Exchange Rates Subtask

Use this subtask of the Approve PO Invoices screen to view exchange rate information for the PO invoice.

All fields on this subtask are non-editable.


Field Description
Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code for the purchase order associated with the PO invoice. The transaction description displays in the adjacent field.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group code. The rate group allows you to compare one currency to another. The rate group description displays in the adjacent field.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Field Description
Rate Date

This field displays the exchange rate date.


This field displays the rate amount.

Trans to Func

This field displays the transaction to functional exchange rate if you calculate the exchange rate for a non-Euro currency.

In this circumstance, this field is labeled Trans to Func.

Costpoint determines this rate using the parameters you established for records on the Multicurrency screens.


If you track non-Euro exchange rates by date, this field displays a value that defaults from the Rate Amount field in the Exchange Rates by Date screen.

If you track non-Euro exchange rates by period, this field displays a value that defaults from the Period-Average Rate field of the Exchange Rates by Period screen.

Whether you track non-Euro currency exchange rates by date or period, the rate amount is retrieved based on the validity of the data in the Transaction, Rate Group, and Rate Date fields.

The value displayed in the Trans to Func field is always the same as the value displayed in the Rate field.

Since the value in the Rate field is non-editable, you can use the Trans to Func field to indirectly change the value in the Rate field.

For example, the Rate and Trans to Func fields might display .6000000, based on the U.S. Dollar (USD) to Japanese Yen (JPY) exchange rates. If the exchange rate changed to .8500000, you could manually modify the data in the Trans to Func field to reflect this new rate.

Updating the value in the Trans to Func field updates the value in the Rate field with the equivalent amount.

If you calculate the exchange rate associated with a Euro currency, Costpoint calculates the value in this field by dividing 1 by the value in the Euro-to-Currency Exchange Rate field of the Manage Currency Status screen. This field is labeled Trans to Euro. In this case, the currency displayed on the Manage Currency Status record must be consistent with the Euro currency on this screen.


This field displays 1.0000000.

If you convert a non-Euro currency, this field is labeled N/A.

If you convert a Euro currency, this field is labeled Euro to Func.

The value defaults based on the validity of the data in the Transaction Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date fields.

Find Rates

This button is disabled on this subtask.

Freeze Rate

This check box is disabled on this subtask.


This button is disabled on this subtask.