Error Messages

This section contains the error messages you may encounter when importing project data into Costpoint.

Table Name Costpoint  Screen Name Column Name Costpoint  Field Name Error Message(s) Error Message Help
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow USER_ID User ID is required Make sure that a user ID exists in the input file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow USER_ID User ID is invalid Make sure that the user ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow DFLT_PROJ_ID Project ID is invalid Make sure that the project ID exists on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Invalid Project ID, no further validation Make sure that the project ID is in acceptable format.  The project ID should consist of whole numbers and/or letters separated by a period. Symbols and spaces are not allowed.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Top Level Project Length is Invalid Make sure that the length of the top-level project is equal to the segment length defined for level one on the Project Segment Lengths tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Project Structure is Invalid Make sure that the project levels have consistent segment lengths. For example, a project has a top level identified as "1000," the first second level is identified as "1000.001," and the next second level project is identified as "1000.02." This is invalid because the second level of the project must be equal in length.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Parent project does not exist Make sure that all parent projects exist.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Project ID is required Make sure that the project ID exists in the input file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ID Project Project already exists Make sure that the project ID does not already exist on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_TYPE_DC Project Type Project Type is required If there is no default project assigned, the Project Type must exist in the input file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_TYPE_DC Project Type Proj Type is invalid Make sure that the Project Type is set up on the Manage Project Types screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_NAME Name Project Name is required Make sure that the Project Name is in the input file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow BILL_PROJ_FL Billable Project Billable Flag is invalid. Make sure that the Billable Flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ORG_ID Owning Organization Owning Organization is required The Owning Organization must exist in the input file if a default project is not assigned to the project.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ORG_ID Owning Organization Owning Organization is invalid Make sure that the Owning Organization is set up on the Manage Organization Structures screen and the Manage Organization Elements screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_F_CST_RBA_CD Funding Info, Cost Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Funded Cost Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_F_FEE_RBA_CD Funding Info, Fee Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Funded Fee Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_F_TOT_RBA_CD Funding Info, Total Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Funded Total Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_V_CST_RBA_CD Value Info, Cost Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Contract Value Cost Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_V_FEE_RBA_CD Value Info, Fee Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Contract Value Fee Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CEIL_V_TOT_RBA_CD Value Info, Total Ceiling Code Ceiling Code is invalid. Make sure that the Contract Value Total Ceiling Code is valid. Valid Ceiling Codes are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both Revenue and Billing), and N (None).
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow EMPL_ID Project Manager (ID) Project Manager is invalid Make sure that the Employee ID is set up on the Manage Employee Information screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CUST_ID Customer Customer is invalid. Make sure that the Customer is set up on the Manage Customers screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow S_PROJ_RPT_DC Project Classification Project Classification is required. If there is no default project assigned, the Project Classification must exist in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow S_PROJ_RPT_DC Project Classification Project Classification is invalid. Make sure that the Project Classification is valid. Valid classifications are BID & PROPOSAL, COMMON INV, DIRECT PROJECT, INDIRECT, INTER-CO MULTI, INTER-COMPANY, IR&D, and WORK IN PROCESS. These are predefined in Costpoint.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_WORK_FRC_FL Project Workforce Required Project Workforce Required Flag is invalid. Make sure that the Project Workforce Required Flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ACCT_GRP_CD Account Group Project Account Group is required If there is no default project assigned, the Project Account Group must exist in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ACCT_GRP_CD Account Group Project Account Group is invalid. Make sure that the Project Account Group is set up on the Manage Project Account Groups screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_ABBRV_CD Project Abbreviation Project Abbreviation is already used for another project Verify that the Project Abbreviation is unique. Also, it cannot be assigned to another project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ACTIVE_FL Active Active Flag is invalid Make sure that the Active Flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ACCT_GRP_FL Account Group — Allow Edit Account Group — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Account Group — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_RPT_DC_FL Project Classification — Allow Edit Project Classification — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Project Classification — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PROJ_TYPE_FL Project Type — Allow Edit Project Type — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Project Type — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ORG_ID_FL Owning Organization — Allow Edit Owning Organization — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Owning Organization — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow EMPL_ID_FL Project Manager — Allow Edit Project Manager — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Project Manager — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CUST_ID_FL Customer — Allow Edit Customer — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Customer — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow FUND_SRCE_FL Funding Source — Allow Edit Funding Source — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Funding Source — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PRIME_CONTR_FL Prime Contract No — Allow Edit Prime Contract No — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Prime Contract No — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow SUB_CONTR_FL Subcontractor No — Allow Edit Subcontractor No — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Subcontractor No — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PO_NO_FL Purchase Order No - Allow Edit Purchase Order No — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Purchase Order No — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow DMS_DPS_FL Purchasing Rating — Allow Edit DPAS Purchasing Rating — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the DPAS Purchasing Rating — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ICS_FL Incurred Cost Submission Code — Allow Edit Incurred Cost Submission Code — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Incurred Cost Submission Code — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CONTR_ST_MMDD_FL Contract Year — Allow Edit Contract Year — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Contract Year — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COM_FL Apply Cost of Money Rates — Allow Edit Apply Cost of Money Rates — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Apply Cost of Money Rates — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow CAS_FL CAS Covered CAS Covered is invalid Make sure that CAS Covered is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow EDIT_WORK_FRC_FL Project Workforce Required — Allow Edit Project Workforce Required — Allow Edit is invalid Make sure that the Project Workforce Required — Allow Edit flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow DFLT_ORG_ENTRY_FL Default to Owning Org Default to Owning Org Flag is invalid Make sure that the Default to Owning Org flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow DFLT_ORG_ENTRY_FL Default to Owning Org Must be N when Allow Charging is set to N. The default to Owning Org flag must be set to N if the Allow Charging Flag is set to N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow TOP_LVL_WRK_FRC_FL Use Top Level Workforce Use Top Level Workforce Flag is invalid Make sure that the Use Top Level Workforce flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow ALLOW_CHARGES_FL Allow Charging Allow Charging Flag is invalid Make sure that the Allow Charging flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_ORGS_FL Limit Orgs Limit Orgs Flag is invalid Make sure that the Limit Orgs flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_ORGS_FL Limit Orgs Limit Orgs Flag must be N when Validating by Orgs is turned off You cannot set this field to Y in the input file if the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box is cleared on the Project Settings screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_ORGS_FL Limit Orgs Must be N when Allow Charging is set to N. Limit Orgs must be set to N if the Allow Charging Flag is set to N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_ACCTS_FL Limit Accounts Limit Accounts Flag is invalid Make sure that the Limit Accounts flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_ACCTS_FL Limit Accounts Must be N when Allow Charging is set to N. Limit Accounts must be set to N if the Allow Charging Flag is set to N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_AO_FL Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts Limit which orgs can charge specific Accts Flag is invalid Make sure that the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_AO_FL Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts Limit which orgs can charge specific Accts Flag is invalid Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts Flag can be set to Y only if both the Limit Accounts Flag and the Limit Orgs Flag are set to N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LIMIT_AO_FL Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts Must be N when Allow Charging is set to N. Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accts must be set to N if the Allow Charging Flag is set to N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COM_APPLIC_FL Apply Cost of Money Rates Apply Cost of Money Rates flag is invalid Make sure that the Apply Cost of Money Rates Flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow PURGED_FL Purged Flag is invalid Make sure that the Purged Flag is Y or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow MAIL_STATE_DC State/Province State/Province is invalid. Make sure that the State/Province is set up on the Manage States and Provinces screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow POSTAL_CD Zip Code Postal Code is invalid. Make sure that the Postal Code is set up on the Manage Postal Codes screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COUNTRY_CD Country The Country Code is invalid Make sure that the Country Code is set up on the Manage States and Provinces screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COUNTRY_CD Country Country Code is Required Verify that a valid Country Code exists. A Country Code is required if a State Code is assigned.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COUNTRY_CD Country Country Code/State Code combination is invalid Verify that a valid Country Code/State Code combination exists in the Manage States and Provinces screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow LW_DOC_CD Lien Waiver Doc Code The Lien Waiver Document Code is invalid Make sure that the Waiver Doc Code is set up on the Manage Lien Waiver Document Names screen.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow TC_PROJ_FL Export Project Export Project Classification is required Export Project Classification must be T, E, B, or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow TC_PROJ_FL Export Project Export Project Flag must be ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘B’, or ‘N’ Make sure that the Export Project Flag is set to T, E, B, or N.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COBRA_WBS Cobra Mapping Value The Cobra Mapping Value exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed Make sure that the Cobra Mapping Value in the input file has no more than 59 characters.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COBRA_FL Cobra Project Flag The Cobra Project Flag must be 'Y' or 'N' Make sure that the Cobra Project Flag is set to Y or N in the input file.
PROJ Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow COBRA_FL Cobra Project Flag The Cobra Project Flag is required Verify that there is a value for the Cobra Project Flag in the input file. The value must be Y or N.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_END_DT Period of Performance End Date The End Date must be greater than the Start Date Verify that the End Date is after the Start Date.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_V_CST_AMT Value Modifications - Cost Contract Value Cost is required Verify that an amount exists for the Contract Value Cost.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_V_FEE_AMT Value Modifications - Fee % Contract Value Fee is required Verify that an amount exists for the Contract Value Fee.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_F_CST_AMT Funding Modifications - Cost Funded Value Cost is required Verify that an amount exists for the Funded Value Cost.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_F_FEE_AMT Funding Modifications - Fee % Funded Value Fee is required Verify that an amount exists for the Funded Value Fee.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications PROJ_MOD_ID ID Modification ID already exists for this project. Verify that a Modification ID does not already exist for this project on the Manage Modifications screen or elsewhere in the PROJ_MOD.CSV file.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications DELIV_UNITS_QTY Number of Units to Deliver Number of Units to Deliver is required Number of Units to Deliver is required. Enter zero if there are no units to deliver for this modification.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications EST_UNIT_CST_AMT Estimated Cost per Unit Estimated Cost per Unit is required Estimated Cost per Unit is required. Enter zero if there is no estimated cost per unit for this modification.
PROJ_MOD Enter Project Modifications UNIT_PRICE_AMT Price per Unit Price per Unit is required Price per Unit is required. Enter zero if there is no price per unit for this modification.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications UNIT_PRICE_AMT Price per Unit The Price per Unit cannot be negative Verify that the Price per Unit is a positive number.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications CLIN_ID CLIN CLIN ID is invalid. Verify that the CLIN ID is set up for this project on the Manage CLIN Information screen.
PROJ_MOD Manage Modifications EFFECT_DT Effective Date Effective Date is Required The Effective Date must exist in the input file or the default project.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information DFLT_PROJ_ID Project ID is invalid Make sure that the Default Project ID exists on the Manage Revenue Information screen.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information PROJ_ID Project Project ID is invalid Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information PROJ_ID Project Revenue is already set up for this project at this or another level. Verify that the Project ID does not already exist at any level on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information PROJ_ID Project Only Billable Projects may have Revenue Setup Verify that the Billable Project flag for this project is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information S_REV_FORMULA_CD Revenue Formula Revenue Formula is not valid Verify that the Revenue Formula Code is Valid. (See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information AT_RISK_FL Allow Revenue to Exceed Contract Value At Risk Flag is invalid Verify that the At Risk Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information AT_RISK_AMT By How Much? At Risk amount must be zero if At Risk Flag is set to N. At Risk amount must be zero if At Risk Flag is set to N.
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information REV_CALC_AMT (The name changes depending on the revenue formula.  See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.) Calc Amt must be zero for this Revenue Formula Verify that the Calc Amount is appropriate for the Revenue Formula assigned to this project. (See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information REV_TO_OWN_ORG_FL Post Revenue to Owning or Performing Organization Owning or Performing Org Flag is invalid Make sure that the Post Revenue to Owning or Performing Organization Flag is valid. Valid entries are O (Owing) and P (Performing).
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information UNITS_FL Calculate Revenue on Units Units Flag must be N for this Revenue Formula Verify that the Calculate Revenue on Units Flag is valid for the Revenue Formula assigned. (See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information REV_CALC1_AMT (The name changes based on the revenue formula.  See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.) Calc1 Amt must be zero for this Revenue Formula Verify that the Calc1 Amount is appropriate for the Revenue Formula assigned to this project. (See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information REV_CALC2_AMT (The name changes based on the revenue formula.  See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.) Calc2 Amt must be zero for this Revenue Formula Verify that the Calc2 Amount is appropriate for the Revenue Formula assigned to this project. (See the "Revenue Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_REV_SETUP Manage Revenue Information DISC_TYPE_CD Discount Method Billing Discount code is invalid.  Make sure that the Billing Discount Method is NONE, PLC, ACCT, CUST, or PROJ.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information DFLT_PROJ_ID Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Default Project ID exists on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INVC_PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INVC_PROJ_ID Project Project does not exist in the PROJ_CUST_SETUP.CSV file. At least one customer must be identified for every new project added to the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Verify that this project exists at least once in the PROJ_CUST_SETUP.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INVC_PROJ_ID Project Invoice Project already exists Make sure that the Invoice Project does not already exist on the Manage Project Billing Information screen or in the PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INVC_PROJ_ID Project This Project is not Billable Verify that the Billable Project check box is selected for this project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INVC_PROJ_ID Project Billing is already setup at another level of the project Verify that the Invoice Project has not already been set up at another level of the project.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_BILL_FORMULA_CD Formula Billing Formula is not Valid Verify that the Billing Formula Code is valid. (See the "Billing Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_BILL_FORMULA_CD Formula Billing formula must be "1443" Verify that the Billing Formula is consistent with the format. If the format is for "1443," the formula must be 1443.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_CALC_AMT (The name changes depending on the billing formula.  See the "Billing Formula Validation Detail" section.) Calc Amt must be zero for this Billing Formula Verify that the Calc Amount is appropriate for the Billing Formula assigned to this project. (See the "Billing Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CASH_BASIS_FL Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis Cash Basis Flag is invalid Make sure that the Cash Basis Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_RTNGE_BASIS_CD Retainage - Basis for Calculation Retainage Basis is invalid Verify that the Basis for Retainage is TOT, FEE, or HRS.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information RTNGE_PCT_RT Retainage - Percentage Retainage Percent is required Verify that a Retainage Percent exists in the input file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CUST_TERMS_KEY Customer Terms Key is invalid Verify that the Customer Terms Key exists in the CUST_TERMS table. To view valid Customer Terms Keys and their descriptions, execute the following script in SQLTALK:


PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INCM_STATE_CD Income State Income State is invalid Verify that the Income State Code exists in the STATE table. The State Codes are predefined and cannot be modified. To view valid Income State Codes and their descriptions, execute the following script in SQLTALK:


PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_CYCLE_CD Billing Cycle The Billing Cycle is Required This field is required if the Use Billing Cycles check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. Verify that a valid Billing Cycle exists in the input file or the default project.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_CYCLE_CD Billing Cycle Billing Cycle is invalid Make sure that the Billing Cycle is set up on the Manage Billing Cycles screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_GRP_CD Billing User Group The User Group is Required This field is required if the Assign Bills to User Groups check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. Verify that a valid Billing User Group exists in the input file or the default project.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_GRP_CD Billing User Group Billing User Group is invalid Make sure that the Billing User Group is set up on the Manage Billing User Groups screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_FRMT_CD Generic Billing Format Generic Format Code is required A Generic Format Code is required when the Generic Billing Format Type is Generic.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_FRMT_CD Generic Billing Format Billing Format Code is invalid Verify that the Billing Format is set up on the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_FRMT_CD Generic Billing Format Generic Format Code is not allowed. A Generic Format Code is allowed only when the Generic Billing Format Type is Generic.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information SPPRT_SCH_FRMT_CD Supporting Schedule Format Supporting Schedule does not exist Verify that the Billing Supporting Schedule is set up on the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information PARTL_BILL_TRN_FL Allow Transactions to be Partially Billed Allow Transactions to be Partially Billed Flag is invalid Verify that the Allow Transactions to be Partially Billed flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_WHEN_RETAIN_CD Retainage — Withhold On Retainage — Withhold On basis is required If the Retainage — Basis for Calculation exists, the Withhold On basis must exist. Valid values are EACH, FINAL (Final Based on Contract Value), and FINALF (Final Based on Funded Value).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information ALLOW_USER_EDIT_FL Allow User to Edit Bills Allow User to Edit Bills Flag is invalid Verify that the Allow User to Edit Bills Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_1035_TYPE Government 1035 Format Information — Print Cost Plus/Fixed Price Format or Print Using T&M Format Format Type is Required If the Billing Format is 1035, the Format Type is required. Valid entries are CP (Print Cost Plus or Fixed Price Format) and TM (Print Using T&M Format).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information ACCT_LVL_1035_NO Roll Up Accounts to Level Rollup Account Level Number is Required If the Billing Format is 1035, you must identify to which level number you want to roll up the accounts. Valid level numbers are 1 to 8.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_BILL_FRMT_TYPE Format Format Type does not exist Make sure that the Billing Format Type is valid. Valid entries are 1035 (Govt 1035), GENRIC (Generic) and 1443 (Govt 1443).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_RMT_ADDR_CD Remittance Address Remittance Address Code does not exist Verify that the Remittance Address is set up on the Manage Remittance Addresses screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_PMT_ADDR_CD Payment Office Payment Office Code does not exist Verify that the Remittance Address is set up on the Manage Government Payment Offices screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_INVT_BILL_CD Bill Inventory Issues As (Cost, Units, Accounts) Bill Inventory Code is not valid Verify that the Bill Inventory Code is valid. Valid entries are C (Cost), U (Units), and A (Account).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information PRICE_CATLG_CD Catalog Price Catalog does not exist Verify that the Price Catalog is set up on the Manage Price Catalogs screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information PRICE_CATLG_CD Catalog Catalog is not allowed Catalog is allowed only if Billing Inventory Issues is set to Units or Account on the Other Info tab.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CLIN_ID CLIN CLIN or Catalog Code is Required When Billing Inventory Issues is A (Account) or U (Unit), a Price Catalog or CLIN is required.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CLIN_ID CLIN CLIN ID is not allowed CLIN ID is allowed only if Billing Inventory Issues is set to U (Units) or A (Account).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CLIN_ID CLIN You may not enter both CLIN and Catalog When Billing Inventory Issues is A (Account) or U (Unit), a Price Catalog or CLIN is required. You cannot enter a CLIN and a Catalog for the same project.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CLIN_ID CLIN CLIN ID does not exist Verify that the CLIN ID is set up on the Manage CLIN Information screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information PROGRESS_PMT_RT Rates - Progress Payment Rate must be between 0 and 100% Verify that the Progress Payment rate is between 0 and 100% on the 1443 Info tab.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information LIQUID_RT Rates - Liquidation Rate must be between 0 and 100% Verify that the Liquidation rate is between 0 and 100% on the 1443 Info tab.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_CONTR_PRICE_CD Contract Info - Price Basis Price Basis Code is not valid Verify that the Price Basis Code is valid. Valid entries are CC (Contract Cost), CV (Contract Value), FC (Funded Cost), FV (Funded Value), and O (Other).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CONTR_OVRIDE_AMT Other Amount Not allowed for this Price Basis Code Non-zero amounts are allowed only if the Price Basis Code is O (Other).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information POP_FL Limit Transactions to Period of Performance Limit to Period of Performance Flag is invalid Verify that the Limit Transactions to Period of Performance flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information CONTR_ADDR_CD Contract Info - Address Address does not exist Make sure that the Address Code is set up on the Manage Contractor Addresses screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information PAY_WHEN_PAID_FL Pay When Paid Pay when Paid Flag is invalid Verify that the Pay When Paid flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information ALLOW_USER_ADJ_FL Allow Users to Adjust Transactions in Open Billing Detail Allow User to Adj Open Bill Det'l Flag is invalid Verify that the Allow Users to Adjust Transactions in Open Billing Detail flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_CALC1_AMT (The name changes depending on the billing formula. See the "Billing Formula Validation Detail" section.) Calc Amt must be zero for this Billing Formula Verify that the Calc Amount is appropriate for the Billing Formula assigned to this project (see the "Billing Formula Validation Detail" section.)
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INCL_LAB_MLTPLR_FL Include Labor Multiplier in Billing Rate Include Labor Multiplier in Bill Rate Flag is invalid Verify that the Include Labor Multiplier in Billing Rate flag is Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information INCL_LAB_MLTPLR_FL Include Labor Multiplier in Billing Rate Include Labor Multiplier in Bill Rate Flag is invalid Include Labor Multiplier flag is available only for Billing Formulas that use a multiplier. Valid values are CIMR (Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non Labor times Multiplier - Hours) and RSMNLM (Rate Schedule times Multiplier plus Non Labor Cost times Multiplier).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information S_CRNCY_CD Billing Currency Billing Currency Code does not exist Verify that the Billing Currency Code is set up on the Manage Currencies screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information RT_GRP_ID Rate Group Required for this Billing Currency This field is required if the Billing Currency does not match the Functional Currency. Enter a valid Rate Group. The Rate Group is valid if the Functional and Billing currencies are set up on the Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen. The Functional Currency must be set up as the Currency From and the Billing Currency must be set up as the Currency To.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information RT_GRP_ID Rate Group Must be NULL for this Billing Currency This field must be NULL if the Billing Currency matches the Functional Currency.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information RT_GRP_ID Rate Group Rate Group is not valid Verify that the Rate Group exists on the Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen with the Functional Currency as the Currency From and the Billing Currency as the Currency To.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information FREEZE_RT_FL Freeze Multicurrency Rate Freeze Multicurrency Rate Flag is not valid Verify that the Multicurrency Rate flag is set to Y or N and is valid. The Billing Currency can be set to Y only if the Billing Currency does not match the Functional Currency.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information TRN_CRNCY_FL Use Transactional Currency Billing Use Transactional Currency Billing Flag is invalid Verify that the Use Transactional Currency Billing flag is set to Y or N and is valid.  Use Transactional Currency Billing can be selected or set to Y only if the Billing Currency does not match the Functional Currency and the Billing Formula is LLR (Loaded Labor Rate) or LLRCINL (Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred on Non Labor - T&M).
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information DISC_TYPE_CD Discount Method Billing Discount code is invalid Make sure that the Billing Discount Method is NONE, PLC, ACCT, CUST, or PROJ.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage Rate cannot be negative Verify that the Discount Percentage is a positive number.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage The billing discount percentage is required if there is a default T&M project entered
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage A billing discount can only be entered if the discount method is PLC Discount Make sure that DISC_TYPE_CD = PLC.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information DFLT_TM_PROJ_ID T&M Project The default T&M project can only be entered if the discount method is PLC Discounts Make sure  the DISC_TYPE_CD = PLC.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information DFLT_TM_PROJ_ID T&M Project The default T&M Project does not exist in the PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC table Make sure the project exists in the PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC table.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Global Withholding tab SUBJ_BILL_WH_FL Subject to Billing Withholding Flag Withholding Flag must be either Y or N. Valid values must be Y or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Define Billing Withholding Codes BILL_WH_CD Billing Withholding Code Not found in BILL_WH_CD table. Must be in BILL_WH_CD table.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Billing Currency Contract Values tab CEIL_F_CST_RBA_CD



Funding Info group box- Ceil Billing Currency ceiling code must be "B" or "N". Valid values must be B or N.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Billing Currency Contract Values tab CEIL_F_CST_RBA_CD



Funding Info group box- Ceil Must be 'N' for this Billing Currency. This error occurs when the multicurrency license is off or functional currency is set as the billing currency, and the ceiling code is not N and is in the input file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Billing Currency Contract Values tab PROJ_V_TOT_AMT



Value Info group box - Amount Must be 0 for this Billing Currency. This error occurs when the multicurrency license is off or functional currency is set as the billing currency, and the contract values are not null.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Billing Currency Contract Values tab PROJ_F_TOT_AMT



Funding Info group box - Amount Cost Amount plus Fee Amount must equal Total Amount. The sum of Cost Amount and Fee Amount must be equal to Total Amount.
PROJ_BILL_INFO Manage Project Billing Information — Billing Currency Contract Values tab PROJ_V_TOT_AMT



Value Info group box - Amount Cost Amount plus Fee Amount must equal Total Amount. The sum of Cost Amount and Fee Amount must be equal to Total Amount.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask PROJ_ID Project Project must exist in PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV Verify that this Project is included in the PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV file.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask CUST_ID Customer Customer is required Verify that a Customer exists in the PROJ_CUST_SETUP.CSV file.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask CUST_ID Customer Customer is invalid Make sure that the Customer is set up on the Manage Customers screen.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask CUST_ID Customer This Project/Customer already exists Verify that this Customer exists only once for this project in the PROJ_CUST_SETUP.CSV file.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask ADDR_DC Address Code Address Code is required Verify that an Address Code exists in the PROJ_CUST_SETUP.CSV file.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask ADDR_DC Address Code Address Code is invalid Verify that the Address Code is assigned to this Customer on the Manage Customers screen with the Bill Code set to Y (Yes) or D (Default).
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask PCT_CNTRB_RT % of Project Responsibility % of Project Responsibility is required Verify that a value exists for the % of Project Responsibility.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask PCT_CNTRB_RT % of Project Responsibility % of Project Responsibility must be greater than zero. Make sure that the % of Project Responsibility equals 100% for this project.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask PCT_CNTRB_RT % of Project Responsibility % of Project Responsibility must total 100% for this project Make sure that the % of Project Responsibility is greater than zero.
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask BANK_ACCT_ABBRV Remittance Bank Remittance Bank ID does not exist. Make sure that the Bank ID exists in either the Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks) or Manage Company Bank Accounts (Non-US Banks).
PROJ_CUST_SETUP Manage Project Billing Information — Customers subtask IB_BANK_ID Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank ID does not exist. Make sure that the Intermediary Bank ID exists in the Manage Intermediary Banks.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations ORG_ID Organization The Account/Org Combination does not exist Verify that the Account and Org are linked and active on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations ACCT_ID Account The Account/Org Combination does not exist Verify that the Account and Org are linked and active on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations ACCT_ID Account This Project/Account/Org already exists. Make sure that the Project/Account/Org combination does not already exist on the Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations screen, or in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT.CSV file.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT ACCT_ID Account This Account is not part of the project's account group Make sure that the Account is set up in the Project Account Group that is assigned to the project.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations ACTIVE_FL Active Active Flag is invalid Verify that the Active Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations REF_STRUC_1_ID REF 1 REF 1 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
PROJ_ORG_ACCT Link Projects/Accounts/ Organizations REF_STRUC_2_ID REF 2 REF 2 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information DFLT_PROJ_ID Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information PROJ_ID Project Project already exists Verify that the Project ID does not already exist on the Manage Government Contract Information screen, or in the PROJ_GOVT_CONTR.CSV file.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information CST_ACCT_STD_FL CAS Covered CAS Covered Flag is invalid Verify that the CAS Covered Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information S_ICS_CD Incurred Cost Submission Code Incurred Cost Submission Code is required Incurred Cost Submission Code is required if the Require Incurred Cost Submission Code for all Projects check box is selected on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information S_ICS_CD Incurred Cost Submission Code Incurred Cost Submission Code is invalid Verify that the Incurred Cost Submission Code is in the S_ICS table.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information WD_PLC_FL Use PLC for Wage Determination Use PLC for Wage Det. Flag is invalid Verify that the Use PLC for Wage Determination Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_GOVT_CONTR Manage Government Contract Information WD_PLC_FL Use PLC for Wage Determination Use PLC for Wage Determination Flag may not be 'Y' if project level is not equal to 1 Use PLC for Wage Determination Flag cannot be Y if project level is not equal to 1.
PROJ_LAB_CAT Link Project Labor Categories to Projects USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_LAB_CAT Link Project Labor Categories to Projects PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT Link Project Labor Categories to Projects BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC does not exist Make sure that the PLC is set up on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
PROJ_LAB_CAT Link Project Labor Categories to Projects BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC Project/PLC already exists Verify that this PLC is not already assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file
PROJ_LAB_CAT Link Project Labor Categories to Projects COBRA_RSRC Cobra Mapping Value The Cobra Mapping Value exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed Make sure that the Cobra Mapping Value does not have more than 59 characters in the input file.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Users screen.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file. Note: Costpoint uses this information only if the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file. Also, the information is not used if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file, and the Project ID is not a top-level project.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce EMPL_ID Employees Employee does not exist Make sure that the Employee ID is set up on the Manage Employee Information and the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce EMPL_ID Employee is already assigned to the Project Make sure that the Employee has not already been assigned to the Project on the Manage Employee Workforce screen or in the PROJ_EMPL.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce OT_AUTH_FL Overtime Authorized for Employees Overtime Authorized for Empl's Flag is invalid Verify that the Overtime Authorized for Employees Flag is Y or N.
PROJ_EMPL Manage Employee Workforce OT_AUTH_FL Overtime Authorized for Employees All Flags must be the same for this Project All employees assigned to a project workforce must be either authorized for overtime or not authorized for overtime. You cannot have some employees authorized for overtime and others not authorized for Overtime on the same project.
PROJ_VEND Manage Employee Workforce USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_VEND Manage Vendor Workforce PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND Manage Vendor Workforce VEND_ID Vendor Vendor does not exist Make sure that the Vendor is set up on the Manage Vendors screen. Note: Costpoint  uses this information only if the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file. Also, the information is not not used if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file, and the Project ID is not a top level.
PROJ_VEND Manage Vendor Workforce VEND_ID Vendor Vendor is already assigned to the Project Make sure that the Vendor is not already assigned to the Project on the Manage Vendor Workforce screen or in the PROJ_VEND.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_EMPL Manage Vendor Employee Workforce USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_VEND_EMPL Manage Vendor Employee Workforce PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_EMPL Manage Vendor Employee Workforce VEND_ID Vendor Vendor does not exist Make sure that the Vendor is set up on the Manage Vendors screen. Note: Costpoint  uses this information only if the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file. Also, the information is not used if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file, and the Project ID is not a top level.
PROJ_VEND_EMPL Manage Vendor Employee Workforce VEND_ID Vendor Vendor is already assigned to the Project Make sure that the Vendor is not already assigned to the Project on the Manage Vendor Workforce screen or in the PROJ_VEND.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_EMPL Manage Vendor Employee Workforce VEND_EMPL_ID Vendor Employee Vendor Employee does not exist The Vendor Employee must exist on the Vendor Employees subtask of the Manage Vendors screen.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information PROJ_ID Project Project ID is not billable Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Manage Project Billing Information screen or in the PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV file.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SEND_CAGE_CD CAGE Code CAGE Code does not exist Make sure that the CAGE Code is set up on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_INVC_TYPE_CD Invoice Type Invoice Type code is not valid Verify that the Invoice Type code is valid. Valid entries are CV (Cost Voucher), SCV (Summary Cost Voucher), CI (Commercial Invoice), 2N1 (2N1), Combo (Combo), and PPR (Progress Payment).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SRCE_FILE_CD File Source File Source code is not valid Verify that the File Source code is valid. Valid entries are S (Standard Bills), P (Progress Payment Bills), and R (Project Product Bills).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_LAST_INVC_FL Final Invoice Final Invoice flag is not valid Verify that the Final Invoice flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_LAST_SHIP_FL Final Shipment Final Shipment flag is  not valid Verify that the Final Shipment flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_CERT_FL Construction Certificate, Certification, Certificate of Conformance Construction Certificate, Certification, or Certificate of Conformance flag is  not valid Verify that the Construction Certificate, Certification, or Certificate of Conformance flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SUPPLY_SVC_CD Type Type code is not valid Verify that the Type code is valid. Valid entries are SPL (Supplies) and SVC (Services).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_INSPECT_PT_CD Inspection Point Inspection Point code is not valid Verify that the Inspection Point code is valid. Valid entries are S (Source), D (Destination), and T (Other).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_ACCEPT_PT_CD Acceptance Point Acceptance Point code is not valid Verify that the Acceptance Point code is valid. Valid entries are S (Source), D (Destination), and T (Other).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_FOB_CD FOB FOB code is not valid Verify that the FOB code is valid. Valid entries are S (Source), D (Destination), and T (Other).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_ARP_FL Alternate Release Procedure Alternate Release Procedure flag is not valid Verify that the Alternate Release Procedure flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_DELIV_FL Delivery On Invoice Delivery On Invoice flag is not valid Verify that the Delivery On Invoice flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_FMS_FL FMS FMS flag is not valid Verify that the FMS flag is Y or N.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_CLIN_MAP_CD CLIN Mapping Method CLIN Mapping Code is not valid. Verify that the CLIN Mapping Code is valid. Valid entries are G (Generic Billing Format) or C (Default CLIN).
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_DFLT_CLIN_ID Default CLIN The Default CLIN is required. If the WAWF_CLIN_MAP_CD = C, a CLIN must be entered.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_FIN_INFO_DT Date of Financial Info Required if the Date Financial Information Submitted to Government is not null. Must not be null if WAWF_SUBMIT_DT is not null.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_FIN_INFO_DT Date of Financial Info Cannot be greater than the Date Financial Information Submitted to Government. Must be < or = to WAWF_SUBMIT_DT if WAWF_SUBMIT_DT is not null.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SUBMIT_DT Date Financial Information Submitted to Government Not a valid date. Date must be valid.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SUBMIT_DT Date Financial Information Submitted to Government Required if the Date of Financial Information is not null. Must not be null if WAWF_FIN_INFO_DT is not null.
PROJ_WAWF_INFO Manage Project iRAPT Information WAWF_SUBMIT_DT Date Financial Information Submitted to Government Cannot be less than the Date of Financial Information. Must be > or = to WAWF_FIN_INFO_DT if WAWF_FIN_INFO_DT is not null.
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen EMPL_ID Employee Employee is not valid Verify that the Employee is assigned to the Employee Workforce on the Manage Employee Workforce screen, or in the PROJ_EMPL.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC is not valid Make sure that the PLC is assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC This Employee/PLC has already been assigned to this Project Verify that the Project does not already have this Employee/PLC combination assigned on the Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen, or in the PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen DFLT_FL Defaults A Default must be setup for each Employee One PLC must have a Y for any given employee/project combination. PLCs with an N do not default, but are available for when you are entering employee timesheets.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on either the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen VEND_ID Vendor Vendor is not valid Verify that the Vendor is assigned to the Vendor Workforce on the Manage Vendor Workforce screen, or in the PROJ_VEND.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC is not valid Make sure that the PLC is assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC This Vendor/PLC has already been assigned to this Project Verify that the Project does not already have this Vendor/PLC combination assigned on the Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen, or in the PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen DFLT_FL Defaults A Default must be setup for each Vendor One PLC must have a Y for any given Vendor/Project combination.
BILL_LAB_CAT Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Lab Cat PLC is required Verify that a PLC exists in the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
BILL_LAB_CAT Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) BILL_LAB_CAT_DESC Description Description is required Verify that a PLC description exists in the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC GLC does not exist Verify that the General Labor Category is set up on the Manage General Labor Categories screen.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC This Project/GLC already exists Verify that the General Labor Category is assigned only once for this project.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen DF_BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC is not valid Make sure that the PLC is assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC is not assigned to the Project Make sure that the PLC is assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC is not valid Make sure that the PLC is set up in the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen or the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_RT_AMT Rate Must be zero when Rate Type is A (Actual) or S (Standard). Verify that the Billing Rate is valid. If the Rate Type is Actual or Standard, the Billing Rate must be zero.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_RT_AMT Rate Rate is required Verify that a Bill Rate exists in the input file.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects S_BILL_RT_TYPE_CD Rate Type Rate Type is Required Make sure that the Rate Type exists.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects S_BILL_RT_TYPE_CD Rate Type Rate Type is not Valid Verify that the Rate Type is valid. Valid Rate Types are A (Actual), B (Billing), C (Ceiling), S (Standard), and T (Transactional).
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects START_DT Starting Date Two rates have been specified for the same time frame Verify that the PLC/Starting Date/Ending Date combination is valid. You cannot have the same PLC/Project combination with overlapping Starting and Ending dates.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects START_DT Starting Date Invalid Start Date Make sure that a Starting Date exists in the input file and that it is a valid date.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects END_DT Ending Date Two rates have been specified for the same time frame Verify that the PLC/Starting Date/Ending Date combination is valid. You cannot have the same PLC/Project combination with overlapping Starting and Ending dates.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects END_DT Ending Date Invalid End Date Make sure that an Ending Date exists in the input file and that it is a valid date.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage Rate cannot be negative. Verify that the discount percentage is a positive number.
PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage is required. Verify that a percentage exists. If the field is blank in the input file, Costpoint inserts 0.00%.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor USER_ID User ID is required Make sure that a User ID exists in the input file.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor EMPL_ID Employee Employee does not exist in the Project Workforce If the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file, the Employee must be part of the workforce for this Project on the Manage Employee Workforce screen or in the PROJ_EMPL.CSV file.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor S_BILL_RT_TYPE_CD Rate Type Rate Type is Required Make sure that the Rate Type exists.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage Rate cannot be negative. Verify that the discount percentage is a positive number.
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage is required. Verify that a percentage exists. If the field is blank in the input file, Costpoint inserts 0.00%.
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) — Billing Rates subtask USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) — Billing Rates subtask BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Lab Cat PLC already exists Make sure that the Labor Category is set up only once either on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen, or in the LAB_CAT_RT_SCH.CSV file.
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) — Billing Rates subtask END_DT Ending Date The End Date must be greater than the Start Date Verify that the End Date is later than the User ID.
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) — Billing Rates subtask BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage Rate cannot be negative. Verify that the discount percentage is a positive number.
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) — Billing Rates subtask BILL_DISC_RT Discount Percentage Billing Discount Percentage is required.  Verify that a percentage exists. If the field is blank in the input file, Costpoint inserts 0.00%.
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders S_BILL_RT_TBL_CD Rate Table Rate Table is not valid Verify that the Rate Table is C (Setup Project Labor Categories), PC (Project PLC Rates), PEC (Project PLC Rates By Employee), or PVC (Project PLC Rates By Vendor).
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders SEQ_NO Seq No Sequence Number already exists Make sure that the Sequence Number does not already exist for this Project.
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders SRCE_PROJ_ID Source Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders SRCE_PROJ_ID Source Project Source Project is required for this Rate Table You must enter a Source Project if the Rate Table is PC (Project PLC Rates), PEC (Project PLC Rates By Employee), or PVC (Project PLC Rates By Vendor).
TM_RT_ORDER Manage Rate Sequence Orders SRCE_PROJ_ID Source Project Source Project must be NULL for this Rate Table You cannot enter a Source Project if the Rate Table is C (Setup Project Labor Categories).
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings PROJ_ID Project This is a soft warning:  Delete this validation. Revenue Formula must exist You must set up Project information on the Manage Revenue Information screen or in the BASIC_REVENUE_INFO.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings ACCT_ID Account Account is not valid Make sure that the account exists in the Project Account Group that is assigned to this Project.
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings ACCT_ID Account Ceiling for this Account already exists for this Project Verify that a ceiling is not already set up for this Account/Project combination on the Dir Cost Ceil screen of the Manage Project User Flow, or in the CEIL_DIR_CST.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings S_RBA_CD Apply To R/B/A Apply To (RBA) code is not valid Verify that the Apply To R/B/A code is valid. Valid entries are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both), and N (Neither).
CEIL_DIR_CST Manage Direct Cost Ceilings CEIL_AMT Ceiling Amount The Ceiling Amount may not be negative Enter a positive number.
CEIL_DIR_HRS Manage Hour Ceilings USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
CEIL_DIR_HRS Manage Hour Ceilings PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_HRS Manage Hour Ceilings BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Labor Cat PLC is not valid If this project exists on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV, the PLC is valid only if it is assigned to the Project on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file.  If the Project does not exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file, it must exist on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen or in the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_HRS Manage Hour Ceilings BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Labor Cat PLC already exists for this Project Verify that a ceiling has not already been set up for this PLC/Project combination on the Dir Hour Ceil screen of the Manage Project User Flow screen, or in the CEIL_DIR_HRS.CSV file.
CEIL_DIR_HRS Manage Hour Ceilings CEIL_HRS Hours Ceiling The Hours Ceiling may not be negative Verify that the Hours Ceiling is a positive number.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings FY_CD Fiscal Year Fiscal Year is not valid Verify that the Fiscal Year exists and has a status of Open on the Manage Fiscal Years screen.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings POOL_NO Pool Pool Number does not exist for this Fiscal Year Verify that the Pool Number exists for this Fiscal Year on the Manage Cost Pools screen with a Group number equal to 1.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings S_RBA_CD Apply To R/B/A Apply To (RBA) code is not valid Verify that the Apply To R/B/A code is valid. Valid entries are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both), and N (Neither).
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings S_CEIL_TYPE_CD C/O/F C/O/F Code is not valid Verify that the C/O/F Code is valid. Valid entries are C (Ceiling), O (Override), and F (Fixed).
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings S_CEIL_TYPE_CD C/O/F Duplicate Project/Fiscal Year/Pool Number/Account Make sure that you do not have a duplicate Project/Fiscal Year/Pool Number/Account combination already set up on the Burd Cost Ceil screen on the Manage Project User Flow, or in the CEIL_BURDEN_CST.CSV file. A duplicate Project/Fiscal Year/Pool Number/Account is allowed only when one record has a Ceiling Type of O (Override) and another record has a Ceiling Type of C (Ceiling).
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings CEIL_RT Rate Ceiling Rate Ceiling cannot be negative Verify that the Rate Ceiling is a positive number.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings CEIL_COM_RT COM Ceiling COM Ceiling cannot be negative Verify that the COM Ceiling is a positive number.
CEIL_BURDEN_CST Manage Burden Cost Ceilings ACCT_ID Account Account does not exist Verify that the Account is set up on the Manage Accounts screen. Note: Ceilings are applied only if the Account is set up in the base of the pool on the Manage Cost Pools screen.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Labor Cat PLC does not exist If the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or if it is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the PLC must be assigned on the Manage Employee Workforce screen or in the PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT.CSV file. If the Project Workforce Required check box is cleared and the Project exists on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file, the PLC must exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file. If the Project does not exist, the PLC must exist on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen or in the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file. Also, if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file, substitute the top Level Project for the Project for the preceding validations.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings EMPL_ID Employee Employee does not exist If the Project Workforce Required check box is cleared or set to N in the PROJ.CSV file, the Employee must be set up on the Manage Employee Information. If the Project Workforce Required check box is selected or set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the Employee must be set up on the Manage Employee Workforce screen, or in the PROJ.EMPL.CSV file for the Project. Also, if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is Y in the PROJ.CSV file, then for the preceding validations, substitute the top Level Project for the Project.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings EMPL_ID Project/Employee/PLC already exists Make sure that the PLC has not already been set up for this Employee/Project combination.
EMPL_CEIL Manage Employee Hour Ceilings CEIL_HRS Hours Ceiling Hours Ceiling cannot be negative Verify that the Hours Ceiling is a positive number.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Labor Cat PLC does not exist If the Project Workforce Required check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, or if it is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the PLC must be assigned on the Manage Vendor Workforce screen or in the PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT.CSV file. If the Project Workforce Required check box is empty and the Project exists on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file, the PLC must exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen or in the PROJ_LAB_CAT.CSV file. If the Project does not exist, the PLC must exist on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen or in the BILL_LAB_CAT.CSV file. Also, if the Use Top Level Workforce check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file, substitute the top Level Project for the Project for the preceding validations.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings VEND_ID Vendor Vendor does not exist Verify that the Vendor is set up on the Manage Vendors.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings VEND_ID Vendor Project/Vendor/PLC already exists Make sure that the PLC has not already been set up for this Vendor/Project combination.
VEND_CEIL Manage Vendor Hour Ceilings CEIL_HRS Hours Ceiling Hours Ceiling cannot be negative Verify that the Hours Ceiling is a positive number.
PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH Manage Project Billing Information — Detail Levels subtask USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH Manage Project Billing Information — Detail Levels subtask PROJ_ID Project Project ID must be a child of the Invoice Proj ID Verify that the Project ID is a child of the Invoice Project.
PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH Manage Project Billing Information — Detail Levels subtask INVC_PROJ_ID Project (Invoice) Invoice Project does not exist in Proj Bill Info Verify that the Invoice Project is set up on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, or in the PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH Manage Project Billing Information — Detail Levels subtask INVC_PROJ_ID Project (Invoice) Project already exists Make sure that the Project ID is not already set up for this Invoice Project on the Manage Project Billing Information screen — Detail Levels subtask, or in the PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH.CSV file.
PROJ_BILL_INFO_SCH Manage Project Billing Information — Detail Levels subtask SPPRT_SCH_FRMT_CD Supporting Schedule Code is not valid Make sure that the Supporting Schedule Code is the same code that was assigned to the Invoice Project on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, or in the PROJ_BILL_INFO.CSV file.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides S_ACCT_ID Starting Account Starting Account does not exist Make sure that the Account is set up  on the Manage Accounts screen.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides END_ACCT_ID Ending Account Ending Account does not exist Make sure that the Account is set up on the Manage Accounts screen.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides OVRIDE_MLT_RT Multiplier Starting and Ending Accounts Overlap Check for overlapping values.
OVRIDE_MLT_ON_DIR Manage Multiplier Overrides S_RBA_CD Apply to R/G/B/A Apply to Code is not Valid Verify that the Apply to Code is valid. Valid entries are R (Revenue), B (Billing), G (Goal), and A (All).
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR Manage Cost Fee Overrides USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR Manage Cost Fee Overrides PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR Manage Cost Fee Overrides ACCT_ID Account The Acct must have a valid function in the Account Group Verify that the Account is set up on the Manage Project Account Groups screen for the Account Group that is assigned to the Project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file. 
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR Manage Cost Fee Overrides ACCT_ID Account Account already exists for this Project Make sure that this Account does not already exist for this Project on the Cost Fee Ovrd screen on the Manage Project User Flow, or in the OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR. CSV file.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_DIR Manage Cost Fee Overrides S_RBA_CD Apply To R/B/A Apply To (RBA) code is not valid Verify that the Apply To R/B/A code is valid. Valid entries are R (Revenue), B (Billing), A (Both), and N (Neither).
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides FY_CD Fiscal Year Fiscal Year is not valid Verify that the Fiscal Year is set up on the Manage Fiscal Years screen.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides POOL_NO Pool Pool Number does not exist for this Fiscal Year Verify that the Pool Number exists for this Fiscal Year on the Manage Cost Pools screen with a Group number equal to 1.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides POOL_NO Pool Duplicate Project/Fiscal Year/Pool Number Verify that the Fiscal Year/Pool Number combination is not already set up for this Project on the Burd Fee Ovrd screen on the Manage Project User Flow, or in the OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD.CSV file.
OVRIDE_FEE_ON_BURD Manage Burden Fee Overrides S_RBA_CD Apply To R/B/A Apply To (RBA) code is not valid Verify that the Apply To R/B/A code is valid. Valid entries are R (Revenue), B (Billing), and A (Both).
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults EMPL_ID Employee Not valid when using Union Functionality You cannot add records to this table if the Enable Union Functionality check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults EMPL_ID Employee Employee does not exist Make sure that the Employee is set up on the Manage Employee Information.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file. Note: To apply the defaults for this employee to all projects, enter an asterisk ( * ) in the PROJ_ID column.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults PROJ_ID Project Default already exists for this Employee/Project Make sure that a default is not already set up for this Employee/Project combination on the Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults screen or in the EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT.CSV file.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults APPLY_LOWER_LVL_FL Apply to Lower Levels Apply to lower levels flag is not valid Verify that the Apply to Lower Levels flag is Y or N. Also, if the Project is = * (asterisk) in the input file, the Apply to Lower Levels flag must be N.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Account must be Active and Project Required. Make sure that the Account ID is set up on the Accounts screen with the Project Required and the Active check boxes both selected.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Project/Account combination does not exist or is not a member of the PAG If the Limit Accounts check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, you must set up the Project/Account wildcard on the Link Projects/Accounts screen. If the Limit Accounts check box is not selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to N in the PROJ.CSV file, the Account must exist in the Project Account Group that is assigned to the Project.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Organization is not valid Make sure that the Organization is set up on the Manage Organization Structures screen and the Manage Organization Elements screen with the Active check box selected.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Account/Org combination does not exist Make sure that the Account is linked to the Organization on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen and that the Active column is Y.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Project/Org combination does not exist When the Limit Orgs check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the Project/Organization wildcard must be set up on the Link Projects/Organizations screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Project/Account/Org combination does not exist When the Limit which orgs can charge specific Accts check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the Project/Account/ Org/Ref 1/Ref 2 combination must be Y in the Active column on the Link Projects/ Accounts/ Organizations screen or in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT.CSV file.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults REF1_ID Reference 1 REF 1 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults REF2_ID Reference 2 REF 2 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults REG_PAY_TYPE Regular Pay Type Pay Type is not valid Verify that the Regular Pay Type is set up as a valid Pay Type on the Manage Pay Types screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC GLC does not exist Make sure that the GLC is set up on the Manage General Labor Categories screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults LAB_LOC_CD Labor Location Labor Location does not exist Make sure that the Labor Location is set up on the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults WORK_COMP_CD Worker's Comp Worker's Comp Code does not exist Make sure that the WC Code is set up in the Manage Workers' Compensation Codes screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Manage Project Timesheet Defaults BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC does not exist Make sure that the PLC is set up on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
EMPL_PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults WH_STATE_CD W/H State The withholding state is not valid. The Withholding State must exist in the STATE table. 
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ACCT_GRP_CD Project Account Group Project Account Group does not exist Make sure that the Project Account Group is set up on the Manage Project Account Groups screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults LAB_GRP_TYPE Labor Group Labor Group does not exist Verify that the Labor Group Code is set up in the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults LAB_GRP_TYPE Labor Group Labor Group/ Project Account Group already exists Verify that the Project Account Group/Labor Group combination does not already exist on the Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults screen or the LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT.CSV file.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Account must be a member of the Project Account Group Make sure that the Account ID is set up for the appropriate Account Group on the Manage Project Account Groups screen with a function of LABOR, NON-LABOR, UNALLOW-LABOR, or UNALLOW NON-LABR.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization The Account/Org Combination does not exist Make sure that the Account is linked to the Organization on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen and that the Active column is Y.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REF1_ID Reference 1 REF 1 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REF2_ID Reference 2 REF 2 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REG_PAY_TYPE Regular Pay Type Pay Type is not valid Verify that the Regular Pay Type is set up as a valid Pay Type on the Manage Pay Types screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC GLC does not exist Make sure that the GLC is set up in the Manage General Labor Categories screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults LAB_LOC_CD Labor Location Labor Location does not exist Make sure that the Labor Location is set up on the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults WORK_COMP_CD Worker's Comp Worker's Comp Code does not exist Make sure that the WC Code is set up on the Manage Workers' Compensation Codes screen.
LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC does not exist Make sure that the PLC is set up on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults EMPL_ID Employee Not valid when using Union Functionality You cannot add records to this table if the Enable Union Functionality check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults EMPL_ID Employee Employee does not exist Make sure that the Employee is set up on the Manage Employee Information screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ACCT_GRP_CD Project Account Group Project Account Group does not exist Make sure that the Project Account Group is set up on the Manage Project Account Groups screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ACCT_GRP_CD Project Account Group Employee/Project Account Group already exists Verify that the Employee/ Project Account Group combination does not already exist on the Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults screen, or the EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT.CSV file.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Account must be a member of the Project Account Group Make sure that the Account ID is set up for the appropriate Account Group on the Manage Project Account Groups screen with a function of LABOR, NON-LABOR, UNALLOW-LABOR, or UNALLOW NON-LABR.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization The Account/Org Combination does not exist Make sure that the Account is linked to the Organization on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen and that the Active column is Y.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REF1_ID Reference 1 REF 1 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REF2_ID Reference 2 REF 2 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults REG_PAY_TYPE Regular Pay Type Pay Type is not valid Verify that the Regular Pay Type is set up as a valid Pay Type on the Manage Pay Types screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC GLC does not exist Make sure that the GLC is set up on the Manage General Labor Categories screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults LAB_LOC_CD Labor Location Labor Location does not exist Make sure that the Labor Location is set up on the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults WORK_COMP_CD Worker's Comp Worker's Comp Code does not exist Make sure that the WC Code is set up on the Manage Workers' Compensation Codes screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC does not exist Make sure that the PLC is set up on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults WH_STATE_CD W/H State The Withholding State is not valid The Withholding State must exist in the STATE table.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults USER_ID User ID is not valid Make sure that the User ID is set up in the database and on the Manage Users screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults DFLT_PROJ_ID Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults PROJ_ID Project Project ID does not exist Make sure that the Project ID exists either on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or in the PROJ.CSV file.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults PROJ_ID Project Project already exists Make sure that the Project does not already exist on the Manage Project Timesheet Defaults screen or in the PROJ_TS_DFLT.CSV file.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults APPLY_LOWER_LVL_FL Apply to Lower Levels Apply to lower levels flag is not valid Verify that the Apply to Lower Levels flag is Y or N.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Organization is not valid Make sure that the Organization is set up on the Manage Organization Elements screen. Also, if the Limit Orgs check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file for this Project, the Project/Organization wildcard must be set up on the Link Projects/Organizations screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults ORG_ID Organization Account/Org combination is not valid Make sure that the Account is linked to the Organization on the Link Projects/Organizations screen and that the Active column is Y. Also, if the Limit which Orgs can charge specific Accts check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to Y in the PROJ.CSV file, the Project/Account/ Org/Ref 1/Ref 2 combination must exist with the Active column set to Y on the Link Projects/ Accounts/Organizations screen, or in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT.CSV file.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Account is not valid Make sure that the Account ID is set up on the Manage Accounts screen with the Project Required and the Active check boxes both selected.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults ACCT_ID Account Project/Account combination does not exist or is not a member of the PAG If the Limit Accounts check box is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow or is set to "" in the PROJ.CSV file, the Project/Account wildcard must be set up on the Link Projects/Accounts screen. If it is set to N, the Account must exist in the Project Account Group that is assigned to the Project.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults REF1_ID Reference 1 REF 1 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults REF2_ID Reference 2 REF 2 does not exist Verify that the Reference Number is set up on the Manage Reference Structures screen and the Manage Reference Elements screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults REG_PAY_TYPE Regular Pay Type Pay Type is not valid Verify that the Regular Pay Type is set up as a valid Pay Type on the Manage Pay Types screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC GLC does not exist Make sure that the GLC is set up on the Manage General Labor Categories screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults LAB_LOC_CD Labor Location Labor Location does not exist Make sure that the Labor Location is set up on the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults WORK_COMP_CD Worker's Comp Worker's Comp Code does not exist Make sure that the WC Code is set up on the Manage Workers' Compensation Codes screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC PLC does not exist Make sure that the PLC is set up on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
PROJ_TS_DFLT Manage Project Timesheet Defaults WH_STATE_CD W/H State The Withholding State is not valid The Withholding State must exist in the State table. 
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects PROJ_RPT_ID Project Report The Project Report ID already exists. Make sure that the Project Report ID does not already exist in the PROJ_RPT_ID table or the PROJ_RPT_ID.csv file.
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects PROJ_RPT_ID Project Report The Project Report ID exceeds the maximum number of characters. Make sure that the Project Report ID does not exceed the top level length set on the Project Segment Lengths tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects LVL_NO Level Number Level Number must be a number. Make sure that the Level Number is a numeric field and does not already exist for the same PROJ_RPT_ID. Must be in increments of 1.
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects PROJ_RPT_DESC Project Report Description The Project Report Description is missing. Make sure that there is a Project Report Description for the PROJ_RPT_ID.
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects Lxx_PROJ_RPT_NAME Level xxx Project Report Name The Project Report Name exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed. Make sure that the project report description does not exceed the maximum number of characters allowed for each Level 1 – Level 15.
PROJ_RPT_ID Manage Alternate Projects Lxx_PROJ_RPT_SG_ID Level xxx Project Report Segment The Project report segment exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed. Make sure that the project report segments do not exceed the maximum number of characters allowed for each Level 1 – 15.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects PROJ_RPT_ID Project Report The project report ID does not exist. Make sure that the Project Report ID exists in the PROJ_RPT_ID table or the PROJ_RPT_ID.csv file.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects LVL_DESC Level Description The project level description is missing. Make sure that the project Level Description exists in the TOP_LVL_RPT.csv file.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects LVL_LEN_NO Level Length The level length is missing. Make sure the Level Length exists in the TOP_LVL_RPT.csv file.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects LVL_LEN_NO Level Length The level length must be a numeric value. Make sure that the Level Length is a numeric field.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects LVL_NO Level Number The level number is missing. Make sure the Level Number exists in the TOP_LVL_RPT.csv file.
TOP_LVL_RPT Manage Alternate Projects LVL_NO Level Number Level Number must be a number. Make sure that the Level Number is a numeric field and does not already exist for the same PROJ_RPT_ID.
PROJ_RPT_PROJ Manage Alternate Projects — Selected Projects subtask PROJ_ID Project The project does not exist. Make sure that the Project exists in the PROJ table or PROJ.csv file.
PROJ_RPT_PROJ Manage Alternate Projects — Selected Projects subtask PROJ_RPT_ID Project Report The project report ID does not exist. Make sure that the Project Report ID exists in the PROJ_RPT_ID table or the PROJ_RPT_ID.csv file.
PROJ_RPT_PROJ Manage Alternate Projects — Selected Projects subtask INCL_SUBPROJ_FL Include Sub Project (Y/N) The include lower level projects flag must be Y or N. Make sure that the INCL_SUBPROJ_FL = Y or N.