Deductions Subtask

Use this subtask to establish the employee's voluntary deductions and the parameters controlling those deductions.

You must first establish the deductions on the Manage Deductions screen. You can assign an unlimited number of deductions to an employee.

Table Window

Field Description

Click on the toolbar. Then enter, or click to select, the code for the deduction. This field is required. When you tab out of this field, the defaults from the Manage Deductions screen display on the line. You can edit any of these fields except the Description field. Entries you make on this line override the defaults on the Manage Deductions screen.


Deleting a bond deduction makes the employee's Bond table inactive when the Employee Bond Table is updated.

Deduction Description

This non-editable field displays the description from the Manage Deductions screen.


From the drop-down list, select the method to be used for this deduction. Valid options are:

  • ADDGRS: Add to Gross. Use this method for deductions such as Excess Life Insurance, relocation, or car allowance, where the deduction amount is added to gross salary. Costpoint adds the amount to the gross salary strictly for the Earnings Table. It is not considered part of the payroll variance when the Payroll Journal is posted (the amount added to gross and the deduction amount are not posted when this method is chosen).
  • FIXAMT: Fixed Amount. Use this method when a specific amount of money is deducted each pay period (for example, an employee loan payback).
  • GHRSPD: A per-hour amount based on hours paid. This method multiplies the rate entered in the EMPL_DED table by the gross hours worked. Gross Hours Worked in this case is defined as pay type hours times pay type factor.
  • GRSHRF: Gross Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on total hours worked for the period. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction amount.
  • GRSHRP: Gross Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on total hours worked for the period. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction percentage.
  • NO DED: No Deduction. This method "turns off" a deduction. Use it to disable a deduction for this employee.
  • PCTANN: Percentage of Annual Salary. This method multiplies the Rate by the employee's annual salary amount to calculate the deduction amount.
  • PCTCOD: Percent of Court Order. This method is used only when the Deduction Type (on the Manage Deductions screen) is set to Admin. Fee Court Orders. This method uses the percentage entered for administrative fees. If you entered a percentage other than 0.0% in the Percentage Override field on the Calculation Criteria subtask of the Employee Government Mandated Orders screen, you cannot override the percentage in the Rate field on this screen.
  • PCTDPI: Percent of Disposable Income. This method is used for garnishments or tax levies to determine the portion of wages that are allocated to the courts.
  • PCTGRS: Percentage of Gross Wages. This method multiplies the Rate % by the total wages for the pay period. The total wages will not exclude any deduction types.
  • PCTREG: Percentage of Regular Wages. This method multiplies the Rate % by the total of all non-overtime pay type wages for the pay period.
  • PCTGRQ: Percent of Gross Wages excluding any 457 plan deductions and non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) deductions. This method multiplies the Rate % by the total wages for the pay period.

  • REGHRF: Regular Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on all hours not designated as overtime hours. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all non-overtime hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction amount.
  • REGHRP: Regular Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on all hours not designated as overtime hours. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all non-overtime hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction percentage.

Enter the deduction percentage, using up to four decimal places, or the deduction amount, depending on the Method selected. This is a required field.


Enter a calendar-year limit for the deduction amount or the balance if this deduction's Ceiling Method is One-Time on the Manage Deductions screen. If you do not enter a limit, the deduction is considered unlimited.

For Payroll Year ceiling methods, Costpoint checks this amount each time it computes deductions on the Compute Payroll program to ensure that the limit is not exceeded for the calendar year.


If you select the Deduction Priority check box on the Configure Payroll Settings screen, you must enter a value between 1 and 99 in this field to establish priorities when deductions are taken on a company-wide basis in computing payroll. One (1) represents the highest priority and 99 represents the lowest priority. When you enter a new deduction, 99 displays by default. You can change the value for each employee.

Start Date

Enter, or click to select, a date for the deduction to start. This date is normally the pay period start date. If the start date is later than the pay period end date, the deduction starts in the following pay period. Leave this field blank to indicate that the deduction should start immediately.

Through Date

Enter, or click to select, a date through which the deduction must be used. This date is normally the pay period end date. Leave this field blank to indicate that this deduction should continue indefinitely.

End Coverage Date

This database-only informational field displays the end date related to the deduction, such as an insurance coverage end date.