
Complete the required fields to run the Balance Sheet report.

Prompt Message



Select a company for the report.

Financial Statement Code

Select a financial statement code.

Fiscal year

Select the fiscal year for the report.


Select the period.

If adjustment periods are available for the selected fiscal year, they are displayed in the Period field options, including the adjustment period type, which can be either Interim or Final.

For example:

  • Interim adjustment period 13 will display as 13 Adj Pd – Interim.

  • Final adjustment period 14 will display as Adj Pd – Final.

Primary Group

Select the primary group to sort with:

  • Company

  • Organization

  • Reorganization

Limit organizations / Limit reorganizations

When Organization or Reorganization is selected in the Primary Group prompt, you can choose the organizations or reorganizations for the report. Leave this field blank if you want to include all organizations or reorganizations in the report.

In the Keywords field, enter a portion of an organization or reorganization name or ID and click Search.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Organization level / Reorganization level

Select a level for the report.

Column(s) to display

Select the columns to display in the report:

  • Actual Amount

  • Prior Year Amount

  • Prior Year Variance

  • Budget Amount

  • Budget Variance

Account Information

Select to Show or Hide the account ID and name.