Microsoft Teams Integration

Costpoint 8.2 can now be integrated with Microsoft (MS) Teams.


Use MS Teams to receive a variety of notifications, just as you would with email, device notifications, and SMS. You can combine it with other notification methods in the Configure System Settings and Configure User Preferences screens, using default and override options for specific message categories. This means you can customize the types of notifications you receive through MS Teams, ensuring that you only get the information that is relevant to you.

Interactive Messages

The same interactive cards available in version 8.2 for approval workflows, timesheet entry, and signing are now supported in MS Teams. You can save time by using the Dela integration and invoking these cards directly from Teams. For example, you can enter your timesheets through MS Teams on your phone. The integration allows you to use various commands to interact with Costpoint. For instance, if you need assistance with your timesheet, you can use the following commands or their variations, and Ask Dela will understand and assist you with your request:

  • "Sign timesheet"
  • "Enter time" or "I want to enter my timesheet"
  • "Show my timesheet"
  • "Show my approval tasks"

The Costpoint MS Teams App

The Costpoint MS Teams app seamlessly integrates with Ask Dela, powered by Deltek Dela - a suite of advanced AI technologies within Deltek's software solutions. You can ask questions in MS Teams and receive the same responses as you would from the Ask Dela digital assistant in Costpoint. This functionality extends to inquiries about projects, people, parts, vouchers, and more. Essentially, any questions that work with Ask Dela inside the Costpoint UI will also work with the Costpoint MS Teams app.

However, if you prefer to use MS Teams solely as a notification channel and want to restrict the use of Dela to the Costpoint UI, you can select the Disable Dela for MS Team Integration setting on the Dela tab in Configure System Settings. This setting allows you to disable AI interactions with Costpoint while still using MS Teams for notifications.