Asset Drafts Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Asset Drafts tab.

Asset Draft Information Island

Field Description
Asset No. This field is mandatory if adjustment is to an existing fixed asset; otherwise it is left blank.
Asset Group If Asset Number is filled, Asset Group will be automatically filled in. If no Asset Number is given, Asset Group is mandatory.
Asset Sub-Group Use this field to enter an asset sub-group. This allows you to work with a sub-division of the traditional asset groups.
Number of Assets This field displays the number of assets in the draft.
Description This field displays a description of the assets.
Model This field displays the asset model.
Located This field displays the asset location.
Serial No. This field displays the asset serial number.
Internal Serial No. This field displays the asset internal serial number.

Financial Information Island

Field Description
Assessed Value This field displays the asset value.
Market Value This field displays the market value of the assets.
Lien This field specifies whether or not there are any lien’s on the assets.
Insured Value This field displays the insured value of the assets.
Policy No. This field displays the policy number.
Internal Markup This field displays the internal markup amount.
Internal Purchase Mark this field if this is an internal purchase.

Job Information Island

Field Description
Post Depreciation as Job Entry When depreciating an asset, if this value is set, a job entry is posted. When the asset draft is created it gets the value from the asset group. You can edit this field.
Job No. The asset that is created gets this job number if the asset transaction type is acquisition and no asset number is on the asset draft. This field is read-only.
Activity The asset that is created gets this activity if the asset transaction type is acquisition and no asset number is on the asset draft. This field is read-only.
Task Name The asset that is created gets this task if the asset transaction type is acquisition and no asset number is on the asset draft. This field is read-only.

Depreciation Information Island

Field Description
Manual Depreciation Mark this field if this is purchase uses manual depreciation.
Depreciation Method This field displays the depreciation method used.
Depreciation Period This field displays the depreciation period.

Technical Data Island

Field Description
Technical Data This field displays any technical data relating to the asset draft.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks This field displays any remarks relating to the asset draft.

Contact Island

Field Description
Responsible This field displays the name and employee number of the responsible person.
Employee This field displays the name and employee number of the employee.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name and number of the company.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field displays the value that you entered for the dimension Location.
Entity This field displays the value that you entered for the dimension Entity.
Project This field displays the value that you entered for the dimension Project.
Purpose This field displays the value that you entered for the dimension Purpose.
Spec. 1–10 This field displays the value that you entered for the dimensions Spec. 1–10.
Local Spec. 1–10 This field displays the value that you entered for the dimensions Local Spec. 1–10.

Acquisition Information Island

Field Description
Asset Transaction Type One of the following:
  • Acquisition
    • You will need to enter Asset Group; the other fields are filled in, but can be changed.
  • Improvement:
    • Asset Number is mandatory.
    • Quantity=1.

Only the fields that also occur in Asset Entries are editable, except Asset Group that follows the asset number.

Cost, Currency This field displays the acquisition price for the asset.
Cost, Base The field displays the acquisition price for the asset in base currency
Cost, Asset Base The field displays the acquisition price for the asset in the asset base currency.
Acquired Use this field to enter the date the asset was acquired. It is also the date the depreciation takes effect.
Acquisition Responsible This field displays the name of the person responsible for the asset acquisition.