Subjobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subjobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Subjob This field shows the job number of the job that has been created as a subjob to the current main job. The link between main and subjobs can be established in the window Jobs. The value cannot be changed in this window.
Status This field shows the status of the subjob. The job can either be “On Order” or “On Quote.” The value cannot be changed in this window.
Job Group This field shows the name of the job group, to which the current subjob has been assigned. The value cannot be changed in this window.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer, to whom the current subjob has been assigned. The value cannot be changed in this window.
Name This field shows the name of the customer shown in the field “Cust. No.”
Currency This field shows the currency, which is valid for the current main job. The value cannot be changed in this window.
Allocation % In this field, you can specify the allocation percentage to be assigned to the subjob.

In the window Preferences in the Edit menu, you can specify the number of decimals to be shown in other number fields than amount fields, which always show 2 decimals. The number of decimals shown can be relevant when specifying precise allocation percentages.

However, you should note that if you have specified a percentage in this field on a subjob assigned to a main job which is a template job, and a new job is created on the basis of this template job, the lines copied to the new job will not contain any specification of percentages, but will show the value “0” even though an allocation percentage had been specified on the lines assigned to the template job.

Subjob Name This field displays the name of the current subjob.
Subjob Closed This field shows whether or not the current subjob has been closed.