Show Tax Specification Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Tax Specification Lines tab.

Tax Specification Line Island

Field Description
Tax Settlement Type This shows the type of account used. This field displays one of the types listed below. For a detailed description of each tax settlement type, please refer to the descriptions of the G/L Tax Codes, Tax Codes, and Tax Reporting Unit Selection workspaces.
  • Tax Receivable — The line shows tax amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for tax receivable in the G/L Tax Codes, Tax Codes, and Tax reporting Units workspaces.
  • Tax Payable — The line shows tax amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for tax payable in the G/L Tax Codes and Tax Codes workspaces.
  • EU Acquisition Tax — The line shows tax amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for acquisition tax in the G/L Tax Codes workspace.
  • Investment Tax — The line shows tax amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for acquisition tax in the G/L Tax Codes workspace.
  • Basis high investment Tax — The line shows amounts that form the basis for calculation of high investment tax. The line there for shows amounts registered on accounts used for investment tax basis in B/L tax codes in which the investment tax is zero. These accounts are referred to by the dimension combination specified for each C/L tax code.
  • Sales Tax — The line shows tax amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for sales tax in the Tax Codes workspace.
  • Tax — The line shows amounts registered on the account of a given tax type. The field “Tax Type” on the current line shows the relevant tax type. You can assign an account to a specific tax type in the Tax Reporting Units workspace by specifying a dimensions combination.
  • Ratio Tax — The line shows amounts registered on the accounts referred to by the dimension combination specified for the ratio tax in the G/L Tax Codes workspace.
Manual Tax Type If the value specified in the field “Tax Settlement Type” is “Tax,” this field shows which tax type has been selected. Tax types are created in the pop-up field “Tax Type” in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module and are assigned to G/L accounts in the Tax Reporting Units workspace.
Nature of Tax In this pop-up field, you can select a nature of tax as Taxable, Tax Exempt, or Export. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line will only be used if this tax nature matches the tax nature code from the tax code or the G/L tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.
Tax Type In this pop-up field, you can select a tax pop-up value. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line will only be used if this tax nature matches the tax nature code from the tax code or the G/L tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.
Company No. This is the company to which the tax was posted.
Posting Ref. This is the posting reference to which the tax was posted.
Description This is the description of the posting reference to which the tax was posted.
Debit basis, Reporting Currency This field shows the amount debited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in reporting currency.
Credit basis, Reporting Currency This field shows the amount credited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in reporting currency.
Debit Tax, Reporting Currency This field shows the amount debited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in reporting currency.
Credit Tax, Reporting Currency This field shows the amount credited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in reporting currency.
Debit Tax, Base This field shows the amount debited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in base currency.
Credit Tax, Base This field shows the amount credited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in base currency.
Debit basis, Base This field shows the amount debited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in base currency.
Credit basis, Base This field shows the amount credited on the basis entries of the tax entries covered by the current line in the specified period in base currency.