
Select prompts to filter data for the Customer Return report.





Select a company for the report.


In the Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more RMA IDs to add to the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Limit customer(s)

In the Keywords (ID+Name) field, enter a portion of one or more customer names or IDs to add to the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Limit part/rev(s)

In the Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more parts/revisions to add to the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Limit project(s)

In the Keywords field, enter a portion or the entire ID of one or more projects to add to the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Expiration date In the From field, enter the beginning value for the active date range. In the To field, enter the end value for the date range.

You can opt to select the Earliest date or the Latest date possible for the date range.

Status Select the customer return statuses to include in the report.