Import CSSR Budgets Input File Layout

Below is the input file layout for the Import CSSR Budgets screen.

Numbers should be right-justified, alphas (like PROJ_ID and FY_CD) should be left-justified, and any remaining unfilled positions must contain spaces.

Note: The input file layout may contain fields that are available only in Costpoint Advanced. If you are using Costpoint Essentials, these fields are excluded from the import process and may be left blank or null when you create the input file.

CSSR Budgets Input File (PROJ_CSSR_BUD)

Column No Column Name Costpoint Field Name Data Type Data Length "R" (Required) / "O" (Optional) / "D" (Derived) Position
1 PROJ_ID Project Character 30 R 1-30
2 FY_CD Fiscal Year Character 6 R 31-36
3 PD_NO Period Number Number 2 R 37-38
4 SUB_PD_NO Subperiod Number Number 2 R 39-40
5 SCHEDULED_AMT Scheduled Amount Decimal 14 R 41-54
6 PERFORMED_AMT Performed Amount Decimal 14 R 55-68
7 SCHEDULED_COM_AMT Scheduled Cost Of Money Amount Decimal 14 O 69-82
8 PERFORMED_COM_AMT Performed Cost Of Money Amount Decimal 14 O 83-96
9 SCHEDULED_GA_AMT Scheduled G&A Amount Decimal 14 O 97-110
10 PERFORMED_GA_AMT Performed G&A Amount Decimal 14 O 111-124