Contents of the Compute Projected Depreciation Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Compute Projected Depreciation screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Select By

Select the depreciation expense selection parameter from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • Depr Exp Acct ID: Select this option to select compute parameters by depreciation expense account.
  • Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code: Select this option to enable the selection of compute parameters by depreciation expense account allocation code.
Note: If you select the Depr Exp Acct ID option in the Select By drop-down list, you should enter selection criteria relative to your depreciation expense accounts. If you select the Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code option in the Select By drop-down list, you should enter selection criteria relative to your depreciation expense account allocation codes.
Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning depreciation expense account or the beginning depreciation expense account allocation code (depending on your selection in the Select drop-down list). Because this is a standard Lookup to the ACCT table or the DEPR_EXP_ALLOC_CD table, as applicable, you may find that you have selected accounts or codes for which asset data do not exist or do not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is unavailable.


Enter, or click to select, the ending depreciation expense account or the ending depreciation expense account allocation code (depending on your selection in the Select drop-down list). Because this is a standard Lookup to the ACCT table or the DEPR_EXP_ALLOC_CD table, as applicable, you may find that you have selected accounts or codes for which asset data do not exist or do not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is unavailable.

Depr Exp Organization

Use the following fields to select organizations for the computation.


If you select the Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code option in the Select By drop-down list, the following fields are disabled.

Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The options available are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning organization. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ORG_ACCT table, you may find that you have selected organizations for which asset data do not exist or do not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is unavailable.


Enter, or click to select, the ending organization. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ORG_ACCT table, you may find that you have selected organizations for which asset data does not exist or does not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is unavailable.

Depr Exp Project

Use the following fields to select projects for the computation.

Note: If you select the Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code option in the Select drop-down list, the following fields will be inactive.
Field Description

Select the range option from the drop-down list. The options available are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning project. Because this is a standard Lookup to the PROJ table, you may find that you have selected projects for which asset data do not exist or do not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending project. Because this is a standard Lookup to the PROJ table, you may find that you have selected projects for which asset data do not exist or do not meet your selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field will be inactive.

Fiscal Year

Use the following fields to select the future fiscal years for the projected depreciation computation.

The fiscal years available for selection include only those fiscal years already set up on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years screen. If you need to compute projected depreciation for future fiscal years that are not displayed in the lookup, you must exit this screen and establish the additional fiscal years and period data on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years and Manage Fixed Assets Accounting Periods screens.

Note: Although Costpoint Fixed Assets requires this data, you do not need to set up future fiscal years and periods in Costpoint General Ledger to run projected depreciation expense calculations from this screen.
Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the beginning future fiscal year for which projected depreciation should be computed.


Enter, or click to select, the ending future fiscal year for which projected depreciation should be computed.

Asset/Item Number

Use the following fields to select asset/item numbers for the computation. If you enter a specific asset number, you must also enter a corresponding item number before you can run the computation.

Field Description

Select the range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning asset and item numbers for the range. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers that do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, these fields will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending asset and item number(s) for the range. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers that do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the assets you expect to compute projected depreciation for may not be selected.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, these fields will be inactive.


Compute Future Depr For

Use the selections in this group box to choose whether to run the projected depreciation expense computation for currently owned assets, projected asset purchases, or both.

Field Description
Currently-Owned Assets

Select this check box to compute projected depreciation expense for currently owned assets.

Projected Purchases

Select this check box to compute projected depreciation expense for projected purchases. If you compute future depreciation for projected purchases, you should first enter estimated future purchases on the Manage Projected Asset Purchases screen before running this process.


Field Description
Projected Disposals of Currently-Owned Assets

Select this check box to include currently owned assets for which disposals are anticipated in advance of their stated useful life.

Clear Table Content

Use the check box in this group box to maximize calculation efficiencies if you have large numbers of assets, books, and/or fiscal years/periods for which future depreciation is to be re-calculated.

Field Description
Clear all existing data from this table prior to computing

To maximize calculation efficiencies when you have large numbers of assets, books, and/or fiscal years/periods for which future depreciation is to be re-calculated, you can select one of two computation options:

  • You can clear all previously computed projected depreciation from the permanent table and replace it with entirely new data when a new computation is executed from this screen.

    For this option, you should make sure that this check box is clear.

  • You can replace only existing table data with new calculation data and/or insert new calculation data that did not previously exist into the permanent table.

    If a significant portion of your projected depreciation data was previously computed and the selection criteria for this computation are not significantly different from the previous calculation, this option may reduce the system calculation time.

    For this option, make sure that this check box is clear. Specifically, use this check box to control the rules by which the system selects Asset Master records for re-computations if the calculations have previously been performed:

    • At time of calculation, if the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field (in the G/L Book Info tab and/or Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen) is equal to "0", the system will re-compute projected depreciation expense for the applicable book(s).
    • At time of calculation, if the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field (in the G/L Book Info tab and/or Other Books Info subtasks of the Manage Asset Master Information screen) is not equal to "0"), the system will honor the existing value and will not re-compute projected depreciation expense for the applicable book(s).

Select Books

Use the check boxes in this group box to select each book for which you want to compute projected depreciation expense. Check boxes for books that have not been set up on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen are not available for selection.

Field Description
G/L Book

Select this check box to compute projected depreciation for the General Ledger book.

Book 2  (or your label)

Select this check box to compute projected depreciation for this book. The system displays the label that you assigned to this optional book during initialization on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, as applicable.

Book 3 to Book 10

Please refer to the documentation for Book 2 (or your label) field.

Compute Project Depreciation

Click on the toolbar to initiate the depreciation calculation process.

The system computes all eligible records and does not stop the process if there are errors. The system automatically creates and prints an error report when the compute process is complete. (You cannot view this report with Preview.)


If you cannot compute depreciation because of specific circumstances, the error report will display one of the following error messages along with the asset/item(s) to which they apply.

Message Description
Unable to count number of fiscal years from depr start date to current period. The system generates this message if there is a database error. Check with your database administrator to resolve this type of error.
There is no fiscal year setup which contains this depreciation start date. The system generates this message when there is insufficient data to perform the calculation. In this circumstance, you can add the missing fiscal year data or edit the depreciation start date, as appropriate.
A problem exists with depr yr no and fiscal year setup being referenced. The system generates this message when fiscal year sequence numbers are missing or skipped in the numerical order. Contact Deltek Technical Support for assistance on how to correct this condition.

Once you have corrected the error condition, you can compute depreciation again for the error records, as desired.

"No errors found" will display on the report if no errors are encountered during the computation.