Application Toolbar

The application toolbar contains commands and options that are applicable to the transaction you are currently performing. The commands include New, Delete, Query, and many more.

Not all menu and toolbar functions are available for all applications. Functions that are unavailable for a given application do not display.

Application Toolbar

The application toolbar contains items to manipulate database tables and records, including Save, Delete and Query.

Menu Option Function
New (F2) Click  to enter a new record on the screen in either Form or Table View.
Delete (Ctrl+Delete) Click to mark the current record for deletion from both the database and from the Query result set.

When you click for a record displayed in Table View, displays in the far left column for that record, while in Form View the displays on the upper left side corner of the application. This indicates that the record is flagged for deletion the next time you save your work to the database.

Warning: This menu option deletes everything currently on the main screen, including any subtask information. For screens with table windows, this feature deletes all rows on the table window. To delete only one row on a table window, click Delete in the Line menu.
Undelete Click  to undo your most recent deletion.

The "marked for deletion" indicator, , no longer displays in the far left column.

This option only displays if there is a record marked for deletion. After you mark a particular record for deletion and then Save, you can no longer undelete that record.

Copy (Ctrl+E) Click Copy drop-down and select Copy Record to duplicate a record, but not its child records. Choose this option if you want to duplicate only one level of a record (at any level). The other available options are:
  • Copy Data to Insert into Excel: Use this option to copy the record to Microsoft Excel.
  • Copy Data to Paste into New Record(s): Select this to copy the record as another parent record.
  • Paste Data: Select this if you just copied a record and want to paste it as a new record.
Attach Click to attach a document to the currently selected record.

Click the drop-down menu and select View Linked Content Files to open the Linked Content Files subtask where you can maintain, view, and delete attachments.

Query (F11) Click to populate an application with a result set of database records that are maintained by that application.

You can place filters on the query to limit the result set to those records meeting specified selection criteria.

For form-type maintenance screens, select Query to set up a data query and define parameters for your database search.

Use the Find tab to narrow your search.

Use the Sort tab to specify the order in which they should be sorted.

Click the Find button to display the result set.

You can also see saved queries on the Saved Queries tab.

Click to access this function from the toolbar.

First (Ctrl+Up arrow) Click to retrieve and display the first record in the database. In Table View, this is the first row on the main screen or subtask.
Previous (Ctrl+Left arrow) Click to retrieve and display the prior record in the database. This would be the record immediately before the one currently displayed.
Next (Ctrl+Right arrow) Click to retrieve and display the next record in the database. This would be the record immediately following the one currently displayed.
Toggle View (Alt+T) After you create a new record by cloning an existing record, use this option in Form View to switch back and forth between the new record and the existing record.
Last (Ctrl+Down Arrow) Click to retrieve and display the final record in the database. In Table View, this is the last row on the main screen or subtask.
Switch to Form View (Ctrl+M) Click  to change the display format for the current record from Table View to Form View.

The Form View icon  displays only when the current record displays in Table View.

Switch to Table View (Ctrl+M) Click  to change the display format for the current record from Form View to Table View.

The Table View icon displays only when the current record displays in Form View.

Find Enter text in the Find field to locate records in applications and subtasks.
Select This Record

Deselect This Record

Click to select the current record.

Click to deselect the current record.

These options display only in Form View.

Save Criteria Click to save the current filter criteria in an application. This option is only available in some applications.
Maximize Click to maximize the size of the application screen.
Restore Click to display the default size of the application screen.
Set Always on Top Click to pin or constantly display a subtask of an application even if you use its parent or main screen.
Email Click to view messages related to the current record or to send messages with attachments.
Close Click to close the current application.