Manage NAICS Codes

Use this screen to enter and maintain North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes that can be assigned to an opportunity, contract, or subcontract.

If you have multiple companies, you can set up and maintain NAICS codes on this screen in any company and use them across all companies. The code, however, must be unique in a single Costpoint database.

NAICS codes are government-designed codes used to identify the industry in which a company operates. These are updated once every five years to reflect the changes in the North American economy. The latest updates were released in 2022 (see 2022 NAICS Code Changes).

If you are in Costpoint 8.2.4 or higher, you can import a file into this screen and add new NAICS codes to your Costpoint database. This file contains codes from the Table of Size Standards ( with effectivity date of March 17, 2023. Instructions are detailed in the following article:

KB Article 114385

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Capture & Contracts.