Detail Subtask

Use this subtask to review and modify the individual transaction lines that comprise each bill line.

You cannot modify transaction lines unless the Allow User to Edit Bills check box is selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Any modifications made in this subtask are reflected in the summary amount of the bill line on the main screen.

Table Window

Use this table window to view or modify details for individual transaction lines.

If you are not licensed for multicurrency, the functional currency amount fields are editable, while billing currency amount fields are non-editable and not shown.

If you are licensed for multicurrency, these conditions apply:

  • If the billing currency is the same as the functional currency, functional currency amounts are editable.
  • If the billing currency is not the same as the functional currency and there are no values on the Hold Amount and Write Off Amount fields, only the billing currency amounts are editable.
  • If the billing currency is not the same as the functional currency, there are values on the Hold Amount and Write Off Amount fields, the billing currency is the same as the transactional currency, and the Use Transactional Currency Billing check box is selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, the billing on hold and write off amounts are editable and are saved to MU_TRN_HOLD_AMT and MU_TRN_WRITEOF_AMT, respectively. Functional currency amounts, on the other hand, are non-editable.
  • If the billing currency is not the same as the functional currency, there are values on the Hold Amount and Write Off Amount fields, and the billing currency is different from the transactional currency, the functional on hold and write off amounts are editable, while billing currency amounts are disabled. This applies whether the Use Transactional Currency Billing check box is selected or not.

Cost Detail

The following detail fields are used only by the Cost line type.

Field Description

This field displays the project to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the account to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the organization to which the transaction was posted.

Pool Number

This field displays the pool number that is burdening the transaction. This field is applicable only to bill lines that contain pool costs.


This field describes the type of transaction. Possible types are C (Cost), F (Fee), B (Burden), COM (Cost of Money), R (Retainage), OF (Over Fee Ceiling), OT (Over Total Ceiling), DOL (Labor Discount), or DNL (Non-Labor Discount). Depending on the transaction type, certain other fields on this screen may not contain data.

Sales Tax

This field displays the sales tax code for this transaction. You can maintain tax codes in the System Administration menu.

Sales Tax Amount

This field is the result of multiplying the sales tax percent for the selected sales tax code times the Amount to Bill or Billing Currency Amount to Bill. You can modify this amount to adjust for rounding amounts in tax calculation in both your company's functional currency and this invoice's billing currency.

Billing Currency Sales Tax Amount

This field is the result of multiplying the sales tax percent for the selected sales tax code times the Amount to Bill or Billing Currency Amount to Bill. You can modify this amount to adjust for rounding amounts in tax calculation in both your company's functional currency and this invoice's billing currency.

Amount To Bill

This field displays the amount of the transaction that is billed. This field can be modified.

Billing Currency Amount to Bill

This field displays the amount, in billing currency, of the transaction that is billed. This field can be modified.

Hold Amount

This field displays, in your functional currency, the amount, of cost of the Amount To Bill that you would like to place on hold and exclude from the bill. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Changing this field automatically modifies the Amount To Bill.

The transactions placed on hold retain that status, and appear in the Amount on Hold field until they are manually modified on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen. If a transaction is partially placed on hold and then subsequently billed, note that the transaction appears more than once on the supporting schedules; once for each portion that has been billed.

Billing Currency Hold Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount of cost of the Amount To Bill that you would like to place on hold and exclude from the bill. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Modifying this field automatically modifies the Amount To Bill.

The transactions placed on hold retain that status, and appear in the Amount on Hold field until they are manually modified on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen. If a transaction is partially placed on hold and then subsequently billed, note that the transaction appears more than once on the supporting schedules; once for each portion that has been billed.

Write Off Amount

This field displays, in your functional currency, the cost that has been previously placed on hold and that has now been determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring them from Hold to Write Off, you can ensure that the transactions do not appear on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Modifying this field automatically modifies the Amount To Bill.

Billing Currency Write Off Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that has been previously placed on hold and which has now been determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring them from Hold to Write Off, you can ensure that the transactions do not appear on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Modifying this field automatically modifies the Amount To Bill.

Previously Billed Amount

This field displays the billing history amount for previously billed transactions in your company's functional currency. Previously billed amounts are summarized on a separate line.

Billing Currency Previously Billed Amount

This field displays the billing history amount for previously billed transactions in the invoice's billing currency. Previously billed amounts are summarized on a separate line.

Ceiling Amount

This field is not currently used.

Retainage/Withhold/Release Amt
  • If the Group Description is Retainage, this field displays the retainage amount in the functional currency. Retainage amounts cannot be held or written off, but can be modified in this column. Modifying the retainage amount does not affect the Amount To Bill.
  • If the Group Description is Withholding, this field displays the withholding amount in the functional currency.
  • If the Group Description is Withholding Release, this field displays the withholding release amount in the functional currency.
Billing Currency Retainage/Withhold/Release Amt
  • If the Group Description is Retainage, this field displays the retainage amount in the billing currency. Retainage amounts cannot be held or written off, but can be modified in this column. Modifying the retainage amount does not affect the Amount To Bill.
  • If the Group Description is Withholding, this field displays the withholding amount in the billing currency.
  • If the Group Description is Withholding Release, this field displays the withholding release amount in the billing currency.
Over Total Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the amount that caused the total project ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Over Total Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount that caused the total project ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Over Fee Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the fee that caused the total fee ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Over Fee Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the fee that caused the total fee ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Over Cost Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the cost that caused the total cost ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Over Cost Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that caused the total cost ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Discount Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.


This field describes the source of the transaction. If the transaction is an auditable record, meaning that it was added to Open Billing Detail by a system posting process, the source is System. If you entered the transaction manually on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen, which means it cannot be traced back to the General Ledger, the source is User.


This field displays the description of the transaction as it was entered.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the period to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the subperiod to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the journal that was used to enter and post the transaction.

ID Type

This field displays the ID type for labor transactions. The ID type can be Employee, Vendor, Vendor Employee, or None.


This field displays the employee, vendor, or vendor employee ID for those transactions with an ID Type other than None.


This field displays the full employee, vendor, or vendor employee name for the selected ID.

A/P Voucher Number

This field displays the voucher number if the transaction was entered in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

A/P Invoice Number

This field displays the invoice number if the transaction was entered in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

Pool Rate

For transactions with a type of B (Burden), this field displays the applicable pool rate as a real number. For example, an amount of $1.50 for an hours-based pool displays as "1.5000," and a rate of 13% for a cost-based pool displays as "0.130000."

JE Number

This field displays the journal entry number if the transaction was entered via journal entry.

Cash Receipt Number

This field displays the cash receipt number if a cash receipt has been entered.

Reason For Hold Amount

Use this field to record the reason any amounts have been placed on hold.

Reason For Write Off

Use this field to record the reason any amounts have been written off.

Ref 1

This is the reference number 1 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Ref 2

This is the reference number 2 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Bill Edit Key

This exposed field is used by Costpoint web services to connect a third-party application to your Costpoint Billing tables.

Line Description Detail

Use this field to enter detailed descriptions for scheduled bill items. It supports up to 640 alphanumeric characters, allowing for more comprehensive item descriptions. Given its substantial size, it is initially positioned at the end of the existing columns. However, you can adjust its position and save your layout preferences.

Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.
Reference Project ID

This reference-only field is not printed on the invoice but is stored on the relevant database tables. It acts as a tracker, linking items to their respective funding levels for reporting purposes.

Enter only valid and existing Project IDs in this field.

Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.

Hours Detail

The following detail fields are used only by the Hours line type.

Field Description

This field displays the project to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the account to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the organization to which the transaction was posted.

Amount To Bill

This field displays the amount of the transaction that is billed. This field is the result of multiplying the Hours To Bill field by the Billing Rate field. You cannot modify this field; you can modify this field only by modifying one of the two fields used to calculate the Amount To Bill.

Billing Currency Amount to Bill

This field displays the amount, in billing currency, of the transaction that is billed. This field is the result of multiplying the Hours To Bill field by the Billing Currency Billing Rate field. You cannot modify this field; you can modify this field only by modifying one of the two fields used to calculate the Amount To Bill.

Billing Currency Write Off Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that has been previously placed on hold and which has now been determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring amounts from Hold to Write Off, you can ensure that the transactions do not display on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be edited via the Amount To Bill field. Changing this field automatically changes the Amount To Bill field.

Previously Billed Amount

This non-editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the billing history amount for previously billed transactions. Previously billed amounts are summarized on a separate line.

Billing Currency Previously Billed Amount

This non-editable field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the billing history amount for previously billed transactions. Previously billed amounts are summarized on a separate line.

Billing Currency Retainage Amount

This field displays the retainage amount of the bill in the invoice's billing currency. Retainage amounts cannot be held or written off, but can be edited in this field. Changing the retainage amount does not affect the Amount To Bill, and affects only the total amount due.

If you are billing for retainage, make this field negative for the amount of the retainage that you want to bill.  The total amount due is then adjusted by the amount entered.

Billing Currency Over Total Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount that caused the total project ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and the total amount due for the bill is increased by that amount.

Billing Currency Over Fee Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount that caused the total project fee ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the fee ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and this amount is included in the total amount due for the invoice.

Billing Currency Over Cost Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that caused the total cost ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the cost ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and this amount is included in the total amount due for the invoice.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Discount Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.


This field displays the source of the transaction. If the transaction is an auditable record, meaning that it was added to Open Billing Detail by a system posting process, the source is System. If you entered the transaction manually on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen, which means it cannot be traced back to the General Ledger, the source is User.


This field displays the description of the transaction as it was entered.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the period to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the subperiod to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the journal that was used to enter and post the transaction.

ID Type

This field displays the ID type, either Employee, Vendor, Vendor Employee, or None, for labor transactions.


This field displays the employee, vendor or vendor employee ID for those transactions with an ID Type other than None.


This field displays the full employee, vendor, or vendor employee name.

A/P Voucher Number

This field displays the voucher number if the transaction was entered in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

A/P Invoice Number

This field displays the A/P invoice number if the transaction was entered in Costpoint Accounts Payable.

JE Number

This field displays the journal entry number if the transaction was entered via journal entry.

Cash Receipt Number

This field displays the cash receipt number if a cash receipt has been entered.

Reason For Hold Amount

Use this field to record a reason for any amounts that have been placed on hold.

Reason For Write Off

Use this field to record a reason for any amounts that have been written off.

Ref 1

This is the reference number 1 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Ref 2

This is the reference number 2 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.


This field displays the PLC (Project Labor Category) of the transaction.

PLC Description

This field displays the description of the PLC.

Hours To Bill

This editable field displays the number of hours that are billed for this transaction.

Billing Rate

This editable field displays, in your company's functional currency, the rate that is multiplied by the Hours To Bill to arrive at the Amount To Bill.

Bill Rate Type

This field displays the rate type for those billing rates that include loaded labor in their formulas. This field displays either A (Actual), B (Billing), C (Ceiling), S (Standard), or None, and is defined on the Labor tab of the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.

Hold Hrs

This field displays the amount of hours of the Amount To Bill that you would like to place on hold and exclude from the bill. Changing this field modifies the Hours To Bill, which, in turn, modifies the Amount To Bill.

The transactions placed on hold retain that status, and appear in the Hours on Hold field on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen until you manually modify them. If a transaction is partially placed on hold and then subsequently billed, note that the transaction appears more than once on the supporting schedules; once for each portion that has been billed.

Write Off Hrs

This field displays the hours that have been previously placed on hold and that have now been determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring them from Hold to Write Off, you ensure that the transactions do not appear on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be modified via the Amt To Bill field. Modifying this field modifies the Hours To Bill, which, in turn, modifies the Amount To Bill.

Hours Previously  Billed

This non-editable field displays the billing history hours for previously billed transactions. Hours previously billed are summarized on a separate line.

Ceiling Hrs

This field is not currently used.


This is the General Labor Category (GLC) assigned to the employee on this transaction.

GLC Description

This is the description of the GLC assigned to the employee on this transaction.

Timesheet Date

This field displays the timesheet date of the transaction.

Usage Date

This non-editable field displays the usage date used for transactions that were entered on the Manage Unit Usage screen.

Billing Currency Billing Rate

This editable field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the rate that is multiplied by the Hours To Bill to arrive at the Amount To Bill.

Bill Edit Key

This exposed field is used by Costpoint web services to connect a third-party application to your Costpoint Billing tables.

Units Detail

The following detail fields are used only by the Units line type.

Field Description

This field displays the project to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the account to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the organization to which the transaction was posted.

Sales Tax

This field displays the sales tax code for this transaction.

Sales Tax Amount

This field is the result, in your functional currency, of multiplying the sales tax percent for the selected sales tax code times the Unit Price times the Quantity.

Amount To Bill

This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the amount of the transaction that is billed. This field is the result of multiplying the Units To Bill field by the Unit Price field. You cannot modify this field; you can modify this field only by modifying one of the two fields used to calculate the Amount To Bill.

Billing Currency Amount to Bill

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount of the transaction that is billed. This field is the result of multiplying the Units To Bill field by the Billing Crncy Unit Price field. You cannot modify this field; you can modify this field only by modifying one of the two fields used to calculate the Billing Currency Amount To Bill.

Billing Currency Write Off Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that was previously placed on hold and which is now determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring amounts from Hold to Write Off, you can ensure that the transactions do not display on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written-off, but can be edited via the Amount To Bill field. Changing this field automatically changes the Amount To Bill field.

Previously Billed Amount

This field displays, in your functional currency, the billing history amount for previously billed transactions.

Billing Currency Previously Billed Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the billing history amount for previously billed transactions.

Billing Currency Retainage Amount

This field displays the retainage amount of the bill in the invoice's billing currency. Retainage amounts cannot be held or written off, but can be edited in this field. Changing the retainage amount does not affect the Amount To Bill, and affects only the total amount due.

If you are billing for retainage, make this field negative for the amount of the retainage that you want to bill. The total amount due is then adjusted by the amount entered.

Billing Currency Over Total Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount that caused the total project ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and the total amount due for the bill is increased by that amount.

Billing Currency Over Fee Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the amount that caused the total project fee ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the fee ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and this amount is included in the total amount due for the invoice.

Billing Currency Over Cost Ceiling Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the cost that caused the total cost ceiling to be exceeded. This amount is excluded from the bill.

If the cost ceiling is increased, you can enter a negative amount in this field and this amount is included in the total amount due for the invoice.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.

Billing Currency Discount Amount

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the discount amount applied to the bill. This amount is excluded from the bill.


This field describes the source of the transaction. If the transaction is an auditable record, meaning that it was added to Open Billing Detail by a system posting process, the source is System. If you entered the transaction manually on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen, which means it cannot be traced back to the General Ledger, the source is User.

Previously billed amounts are summarized on a separate line.


This field displays the description of the transaction as it was entered.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the period to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the subperiod to which the transaction was posted.


This field displays the journal that was used to enter and post the transaction.

Cash Receipt Number

This field displays the cash receipt number if a cash receipt has been entered.

Reason For Hold Amount

Use this field to record the reason for any amounts that have been placed on hold.

Reason For Write Off

Use this field to record the reason for any amounts that have been written off.

Ref 1

This is the reference number 1 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.

Ref 2

This is the reference number 2 to which the transaction was posted, if applicable.


Use this field to enter comments about this transaction line.

Units To Bill

This field displays the number of units that are billed. This field can be modified.

Unit Price

This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the unit price that is multiplied by the Units To Bill to arrive at the Amount To Bill for this transaction. This field can be modified.


This field displays the catalog assigned to this transaction.

Item No

This field displays the item number on this transaction.

Item Revision Number

This field displays the revision number of the item.

Item Description

This field displays the description of the item on this transaction.

Billing Crncy Unit Price

This field displays, in the invoice's billing currency, the unit price that is multiplied by the Units To Bill to arrive at the Billing Currency Amount to Bill for this transaction. This field can be modified.

Hold Units

This field displays the amount of units of the Amount To Bill that you would like to place on hold and exclude from the bill. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Modifying this field modifies the Units To Bill, which, in turn, modifies the Amount To Bill.

The transactions placed on hold retain that status, and appear in the Units on Hold field until on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen until you manually modify them. If a transaction is partially placed on hold and then subsequently billed, note that the transaction appears more than once on the supporting schedules; once for each portion that has been billed.

Write Off Units

This field is used for the units that have been previously placed on hold and which have now been determined to be unbillable at any time. By transferring them from Hold to Write Off, you ensure that the transactions do not appear on any subsequent bills. Rows that contain burden or fee cannot be held or written off, but can be modified via the Amount To Bill field. Modifying this field modifies the Units To Bill, which modifies the Amount To Bill.

Unit Previously Billed

This field displays the billing history units for previously billed transactions. Units previously billed are summarized on a separate line.

Usage Date

This field displays the units usage date of the transaction.

Unit Ceiling

This field is not currently used.


This field displays the CLIN assigned to this transaction.

Long Item Description

This field contains the long item description for this transaction.

Bill Edit Key

This exposed field is used by Costpoint web services to connect a third party application to your Costpoint Billing tables.


After you have made your modifications to the Detail subtask, click this button to recalculate the bill. This process modifies the Amount Due fields. Note that changing any of the direct amounts on this screen do not automatically modify the burden or fee amounts. You must modify these fields manually in this screen. The optimum method of modifying bills is to make your modifications on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen before calculating bills. This ensures that all calculations are performed.


Subtask Description
Customs Info Click this link to record customs and excise information for the customer invoice.