Supplier/Vendor Rating Tab

Use this tab to assign or review ratings for the subcontractor associated with the subcontract.

You can use the fields on this tab to evaluate the performance of the subcontractor. You enter the scores on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask on the following evaluation areas:

  • Responsiveness/Innovation
  • Customer Service, Quality and Delivery
  • Financial
  • Relationship

The subcontractor entered on the General tab defaults on this tab. You can enter multiple records for this subcontractor under one subcontract ID for different Date Reviewed values. However, the subcontractor/project/date reviewed combination must be unique for you to be able to save the record.

Click New to add a new line.

Note: The ratings on this tab are specific to the subcontract record. If you want to view consolidated supplier/vendor ratings for a specific supplier/vendor that is associated with multiple contract/subcontract records, use the Supplier/Vendor Rating tab on the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen.


Field Description
Subcontractor/Vendor ID This field defaults to the Subcontractor/Vendor ID specified on the General tab of Manage Subcontracts.
Subcontractor/Vendor Name This field displays the supplier/vendor name as a hyperlink that you can click to go to the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen and view more information about the supplier/vendor.
Date Reviewed This field defaults to the system date, but you can change it. Enter, or click to select, the date the subcontractor was reviewed.
Contract ID This field displays the contract ID linked to the subcontract record.
Contract Name This field displays the contract name as a hyperlink that you can click to go to the Manage Contracts screen and view more information about the contract.
Total Score This field displays the total numeric score for the subcontractor. Costpoint calculates this value as the sum of all the scores entered on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask for the subcontractor for a specific project and review date. If there are no values on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask for the subcontractor/project/date reviewed combination, this field displays 0. This can exceed 100.

This field displays the rating of the subcontractor in percent for a specific project and review date. Costpoint calculates this value using the Total Score value and the highest possible total score on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask given the top score set up on the Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Codes screen.

For example, if there are 15 of 20 defined rating fields and the top score is 8, the highest rating is 120 (15 x 8). If Total Score is 60, then Percent is 50% (60 / 120).

Note: The number of defined rating fields is equivalent to the number of Description Codes with a corresponding Description on the Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Descriptions screen. These defined rating fields are displayed on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask.
Project ID Enter, or click to select, the project the subcontractor is working on.
Project Name This field displays the project name as a hyperlink that you can click to go to the Manage Project User Flow screen and view more information about the project.
Products/Services Provided Enter notes regarding the type of products or services provided by the subcontractor.


Subtask Description
Supplier/Vendor Rating Use this subtask to enter performance ratings for the subcontractor.