Crediting Listing Workspace

Use this workspace to view a list of credit orders that are ready to be credited-that is, credit orders that have been approved, but have not yet been credited.

In the Crediting Listing tab you specify the target group of credit orders, customers, and departments. The Credit Orders sub-tab displays the credit orders that are ready to be credited.

When you open this workspace, the Credit Orders sub-tab displays all of the uncredited credit orders. If you limit the target group in the Crediting Listing tab, the sub-tab displays only the target group credit orders. Credit orders that you approved after you open this workspace are not displayed here; however, Maconomy includes them in the crediting if you select the Batch Credit field in the Credit Orders workspace.

When you credit a credit order, Maconomy automatically creates a warehouse receipt based on the items that your customer is returning.

In the Credit Orders workspace, you can create and print a credit memo immediately after you create a credit order, using the Print Credit Memo action. This enables you to give quick service, if the customer returns the items personally and requires a credit memo.

If you create many credit orders daily, it is convenient to credit all of them in one operation, once a day. Use the Print Credit Memo workspace to do this. Before you start a batch crediting, it is useful to go through the credit orders to make sure that you do not credit any by mistake. You do that in this workspace, where you can select the credit orders to credit in the Print Credit Memo workspace.