Update Beginning Bank Statement Balances

Use Update Beginning Bank Statement Balances to update the data in the Statement and Timing Info table on the Manage Bank Statement Information screen using existing Costpoint data.

This is an alternative to manually entering bank statement information or uploading from a file using the Manage Bank Statement Information screen.

Warning: Use extreme caution and with guidance from Deltek Support Services personnel before you update beginning bank statement balances. You can run this process at any time because there are no system restrictions for its use. To avoid unexpected results, however, make sure that you first read the specific documentation regarding timing and other issues and obtain guidance from Deltek Support Services personnel.

When you run this process, it rolls forward bank account balance information based on one of two options.

  • The first option sums the cleared posted transactions and adjustments in the period.
  • The second option sums the bank statement detail from the period selected.

The updating process can be used to compute and update bank statement information for a single bank or a range of banks.

When you update beginning bank statement balances, a row is inserted for the selected Fiscal Period To Be Updated fields.