for example, “10-20” as a range of employee numbers and then select “Delimit.” Then you can specify “40-50” as a new range of employee numbers, make sure that this field is marked, and then reselect the action “Delimit.” In this way, you have extended your selection to cover job entries for the employees “10-20” and “40-45.”

If you do not check this field and then select the action “Delimit,” Maconomy will reset the invoice selection and only select the uninvoiced entries specified in the fields in this island for invoicing.

For the entries to be selected for invoicing, they have to match all criteria in this island.

Cut-off Date In this field, you can enter a date. After extending the selection, the invoice selection will include all activities with non-invoiced entries up to the date entered here. Maconomy suggests the last day of the previous month, unless the system parameter “Open Invoice Selection Without Cut-off Date” is marked. If it is marked, Maconomy will not complete this field automatically.
G/L Entry Date In this field you can delimit the invoice selection by the entry date on job entries. Only entries with an entry date up to this date will be invoiced.
Employee Type In this field, you can specify an employee type. When you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries for activities carried out by an employee of the chosen type will be selected for invoicing. Employee types are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Employee No. In these fields, you can enter a range of employee numbers. If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries for activities by employees within the chosen range will be selected for invoicing.
Activity Type In this field, you can specify the activity types: “Time,” “Amount,” or “Sum.” If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries on activities of the chosen type will be selected for invoicing.
Job No. In these fields, you can specify a range of job numbers. If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries for jobs with numbers within the chosen range will be selected for invoicing. The fields can hence be used for delimiting an invoice selection of a main job to include only a range of the subjobs assigned to the main job when making an invoice selection.
Invoicing Group In these fields, you can enter a range of invoicing groups. If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries for activities by invoicing groups within the chosen range will be selected for invoicing.
Activity No. In these fields, you can specify a range of activity numbers. If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries for activities with numbers within the chosen range will be selected for invoicing.
Task In these fields, you can enter a range of tasks. If you select the action “Delimit,” uninvoiced entries on a task within the chosen range will be selected for invoicing.
Task Group 1-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task” above. You can enter the value manually or select a value in the pop-up list. For further information on work breakdown structure and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Delimitation, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task” above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Task” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Task” above.

Job Budget Island

Field Description
Budget Realization Rate This field shows the budget realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time.
Budget Text 1-5 These fields show the value of extra text fields in the latest job budget revision.

Status Island

Field Description
Open for Invoice Selection This field indicates whether the invoice selection is open (this is the default). You can only change the invoice selection when the invoice selection is open.

The invoice selection is closed after you select one of the actions that creates a draft, and it is opened after you print invoices or credit memos. You can also open the invoice selection by using the action “New Selection,” provided that the job is set up to allow multiple drafts.

Drafts for Editing If the job parameter of the type Invoice Approval for the current job specifies that invoice editing is required, this field is marked by Maconomy when the invoice selection is approved using the approval functions in the Action menu. If invoice editing is not required according to the job parameter type “Invoice Selection,” the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Approved for Invoicing” below.

A subjob which is invoiced on the main job can be approved from the main job only (see the description of the field “Approved for Invoicing on Main Job” below). However, this will not cause this field to be marked as well, as such invoices must also be edited from the main job.

Field Description
Blanket Drafts for Editing This field indicates whether there are blanket draft invoices for editing. Blanket drafts are created when you approve invoice selection in Blanket Invoice Selection or apply the "Create Blanket Drafts" action in Blanket Invoicing Overview.
Submitted Drafts This field shows the number of submitted invoice drafts.
Approved for Invoicing This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing using the approval functions in the Action menu in this window or the window Approve Invoice Selection. However, the job parameter of the type “Invoice Approval” for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before this field is marked. For more information, please see the description of the field “Approved for Editing” above and the job parameter type “Invoice Approval.”
Approved for Inv. on Main Job This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing on its main job. The field will be marked by Maconomy if the current job is a subjob, the field “Invoiced on Main Job” in the island Main Job Invoicing is marked, and the main job is approved in this window or the window Approve Invoice Selection.
Submitted by This field shows the name of user who submitted this draft.
Submitted Date This field shows the date when the draft was submitted.
Approved by This field displays the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing. The name of the approver is automatically saved when the job is approved by one of the actions “Approve Invoice Selection” and “Approve for Invoicing on Account.” The field will be cleared if the invoice is reopened for editing. For subjobs approved for invoicing on the main job, this field displays the name of the person who approved the main job.
Approval Date This field displays the date on which the job was approved for invoicing. The approval date is automatically saved when the job is approved by one of the actions “Approve Invoice Selection” and “Approve for Invoicing on Account.” The field will be cleared if the invoice is reopened for editing. For subjobs approved for invoicing on the main job, this field displays the date the main job was approved.
Task Group Status This field indicates whether the job entries associated with the present job are assigned to the correct task groups. If the value in this field is “Not Up to Date,” this indicates that the task group structure is not up to date. To update the task group information, select the action “Transfer Task Groups” in the Action menu. The value will then change to “Up to Date.”

This functionality is relevant if you use a work breakdown structure in your budget, and the invoice layout rule of the job specifies that invoice selections or invoices should be grouped by task groups.

In Maconomy, a task is associated with each job entry, containing information about the task groups assigned to the task against which the job entry is posted. The information is expressed as a task group level, ranging from task group 1 to 6, where level 1 is the top level in the hierarchy.

If you change the job budget structure after posting job entries, Maconomy does not automatically update the entries with the new budget structure information, as the number of entries to update could be enormous. Updating all entries after each structural change could therefore be very time-consuming. Thus, if you change the work breakdown structure in the Job Budgets window, the budget must be resubmitted for these structural changes to be reflected in the Invoice Selection window. By resubmitting the budget or selecting this action, the task group status in this field will automatically be updated. Additionally, the task group status is automatically updated when the following actions are performed: Close All, Delimit, Apply Invoice Proposals, Transfer Fixed Price, Transfer Desired Sales Price, Transfer Budget, and Print Invoice.

For further information on work breakdown structures and task groups, see the descriptions under “Job Tasks” and under “Job Budgets.”

Job Contains Pre-Invoices This field indicates whether or not there are pre-invoices, in any state, on this job.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Only Open Activities You can mark this field if you only wish the card part to show the job’s open activities, that is, activities with open entries.

If you want the field to be checked by default, you can set this up in system parameters.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice Type Use this field to specify the type of invoice to approve when you approve the invoice selection. The available options include:
  • T&M

    On new jobs, the Invoice Type defaults to T&M.

  • On Account
  • T&M and On Account
  • Pre-Invoice — Selecting this option instructs Maconomy to create a pre-invoice instead of an invoice on account or a time and material invoice. If a job is set up for pre-invoicing by default, Maconomy automatically populates the Invoice Type field with Pre-Invoice when you enter a positive amount in the Total field.

    If a job is not set up for pre-invoicing, this invoice type cannot be selected.

If you set an amount for invoicing/crediting on account, the field updates to On Account, and reverts to T&M if the amount for invoicing/crediting on account is changed back to zero.
Note: You must manually select the third option of combined invoicing, T&M and On Account.
Combine T&M, On Account by Default This check box is selected on a new job if the "Combine T&M with On Account by Default” job parameter is set to Yes. If this check box is selected, the Invoice Type field switches to T&M and On Account when you set an amount for invoicing on account.
Preferred Invoice Date In this field, you can enter the preferred invoice date. The date must be within the open posting interval, which is specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. If you do not enter a date, Maconomy inserts the current date when the invoice is printed.

If the job is assigned the job parameter type “Invoice Approval” in which the job parameter attribute “Pref. Inv. Date From Plan” has been given the value “Yes,” and if an invoice plan has been created for the job in question, the date in this field will be transferred from the assigned invoicing plan when you select the action “Transfer Invoicing Plan” in the Action menu. If the plan consists of several invoicing plan lines, Maconomy will use the date specified on the line most recently created. The date considered for invoicing plan lines with job phases or milestones is the completion date of the phase/milestone in question.

If split billing is used (that is, there are multiple bill-to customers on the job), changing the preferred invoice date in this field will change the date on all invoices approved from this invoice selection. However, if the date is changed on one of the invoices in the window Invoice Editing, this field will be blank unless the date is the same on all invoices approved from this invoice selection. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Editing.

Invoice Name Here you specify the name of the invoice. When you approve the invoice selection, this name will appear in the window Invoice Editing, where you can update it. The invoice name can be added to prints of invoice and credit memos and their corresponding drafts.

The invoice name is merged into the customer entry text and the finance entry on the customer.

The field is cleared when you run the action “New Invoice Selection.”

Show Write-Down Separately Use this field to control whether to show a possible write-down separately, on its own line in the draft. Select this check box to show write- downs separately.

The default behavior for how write-downs appear comes from the main invoice layout rule. If the job is set up to create a detailed invoice specification, selecting this field affects both the cover part and the detailed part of the invoice.

If the invoice layout rule is set up to show amounts on lines, the draft invoice created when you approve an invoice selection on a job will show the amount being invoiced, including any write-up/-down that you may have selected. You can show write-down on a single, separate line, and then instead show the billing price, excluding write-down, on the specification. This is enabled by selecting this field.

The text on this line (such as Courtesy discount) can be set up in the Language Texts window on the entry with key1 @JobWriteDownLine.

Show on Invoice, Customer Balance Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer’s prior and new balance on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Show on Invoice, Customer Statement Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer statement on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Show on Invoice, Customer Aging Select this field to indicate that you want to see the A/R aging on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Invoiced on Account Island

Field Description
Net Invoiced on Account This field shows how much of the total job price has been invoiced on account. The amount is shown in the job’s currency. It is possible to invoice part or all of the job in this window, either before the first job entries have been made or during its completion and irrespective of job entries.

When the job is finally invoiced, Maconomy deducts the amount invoiced on account. However, the invoice price cannot be less than “0.00.” The amount here is deducted from the invoiced amount and cannot be changed here.

Tax Invoiced on Account This field shows how much tax has been added to the job’s invoices on account. It cannot be changed here. The amount is deducted from the tax total of the invoice selection. When the job is finally invoiced, Maconomy deducts the tax on account. However, the invoice amount cannot be less than “0.00.”
Approved reconciliation This field shows the currently approved amount for reconciliation across drafts. There is a slight difference between the interpretation of "approve reconciliation" in the window Invoice Selection and in the window Job Invoices On Account. In Invoice Selection the restriction applies to the reconciling job, whereas in Job Invoices On Account the restriction applies to the job (the job of the invoices on account).

You will receive a warning if you remove a job from a job collection where a cross-job draft reconciliation exists that involves the given job.

Since a job invoice on account may have some draft reconciliation that goes to a job that has been removed from the job collection, you will receive a warning if you try to set a larger amount for reconciliation directly on the invoice.

Available for Reduction This field shows the sum of previously on-account-invoiced amounts less any amount already used for reducing invoice entries. Thus, this field represents the amount available for further on-account reduction.
On Account Reduction In this field, you can enter the maximum amount by which the “Net Invoiced On Account” can be reduced at the next normal invoicing or crediting. This value must be positive for invoicing or negative for crediting. Maconomy seeks to arrive at the reduction by going through any non-reconciled invoices and credit memos on account for the job. If the amount in this field is positive, Maconomy seeks to reconcile on-account invoices; if the amount is negative, Maconomy seeks to reconcile on-account credit memos. Maconomy will not automatically reconcile both invoices and credit memos on account. To do this, see the window Job Invoices On Account, in which you can fully control the reconciliation of invoices and credit memos on account. Changes made in that window are reflected in this field.

If you have previously edited the amount for an account reduction in the window Job Invoices On Account, the changes will be canceled if you enter an amount directly in this field, and existing invoices on account or credit memos on account will be settled with the oldest first. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Invoices On Account.

If the current job is a fixed-price job, and the job is assigned the job parameter attribute “Allow Invoicing On Account Only” having the value “Yes,” this field cannot be changed, as invoices on account for such jobs are always reconciled when the job is closed.

If the current job is set up for split billing (that is, there is more than one bill-to customer on the job), you cannot change the on-account reduction in this window. However, you can do this in the windows Bill to Customer Distribution and Job Invoices On Account. For more information, please see the description of the window Bill to Customer Distribution and the window Job Invoices On Account.

Note: If the job has been set up to use invoice allocation, the amount for on-account reduction does not cover the invoices included in the fixed price. This is because these invoices are part of the invoice allocation.

Work in Progress Island

Field Description
WIP Available This field shows the WIP available for invoicing for time activities and amount activities as well as the total WIP.
WIP for Invoicing In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to invoice.

When you change the amount of WIP to invoice, Maconomy selects entries for invoicing, with the oldest entries first, to reach the specified amount.

Carry Forward In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to carry forward.
Billing Price In this field, you can change the billing price of the WIP to invoice.

When you change the billing price, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

A change in billing price is only applied to time-related activities.

Write-Up/Down In this field, you can enter the amount of WIP to write down.

When you change the amount for Write-Up/Down, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

A change in Write-Up/Down is only applied to time-related activities.

Realization Rate This field shows the realization rate. This is based on the Billing Price and the WIP for Invoicing fields for time. You can change the Realization Rate which will adjust the Billing Price and Write-Up/Down accordingly.

When you change the realization rate, Maconomy adjusts the hourly rate proportionately to the registered rate, so as to obtain the specified total billing price.

A change in Realization Rate is only applied to time-related activities.

Exclude Entries for Carry Forward If this field is selected, entries in the table part marked for carry forward will not be included in the billing adjustment when changing the WIP for Invoicing.

The field can only be marked simultaneously with a change in the WIP for Invoicing field.

Up/Down Island

Field Description
To Date These fields show the write-up/-down quantity and billing price of invoicing lines already invoiced. The “Quantity” column shows how many units have already been invoiced for the job. The “Billing Price” column shows how much has been invoiced for the job activity.
Selection These fields show the write-up/-down quantity and billing price resulting from invoicing the current invoice selection that has been transferred for invoicing in the table part.

Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity/amount and the invoiced quantity/amount. Write-ups are shown as positive figures, and write-downs as negative figures.

Other Drafts These fields show write-up/-down of draft invoices with the possible exception of recently created drafts.
Total These fields show the total write-up/-down quantity and billing price for the job after invoicing the current invoice selection that has been transferred for invoicing in the table part.

Write-up and write-down are the differences between the registered quantity/amount and the invoiced quantity/amount. Write-ups are shown as positive figures and write-downs as negative figures.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current job. You cannot change the value here.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

If the number in this field is different from the one specified in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany entries at the posting of job invoices. In the intercompany entries, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Payment Island

Field Description
Pmt. Terms These are the payment terms that apply to the invoices for this job. Payment terms are chosen in the window Job Information and cannot be changed here.
Blanket Invoice This field is marked if the invoices (or credit memos) made for the job are to be blanket invoiced (or credited). Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information, and you cannot change this field manually.

Blanket invoicing means that all non-invoiced but approved invoice selections are placed in one invoice when you print from one of the windows Job Invoicing or Blanket Invoicing Overview, and, provided the jobs involve the same company, department, bill-to customer, company tax code, currency code, and invoice currency code, and depending on whether they are taxed or not (check mark in the field Tax). If the layout rule selected for the job specifies main job invoicing, you can also include invoices on account or invoices that are to reconcile invoices on account in the blanket invoice. To blanket credit a customer, the same requirements apply. However, a credit memo selection will not be included in a blanket crediting if it was created from an invoice.

To blanket invoice or blanket credit jobs which are not part of a main job/subjob structure with main job invoicing, you must use the windows Job Invoicing or Job Crediting, respectively. For more information, please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules.

Note that if the system parameter “Blanket Invoicing per Main Job” is set to “Yes,” the jobs must be placed in a hierarchy to be blanket invoiced.

Tax This field shows whether the invoices are subject to tax. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Information and it cannot be changed here.
Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice. Maconomy retrieves the value from the window Job Price Information and it cannot be changed here.

Credit Memo Island

Field Description
From Invoice No. This field is used when you select the Invoice to Credit Note action.

Enter a job invoice number. Maconomy verifies whether the number is assigned to an existing job invoice associated with the current job. If the entered invoice number belongs to an invoice on account, the Restore Job Entries check box is automatically selected.

An invoice number cannot be entered in this field when corresponding to a pending or cancelled pre-invoice.

Type Choose to show invoice lines for T&M invoices or Invoice on Account for invoices on account.
Restore Job Entries This field is used when you select the action “Invoice to Credit Memo.” If you mark this field and select the action “Invoice to Credit Memo,” the job invoice specified in the field “From Invoice No.” will be reversed, returning the status of the job to the way it was before invoicing. If you specify a blanket invoice, only invoice lines regarding the current job are reversed. However, if the specified blanket invoice involves a main job/subjob hierarchy with main job invoicing and invoice selection from main job, the invoice lines from all jobs in the invoice will be reversed. For more information, see the description of the field “Includes Subjobs.”

If the invoice to be credited has reconciled job invoices on account and/or credit memos on account, these are reopened when crediting. If the field is not marked, job entries are created when the amount is credited.

This field is automatically marked if the invoice number in the field “From Invoice No.” belongs to an invoice on account, and the mark cannot be removed. In this case, crediting the invoice causes the specified invoice on account to be reopened. The reopened invoice can be seen in the window Job Invoices On Account.

When crediting an invoice which covers both T&M and on account, the field only affects the crediting of the T&M part of the invoice. This field has no effect when crediting an invoice on account.

Restore Pre-Invoices Select this check box when crediting a T&M invoice to reverse the cancellation of any pre-invoices that were cancelled on that invoice.

Note: The cancellation of a pre-invoice is reversed only if the most recent cancellation is due to the invoice being credited. For example, if a pre-invoice is cancelled by printing a T&M invoice, then the cancellation of the pre-invoice is manually reversed. If this pre-invoice is cancelled again by another T&M invoice, crediting the first T&M invoice will have no effect on the pre-invoice.

Reallocate Selected Entries Island

Field Description
To Job No. This field must be considered filled in before using the action Reallocate Selected Entries.
To Task This field must be considered filled in before using the action Reallocate Selected Entries.
To Entry Date This field must be considered filled in before using the action Reallocate Selected Entries.

Print Specification Island

Field Description
Invoice Layout In this pop-up field you can select an invoice layout rule to apply to the invoice selection. The layout selected for the current job in the Jobs window is used by default. For more information about invoice layout rules, please see the description of the window “Invoice Layout Rules.”

If the current job is a main job and has already been invoiced, you can only change the rule in this field if the selected rule has the same selections regarding invoicing subjobs as part of main jobs. This means the “Main Job Invoicing” and “Main Job Invoice Selection” fields must have the same value as the initially used invoice layout rule.

Task group information can be shown on the invoice layout if this has been selected in the Invoice Layout Rules window. For further information on task groups in invoice layouts, see the description of the “Level 1” field in the Invoice Layout Rules window.

Detailed Invoice Specification Use this field to select a detailed invoice specification.
Include Detailed Specification Select this box to include detailed specification in the invoice. You can select this box only if the job is set up to create a detailed invoice specification.

Job Collection Island

Field Description
Job Collection This field shows the description of the job collection for jobs included in a job collection. The field is also displayed in the Jobs and Blanket Invoice Overview windows.