Course Information Card Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to set up courses to run and set up a lesson plan with detailed information, such as time, duration, and trainer.

Use the Course Information Card tab to enter general information about the course, such as the time and place of the course, its purpose, the maximum number of participants, and the skills that participants acquire by participating in the course. You can also enter information about the job, activity, and task for which the course activities are entered. However, since no posting takes place in connection with courses, this job cost data is for information and reporting purposes only.

Use the Courses sub-tab to set up a detailed lesson plan, where each line represents a separate lesson with information about location, trainer, time, duration, contact information, and so on.

When you create a course, select a course type that contains template information for most of the fields in the Course Information Card tab. You can change this template information for the new course.

Maconomy automatically suggests the information from the Course Information Card tab in the corresponding fields of the lines that you create in the Courses sub-tab. Therefore, you can consider the information in the tab to be general course information that also functions as template information for the individual lessons.

Each lesson in the sub-tab is actually a sub-course that is assigned to the course that you entered in the Course Information Card tab. In Maconomy's database, information from both tabs and sub-tabs is stored in the same database table. However, Maconomy internally assigns a parent course number to each lesson (sub-course), enabling you to distinguish courses that represent parent courses from courses that represent lessons.

After you create a course, start inviting participants to the course and enter the people who enroll. If too many people want to enroll, you can maintain a waiting list. Enter participants in the Course Participants workspace.