Rev Info Subtask

Use this subtask to set up revenue calculation for a project.

You can control the formula used to compute revenue and alter the default revenue posting method (either to Owning Organization or Performing Organization). You selected the default revenue posting method on the Revenue tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.

You can also use this screen to identify the multipliers to be used on the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred screen. On this screen's table window, you can enter revenue adjustments by fiscal year/period/subperiod. You cannot enter data on this screen if the Billable Project checkbox on the Basic Info tab is not selected.

If you select any hours-based revenue formulas in the Revenue Formula drop-down list, you must also initialize the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) and billing rates for the project. You can set up PLCs and billing rates at any level of the project.

Note: If labor rates are different for each task of the project, you must enter these labor rates at the task level.

You must complete the Def Rate Seq subtask at the charging level of the project because this subtask determines the order in which billing rates are found.

Note: If you modify the revenue formula of a project, Costpoint resets all revenue amounts in the PROJ_BURD_SUM, PROJ_SUM and LAB_HS tables back to zero for the current fiscal year for all projects at or below the revenue level. This ensures that the YTD revenue amounts are correct with the new revenue formula, when revenue is recomputed.

Complete this screen during project setup for all projects for which the Billable Project checkbox is selected on the Basic Info tab. Before completing this screen, you must identify the revenue formulas that you would like to use by selecting each revenue formula on the Revenue Formulas subtask of the Configure Project Settings screen. Only formulas that have been selected in this subtask are available for selection on this screen. Maintain this screen only when the formula or its attributes change, when a revenue adjustment is required, or when the formula is one of the Fixed Amount formulas. 

Warning: After you establish a revenue formula for a project, changing the formula on this screen may require additional steps to ensure proper calculations. Contact Costpoint General Support before changing any revenue formulas.
Note: Deleting records on this subtask will have a cascade delete effect on any related records in the alternate project revenue profile and on the revenue calculation value history for the fiscal year specified.

For more information about revenue setup, see the "Revenue Setup/Computation" topic.

This subtask is also available as a standalone application, Manage Revenue Information.

Revenue Details

Field Description
Revenue Formula

Enter, or click to select, the revenue formula. You must select revenue formulas on the Revenue Formulas subtask of the Configure Project Settings screen before you can select them here. You can use this subtask to restrict which formulas are available on this screen. Each formula listed produces a separate calculation and all formulas are independent from the type of project specified on the Basic Info tab. For more information about revenue setup, see the "Revenue Setup/Computation" topic.

For example, the project type can be fixed price, and because all revenue formulas are available for selection, the revenue formula can be Loaded Labor Hours. This is a required field. Refer to "Revenue Computations" for more information on the revenue calculations performed for the individual revenue methods.

For information about modifying a revenue formula, see the "Modifying Revenue Formulas" topic.

The following options are included in this drop-down list:

  • BACKLOG (Contract Value Less Backlog): This formula calculates revenue by subtracting the backlog amount entered on the screen from the total contract value. After you select this revenue formula, the Backlog Amount field displays. You must estimate the total backlog for this project and enter it in this field. Costpoint then subtracts this amount from the total contract value on the Mods subtask. Backlog in this context is generally defined as the amount of the contract value that has not yet been earned.
  • CIMR (Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier (Hours)): Use this formula to compute multiplier-based revenue using actual labor rates. Costpoint computes the labor amount by dividing labor cost by actual hours incurred. You must enter a PLC for all labor amounts. Labor amounts that do not have associated hours are ignored during this calculation. A rate type of A is used with this formula. It is different from the Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier formula because it computes revenue using actual rates. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • COSTIMR (Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost)): Use this revenue formula to calculate revenue by applying a multiplier to labor and non-labor costs. You enter the multipliers on this screen or the Mult Ovrd subtask. Costpoint multiplies the multipliers entered on these screens by the labor and non-labor costs that are posted to the general ledger. You must enter a Project Labor Category (PLC) for all labor costs. This is a transaction-based revenue formula.
  • CPFC (Cost Plus Fee On Cost): This formula uses year-to-date direct and indirect costs plus a fee on those costs to compute revenue. The direct costs are derived from information posted to the general ledger. Costpoint calculates the indirect costs by multiplying actual or target rates on the Manage Cost Pools screen by the year-to-date direct costs. It calculates the fee by multiplying total year-to-date costs by the fee percent. The direct, indirect, and fee amounts are combined to determine year-to-date revenue. Any adjustments to the fee are handled on a year-to-date basis.
  • CPFCCMF (Cost Plus Fee on Cost Current Month Fee): This formula uses year-to-date direct and indirect costs but applies fee based only on current period costs. The direct costs are derived from information posted to the general ledger. Costpoint calculates the indirect costs by multiplying actual or target rates on the Manage Cost Pools screen by the year-to-date direct costs. It calculates the fee by multiplying total costs on a period basis by the fee percent. The direct, indirect, and fee amounts are combined to determine year-to-date revenue. Any adjustments to fee are applied only to the current period. 
  • CPFH (Fee on Hours Plus Cost Incurred): This formula calculates revenue by adding direct and indirect costs and a fee based on hours incurred. The direct costs are derived from information posted to the general ledger. Costpoint calculates the indirect costs by multiplying actual or target rates on the Manage Cost Pools screen by the year-to-date direct costs. The program calculates the fee by multiplying fee per hour that was entered on this screen by the number of hours incurred. This is a year-to-date formula.
  • CVPC (Contract Value Times Percent Complete): This formula multiplies the percent complete amount entered on this screen by the total contract value entered on the Mods subtask. This value is then compared to the revenue previously recognized. Costpoint computes the previously recognized revenue by adding the revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the revenue that has been recorded on a year-to-date basis in the project ledger. The difference between the total project revenue to recognize and the previously recognized revenue is then compared to the revenue already posted to the general ledger, and the difference is posted to the general ledger in the current period.
  • CVPCVSE (Contract Value Times % Complete Vs. Rate Schedule): This formula compares the revenue calculated by the Contract Value Times Percent Complete formula and the revenue calculated by the Rate Schedule and then uses the lower of the two amounts. After you select this formula, you must enter the percent complete and the labor and non-labor multipliers in the appropriate fields. Refer to the documentation on the Contract Value Times Percent Complete and the Rate Schedule formulas for more information about these calculations. 
  • EAC (Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Contract Value)): Use this formula if you are recording revenue using a percent completion method based on contract value. To use this formula, you must be able to estimate your projects' costs at completion and any inception-to-date losses. Costpoint first calculates the cost percent complete. The program calculates the inception-to-date allowable costs by adding all prior year allowable costs on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and adding this number to the year-to-date allowable costs on the general ledger. The result of this calculation is divided by the estimate at completion amount that has been entered on the screen less any inception-to-date loss. Costpoint multiplies this percentage by the contract value less any inception-to-date loss. It then compares the resulting amount to the inception-to-date revenue already recognized. It calculates the inception-to-date revenue already recognized by adding the revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen to the revenue recorded in the general ledger for the current fiscal year. The difference between the revenue already recognized and the revenue calculated by Costpoint is the current period revenue.
  • ETBAR (Equal To Billings After Retainage): Use this formula to make inception-to-date revenue equal to billings after retainage. The Amount Billed column on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen is summarized up to and including the ending subperiod being calculated to determine the inception-to-date billed after retainage. Costpoint compares this amount to the inception-to-date revenue. It calculates inception-to-date revenue by adding the total revenue from the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the year-to-date revenue in the general ledger. The difference between these two amounts is posted to the general ledger in the current period.

    If your project uses net withholding, the Compute Revenue application treats the net withholding amount as an additional retainage amount, which is subtracted from the total billing amount to arrive at the revenue amount.  

  • ETBBR (Equal To Billings Before Retainage): Use this formula to make inception-to-date revenue equal to billing before retainage. The Amount Billed and the Amount Retained columns on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen are combined and summarized up to and including the ending subperiod being calculated to determine the inception-to-date billed amount. Costpoint compares this amount to the inception-to-date revenue amount. It calculates inception-to-date revenue by adding the total revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen to the year-to-date revenue in the general ledger. The difference between these two amounts is posted to the general ledger in the current period.
  • ETC (Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Contract Value)): Use this formula if you are recording revenue using a percent completion method based on contract value. To use this formula, you must be able to estimate your projects' cost to complete and any inception-to-date losses. Costpoint first calculates the cost percent complete. It calculates the inception-to-date allowable costs by adding the prior year costs from the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the year-to-date costs in the general ledger. This amount is divided by the estimated costs to complete entered on the screen less any inception-to-date losses. Costpoint multiplies the resulting percentage by the contract value less inception-to-date losses. The result of this calculation is the inception-to-date revenue for the project. Costpoint then compares this number to the sum of the revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the amount that has been posted to the general ledger. The difference between these two numbers is the current period revenue.
  • ETD (Equal To Deliveries): Use this formula to make inception-to-date revenue equal to deliveries. Costpoint calculates deliveries by summarizing the Delivery Amount column on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen up to and including the subperiod entered on the screen. It compares this amount to the inception-to-date revenue. It calculates inception-to-date revenue by adding the total revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen to the year-to-date revenue in the general ledger. The difference between these two amounts is posted to the general ledger in the current period.
  • ETPL (Equal To Project Ledger Sales): Use this revenue formula if you want the revenue on your project reports to be equal to the amount in the general ledger. When you use this formula, Costpoint usually posts revenue to the general ledger with a monthly journal entry. When revenue is calculated, the project tables are updated with the year-to-date revenue from the general ledger.

    When you use the ETPL (Equal to Project Ledger Sales) formula, the Compute Revenue process looks at GL_POST_SUM table for the revenue account. When you use this formula, you either enter an Adjusting Journal Entry (AJE) to credit the revenue account and debit the unbilled account, or you post a sales order that credits the revenue account automatically. When you execute the Compute Revenue process, it sets the revenue amount equal to the costs of the project on the labor and non-labor lines (actual direct cost plus burden) and then plugs the difference into the ACCT_FUNC_NO = 1 line.

  • FACTD (Fixed Amount Contract To Date): Use this formula to determine your contract-to-date revenue manually. Costpoint uses the amount entered on the screen as contract-to-date revenue and compares it to inception-to-date revenue already in Costpoint. It calculates inception-to-date revenue by adding the total revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the year-to-date revenue in the general ledger. The difference between these two amounts is posted as revenue in the current period.
  • FAMTD (Fixed Amount Month To Date): Use this formula if you would like a standard amount per month to be recognized as revenue. This formula compares the fixed monthly amount that is entered on the screen to the revenue in the general ledger for the period being computed. The difference between these two numbers is recognized as revenue.
  • FAYTD (Fixed Amount Year To Date): Use this formula to record a standard amount of revenue each year. This formula compares the year-to-date revenue amount that is entered on the screen to the year-to-date revenue that has been recorded in the general ledger. The difference between these two amounts is recognized as revenue in the current period.
  • FVEAC (Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Funded Value)): Use this formula if you are recording revenue using a percent completion method based on funded value. To use this formula, you must be able to estimate your projects' cost to complete and any inception-to-date (ITD) losses. Costpoint first calculates the allowable estimate at completion (EAC) amount. The program subtracts the ITD revenue loss amount on the Manage Revenue Information screen, if any, from the EAC amount also on the Manage Revenue Information screen. Next, it calculates the ITD percent complete by dividing the ITD allowable cost by the allowable EAC amount. Costpoint multiplies this percentage by the funded value for the project at the level of the revenue formula to get the ITD revenue before loss. It then subtracts the ITD revenue loss amount, if any, from the ITD revenue before loss to get the final ITD revenue. Costpoint calculates the previous year-to-date (YTD) revenue recognized by adding the revenue in the project ledger for the current fiscal year up to and including the subperiod being calculated. Next, it sums the revenue from the prior year table for fiscal years earlier than the selected fiscal year and adds that value to the YTD revenue previously recognized to get the ITD revenue previously recognized. Costpoint then subtracts the ITD revenue amount previously recognized from the ITD revenue to recognize to get the ITD revenue not yet recognized; this amount can be positive or negative. If the ITD revenue exceeds the total project ceiling, the over-ceiling amount is recognized and reduces revenue to the ceiling amount.
  • FVETC (Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Funded Value)): Use this formula if you are recording revenue using a percent completion method based on funded value. To use this formula, you must be able to estimate your projects' cost to complete and any ITD losses. Costpoint first calculates the total allowable EAC by adding the estimate to complete (ETC) amount on the Manage Revenue Information screen to the ITD allowable cost and then subtracting the ITD revenue loss amount (also on the Manage Revenue Information screen), if any. Next, it calculates the ITD percent complete by dividing the ITD allowable cost by the total allowable EAC amount. Costpoint multiplies this percentage by the funded value for the project at the level of the revenue formula to get the ITD revenue before loss. It then subtracts the ITD revenue loss amount, if any, from the ITD revenue before loss to get the final ITD revenue. Costpoint calculates the previous YTD revenue recognized by adding the revenue in the project ledger for the current fiscal year up to and including the subperiod being calculated. Next, it sums the revenue from the prior year table for fiscal years earlier than the selected fiscal year and adds that value to the YTD revenue previously recognized to get the ITD revenue previously recognized. Costpoint then subtracts the ITD revenue amount previously recognized from the ITD revenue to recognize to get the ITD revenue not yet recognized; this amount can be positive or negative. If the ITD revenue exceeds the total project ceiling, the over-ceiling amount is recognized and reduces revenue to the ceiling amount.
  • FVPC (Funded Value Times Percent Complete): This formula multiplies the percent complete amount entered on this screen by the total funded value entered on the Mods subtask. This value is then compared to the revenue previously recognized. Costpoint computes the previously recognized revenue by adding the revenue on the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen and the revenue that has been recorded on a year-to-date basis in the project ledger. The difference between the total project revenue to recognize and the previously recognized revenue is then compared to the revenue already posted to the general ledger, and the difference is posted to the general ledger in the current period.
  • ITDCPFC (ITD Fee on Cost): This formula uses ITD allowable direct and indirect costs plus a fee on those costs to compute revenue. The direct costs are derived from information posted to the general ledger. Costpoint calculates the allowable indirect costs by multiplying actual or target rates on the Manage Cost Pools screen by the ITD allowable costs. It calculates the fee by multiplying ITD allowable costs by the fee percent. The allowable direct, indirect, and fee amounts are combined to determine ITD revenue. Any adjustments to the fee are handled on a year-to-date basis.
  • LLR (Loaded Labor Rate): Use this revenue formula to compute revenue using loaded labor rates only. All non-labor costs are ignored when you use this formula. Costpoint computes the labor portion of this formula by multiplying the assigned labor rate by the hours incurred by PLC on the Manage Project Labor History screen. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • LLRBFNBF (Loaded Labor Rate W/Burden W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee): Use this formula to apply burden and fee to loaded labor rates and non-labor with burden and fee rates. Costpoint multiplies the hours incurred on the Manage Project Labor History screen by the assigned labor rate to obtain the loaded labor amount. The provisional rate on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen is used to calculate the burden on both the labor and non-labor. The non-labor amounts are subtracted from non-labor amounts that were posted to the general ledger. Costpoint applies the fee amount entered on this screen to both the labor and non-labor amounts. This is a transaction-based revenue formula.
  • LLRCINBF (Loaded Labor Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee): Use this formula to compute revenue using labor rates times hours incurred plus non-labor costs with burden and a fixed fee. Costpoint multiplies the labor hours on the Manage Project Labor History screen by the assigned labor rate to obtain the loaded labor portion. The non-labor amounts that were posted to the general ledger are combined with the burden at provisional rates stored on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen. Costpoint applies the fixed fee entered on this screen to the non-labor costs. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • LLRCINL (Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred On Non-labor (T&M)): Use this formula to compute revenue using loaded labor plus non-labor costs. This formula does not compute fee or burden. Costpoint multiplies labor hours incurred on the Manage Project Labor History screen by the assigned labor rate to obtain the loaded labor amount. The non-labor amounts that were posted to the general ledger are computed as pass-through amounts. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • LLRCINLB (Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor Plus Burden on Non-labor): Use this formula to compute revenue using loaded labor rates plus non-labor amounts and related burden. Costpoint computes the loaded labor amount by multiplying labor hours on the Manage Project Labor History screen by the assigned labor rate. The non-labor amounts are taken from amounts posted to the general ledger. The burden is computed on non-labor using the provisional rates on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • LLRFNLBF (Loaded Labor Rate W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee): Use this formula to compute revenue using loaded labor rates with fee applied and non-labor with burden and fee rates. Costpoint multiplies the hours incurred on the Manage Project Labor History screen by the assigned labor rate to obtain the loaded labor amount. The value that you enter in the Labor Fee Pct. field is applied to the labor amount. The non-labor amounts that were posted to the general ledger plus fee computed using the Non-Labor Fee percent are used to compute the non-labor portion of the revenue formula. Costpoint applies the burden to the non-labor using the provisional rates on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • NONE (Do Not Compute): Use this formula if you do not want revenue computed on your project.  Using this formula after your project has been completed prevents modifications in the revenue as a result of indirect or labor rates modifications.
  • RSMNLM (Rate Schedule times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier): Use this formula to calculate revenue using a variety of different labor rates. You must always use a PLC for labor transactions when using this formula. You can set up the rate schedule to use A, B, or C rate types. This allows you to calculate revenue according to who or what group of employees is charging. Costpoint computes the non-labor using the multiplier entered on this screen. This is a transaction-based formula.
  • UNIT (Unit Revenue Only): Use this formula to calculate revenue by using units. Costpoint multiplies units posted to the Unit Usage History table in Costpoint Billing by the unit price on the Manage Product Price Catalogs screen or the Project Unit Pricing subtask of the Manage CLIN Information screen. This is a transaction-based formula. 
Fiscal Year

If you modify the Revenue Formula for this project, use this field to specify what fiscal year the program must use when it sets the revenue amounts back to zero in the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM tables.

Warning: After you establish a revenue formula for a project, changing the formula on this screen may require additional steps to ensure proper calculations. Contact Costpoint General Support before changing any revenue formulas.
Field Description
Revenue Calculation Value

Revenue Calculation Value is displayed as a series of not more than three fields. The descriptions of these fields change based on the Revenue Formula selected. Some formulas use only one field; other formulas use two or three fields. If a formula does not use the Revenue Calculation Value, these fields do not display.

For example: If you choose Cost Plus Fee On Cost as your Revenue Formula, the field is titled Labor Fee Pct. and Non-labor Fee Pct.. You then enter the fee percentages that apply to this project.

Calculate Revenue on Units

Select this checkbox to calculate revenue on units in addition to the revenue that is calculated based on the revenue formula. You must enter one of the following transaction-based revenue formulas in the Revenue Formula drop-down list for unit revenue calculations to be allowed:

  • Contract Value Times % Complete vs. Rate Schedule
  • Cost Plus Fee On Cost
  • Cost Plus Fee On Cost Current Month Fee
  • Fee on Hours Plus Cost Incurred
  • Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost)
  • Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Hours)
  • Loaded Labor Rate
  • Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred on Non-Labor (T&M)
  • Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor Plus Burden On Non-labor
  • Loaded Labor Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee
  • Loaded Labor Rate W/Burden W/Fee plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee
  • Loaded Labor Rate W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee
  • Rate Schedule times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier

If you try to use revenue formulas other than the ones listed with unit-based revenue, Costpoint displays this message: "This fixed amount formula is not allowed to have unit revenue."

To calculate unit-based revenue only and not include any non-unit based revenue, use the Unit Revenue Only revenue formula. Do not select the Calculate Revenue on Units checkbox if you are using this formula.

Discount Method

Use this drop-down list to select a discount method for this project. If you choose to use a discount method, Costpoint applies the following rules when computing revenue or calculating bills:

  1. Burdens apply to the amount BEFORE discount.
  2. Discounts apply to the direct cost amounts (this includes burdens for the w/Burden discount methods).
  3. Fee applies to total AFTER discount.
  4. Sales tax applies to the amount AFTER discount.
  5. Retainage applies AFTER discount. 

For ceilings:

  1. Account Ceilings are enforced before discounts are applied.
  2. Project Total Ceilings are enforced after discounts are applied.
Note: If you modify the revenue formula for a project, Costpoint clears out the discount amount fields (DISC_ACT_AMT and DISC_TGT_AMT) in the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM tables.

If you modify the Discount Method for a project on this screen, you must also modify the discount method for that project on the Other Info tab of the Billing Details subtask (accessed by clicking the Prj Bill Info link). 

The selections are:

  • None: Select this option if you do not want to apply discounts on this project. This is the default for new records.
  • PLC Discounts: Select this option to apply discounts on labor rates by labor category. The discount percentage applies against the billing rates stored in the labor category rate tables. All of the billing rates still reside in the PLC rate tables, but a column exists to store the discount percentage. The Load Labor Rates process calculates the discounted billing rate and loads the original and discounted billing rates into the labor history and open billing detail tables. This is available only for standard bills.

    If you modify the Discount Method from PLC Discounts to another method, Costpoint resets the discount percentages to zero on the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen and the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen.

  • Account Discounts: Select this option to apply a discount on labor and/or ODCs at the subtotal level. You can use account discounts only for standard bills. If you select this option, Costpoint retrieves the discount percentage from the Manage Account Discounts screen and applies it to specific accounts for each project. This is available only for standard bills.
  • Aggregate Volume by Customer: Select this option to apply a discount on fees or labor that is tied to the aggregate volume of business with a particular customer.  For example, if the aggregate volume of orders is equal to $500,000.00 but less than $1,000,000.00, you can apply a discount amount of 1%. If the aggregate volume of orders goes up to $1,000,000.00 but is less than $2,000,000.00, you can then apply a discount amount of 2%. For a project to be included in the aggregate volume funded value computations for a customer, the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox must be selected on the Gov't Contract subtask of Manage Project User Flow.

    If you select this option, the Calculate Standard Bills screen and the Compute Revenue screen compute discounts based on aggregate volume using the discount percentage from the Manage Customer Volume Discounts screen and apply the discount to the accounts specified. This is available only for standard bills.

  • Aggregate Volume by Project: Select this option to apply a discount on fees or labor that is tied to the aggregate volume of business for a particular project.  This method is similar to the Aggregate Volume by Customer discount method but is considered a project override. For example, if the aggregate volume of orders is equal to $500,000.00 but less than $1,000,000.00, you can apply a discount amount of 1%. If the aggregate volume of orders goes up to $1,000,000.00 but is less than $2,000,000.00, you can then apply a discount amount of 2%. For a project to be included in the aggregate volume funded value computation, the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox must be selected on the Gov't Contract subtask of Manage Project User Flow.

    If you select this option, the Calculate Standard Bills screen and the Compute Revenue screen compute discounts using the discount percentage from the Manage Project Volume Discounts screen and apply the discount to the accounts specified. This is available only for standard bills.

  • Account Discounts w/Burden: Select this option to apply a discount on labor and/or ODCs at the subtotal level including the burden amounts associated with the direct costs. You can use accounts discounts only for standard bills. If you select this option, Costpoint retrieves the discount percentage from the Manage Account Discounts screen and applies it to specific accounts for each project.

    The discount applies to the direct cost amount with burden included. This is available only for standard bills.

  • Aggregate Volume by Customer w/Burden: Select this option to apply a discount on fees or labor that is tied to the aggregate volume of business with a particular customer. For example, if the aggregate volume of orders is equal to $500,000.00 but less than $1,000,000.00, you can apply a discount amount of 1%. If the aggregate volume of orders goes up to $ 1,000,000.00 but is less than $2,000,000.00, you can then apply a discount amount of 2%. For a project to be included in the aggregate volume funded value computation for a customer, the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox must be selected on the Gov't Contract subtask of Manage Project User Flow.

    If you select this option, the Calculate Bills screen and the Compute Revenue screen compute discounts based on aggregate volume using the discount percentage from the Manage Customer Volume Discounts screen.

    The discount applies to the direct cost amount with burden included. This is available only for standard bills.

  • Aggregate Volume by Project w/Burden: Select this option to apply a discount on fees or labor that is tied to the aggregate volume of business for a particular project. For example, if the aggregate volume of orders is equal to $500,000.00 but less than $1,000,000.00, you can apply a discount amount of 1%. If the aggregate volume of orders goes up to $1,000,000.00 but is less than $2,000,000.00, you can then apply a discount amount of 2%. For a project to be included in the aggregate volume funded value computation, the Include in Aggregate Volume checkbox must be selected on the Gov't Contract subtask of Manage Project User Flow.

    If you select this option, the Calculate Standard Bills screen and the Compute Revenue screen compute discounts using the discount percentage from the Manage Project Volume Discounts screen.

    The discount applies to the direct cost amount with burden included. This is available only for standard bills.

Allow Revenue to Exceed Value

Select this checkbox to allow revenue in excess of the value of the project to be computed and posted.

Note: You must have already specified on the Configure Project Settings screen whether you want excess revenue recognition based on the contract value or the funded value. Additionally, this checkbox is disabled if the revenue and ceiling levels are different.
By How Much?

Enter the amount by which the signed value ceiling can be exceeded. This field is available only if you selected the Allow Revenue to Exceed Value checkbox.

Post Revenue to the

Use the options in this group box to select whether you would like to post the project's revenue to the owning organization or performing organization. The default for this group box is selected on the Revenue tab of the Configure Project Settings screen. You can modify it on this screen.

Field Description
Owning Organization

Select this option to post all revenue to this project's owning organization. When a parent project exists, the revenue rolls up to the higher level. When selecting this method, be aware that the costs related to the project are posted to the performing organization. If you use this method, consider selecting the Default to Owning Organization checkbox on the  Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. This defaults the owning organization on all transaction screens.

You can also use the Create Cost Transfer Journal Entries screen to reclassify the costs to the owning organization of the project. See the documentation for the Create Cost Transfer Journal Entries screen for more information on this topic.

For example:

Project 3000 - revenue formula level

3000.01 - costs are charged here

3000.02 - costs are charged here

If you are posting revenue by owning org or performing org, all revenue posts to the 3000 project.

Project 4000

4000.01 - revenue level and where costs are charged

4000.02 - revenue level and where costs are charged

If you are posting revenue by owning org or performing, all revenue posts to 4000.01 and 4000.02 (at the level that the revenue formula exists).

Performing Organization

Select this option to post all revenue to this project's performing organization. When a parent project exists, the revenue rolls up to the higher level.

Goal Multiplier

These multipliers are used to calculate the billing value of project costs incurred. These fields are required if you selected the Use Goal Multipliers for Billable Value Calculations checkbox on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.

Field Description

Enter the value to be used as the goal multiplier for labor costs. The default for this field is 1.0000; if you accept this default, the billing value amount is equal to costs with no additional markup.


Enter the value to be used as the goal multiplier for non-labor costs. Non-Labor multipliers are applied to non-labor amounts spent (excluding applied overhead amounts). The default for this field is 1.0000; if you accept this default, the billing value amount is equal to costs with no additional markup.


Subtask Description
Award Fee Click this link to open a subtask where you can select an award fee accrual method, accrual fee percent, and fixed amount accrual, and to view the award fee period, the funded award fee amount, and the contract value award fee amounts that were entered on the Award Fee subtask of the Mods subtask.
Revenue Adjustments

Click this link to open the Revenue Adjustments subtask and record and maintain an audit trail of revenue adjustments by fiscal year, period, and subperiod. All revenue amounts in this subtask, up to and including the subperiod for which revenue is being calculated, are summed to arrive at the year-to-date revenue adjustment amount.