Subcontract Info Tab

Use this tab to specify regulations and security and business requirements that apply to the subcontract.


Use this group box to indicate the subcontract type and the regulations that apply to the subcontract.

Field Description
Subcontract CAS Required? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract has Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) requirements. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Incurred Cost Submission Required? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontractor is required to submit an incurred cost submission report. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Incurred Cost Submission Date This field is enabled only when you select Yes in the Incurred Cost Submission Required? field. Enter, or click to select, the date on which the incurred cost submission report is due from the subcontractor.
Certification of Insurance Expiration Date Enter, or click to select, the expiration date of the certification of insurance.
Subcontract Reporting Required? Select the option to indicate whether subcontract reporting is required. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Subcontract Plan Submitted? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract plan has been submitted. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this an 8A Contract? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract is a contract under the 8(a) Business Development Program. An 8(a) company is a business that is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (usually at least 51% ownership). Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is the Service Contract Act Required? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract has Service Contract Act requirements. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this a Commercial Contract? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract is a commercial contract. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Subcontract Type Enter, or click to select, the subcontract type. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage Contract Types screen. Codes that display in the lookup have the Show in Lookup checkbox selected in Manage Contract Types. Only codes that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Subcontracts.
OCI Mitigation Plan Select the option to indicate whether there is an organizational conflict of interest (OCI) mitigation plan for the subcontract. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is the Davis Bacon Act Required? Select the option to indicate whether the subcontract has Davis Bacon Act requirements. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
DPAS Purchasing Rating

This field displays the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) purchasing rating code associated with the Subcontract Project ID on the General tab.

The value in this field comes from the DPAS Purchasing Rating field on the Manage Government Contract Information screen or on the Government Contract subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen.

Security Requirements

Use this group box to indicate the security requirements that apply to the subcontract.

Field Description
US Citizen Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires all vendors and employees to be US citizens.
ITAR Status

Select the option to indicate the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) requirements of the subcontract. Valid options are:

  • US Person Authorized for ITAR: Select this option if the subcontract requires employees who are US citizens and authorized to do ITAR transactions.
  • Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption: Select this option if the subcontract requires employees who are authorized by the U.S. Department of State for ITAR transactions or have special exemption.
  • Not Authorized: Select this option if the subcontract allows employees who are not authorized to do ITAR transactions.
  • Not Applicable: Select this option if the ITAR status is not applicable to the employees associated with the subcontract.

Business Classification Requirements

Use this group box to indicate business classifications required in the subcontract.

Field Description

Select the business classification size required in the subcontract. Valid options are:

  • Large
  • Small
  • Non-Profit
  • Foreign/Other

You can select only one option. If you select Large or Small, vendors associated with the subcontract are included in the subcontract reporting. If you select Non-Profit or Foreign/Other, the vendors are excluded from the subcontract reporting.

Woman-Owned Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are woman-owned.
Alaskan Native Corporation (ANC) and Indian Tribes Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires Alaskan Native Corporation or Indian Tribe vendors.
Disadvantaged (Include Minority Owned) Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are classified as disadvantaged.
HUB Zone Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are classified as historically underutilized business zone companies.
Veteran-Owned Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are veteran-owned.
Historical Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are classified as historically black colleges/universities or minority institutions.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are service-disabled veteran-owned.
AbilityOne Non-Profit Agency Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are classified as an AbilityOne non-profit agency. An AbilityOne non-profit agency has at least 75% of its total direct labor hours performed by persons who are blind or have significant disabilities.
8(a) Certified Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires 8(a)-certified vendors. An 8(a) company is a business that is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (usually at least 51% ownership).
LGBTQ+ Owned Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are classified as LGBTQ+ owned.
Other Select this checkbox if the subcontract has other business classification requirements that are not included in the list. In the field to the right, enter a description to explain the other business classification requirements.
CMMC Level

Select the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) level associated with the vendor. Valid values are:

  • None
  • 1: Performed processes, basic cyber hygiene practices
  • 2: Documented processes, intermediate cyber hygiene practices
  • 3: Managed processes, good cyber hygiene practices
  • 4: Reviewed processes, proactive cyber hygiene practices
  • 5: Optimizing processes, advanced/progressive cyber hygiene practices
Attention: For more information on CMMC, visit
Refresh from AP Click this button to update the data in the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field with information from the Manage Vendors screen. Costpoint then displays a message, where you can click Yes to proceed or Cancel to go back to the screen.

For new records or those cloned/copied from existing subcontract records, this button is disabled until you save the record.

This button is also disabled when the subcontractor associated with the subcontract record is a prospective vendor. The Refresh from AP functionality will be enabled once the prospective vendor becomes an active vendor.

Synching of information is only from Manage Vendors going to Manage Subcontracts. Any updates you made in the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field will not affect data in Manage Vendors. For more information on the mapping of transferred data, see Manage Vendors to Manage Subcontracts Mapping.

Last Vendor Sync This field displays the date when information was last retrieved from Manage Vendors and reflected in Manage Subcontracts.

If the subcontractor associated with the subcontract record is a prospective vendor, no date displays in this field. If the vendor has been changed from an active vendor to a prospective vendor, Costpoint clears this field.

Note: The LGBTQ+ Owned, CMMC Level, Refresh from AP, and Last Vendor Sync fields are added in Costpoint 8.2.12 as part of the enhancement to include the LGBTQ+ vendor business classification in Costpoint. If you are in Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.


Use this group box to specify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes associated with the subcontract.

Field Description
NAICS (primary)

Enter, or click to select, the primary NAICS code associated with the subcontract. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage NAICS Codes screen. Codes that display in the lookup have the Show in Lookup checkbox selected in Manage NAICS Codes. Only codes that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Subcontracts.

The unlabeled field to the right displays the description of the NAICS code.

The second unlabeled field to the right displays the effective date of the NAICS code.

These fields are updated with data from the Manage Vendors screen when you use the Refresh from AP functionality.

NAICS (supporting)

Enter, or click to select, the supporting NAICS code associated with the subcontract. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage NAICS Codes screen. Codes that display in the lookup have the Show in Lookup checkbox selected in Manage NAICS Codes. Only codes that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Subcontracts.

The unlabeled field to the right displays the description of the NAICS code.

The second unlabeled field to the right displays the effective date of the NAICS code.


Subtask Description
FAR Clauses/Provisions Use this subtask to assign applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses and provisions to the subcontract.
Supplemental Regulations Use this subtask to assign applicable supplemental regulation clauses to the subcontract.
Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files Use this subtask to import FAR, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and other supplemental regulation clauses into the subcontract record.