Step 2

If you want to enter period or year-to-date budgets, and total project budgets, go to Step 8.

If you want to enter only total project budgets, enter these on the Manage Project Total Budget screen (the PROJ_TOT_BUD_DIR, PROJ_TOT_BUD_IND, and PROJ_TOT_BUD_FEE tables). Note that you cannot obtain a contract-to-date budget, which is a total project budget at a specific point in time. You can get only a total contract budget that provides a budget for the entire project, regardless of the point in time.

You can enter a total project budget for each organization. The sum of these budgets forms the total budget for the project. If you do not want this level of tracking, enter one budget for the entire company and use the owning organization of the project as the organization.

Use the main screen to enter direct costs and their fees. Use the Indirect subtask of the Manage Project Total Budget screen to enter the burdens, cost of money, and the fees on the burdens. Note that when you enter the Budget %, you must manually enter the burden and cost of money amounts also. Because virtually an endless number of pool configurations is possible, you cannot enter an indirect rate percentage and have Costpoint automatically calculate the indirect costs for a given direct cost amount. For this reason, we recommend that you use the Apply Indirect Costs to Budgets screen. This utility, which is available only with Project Budgets By Period, reviews your pool configuration to determine the proper amount of burden from each pool regardless of the configuration. It then enters the burden amounts and cost of money amounts on the Indirect subtask. This utility ensures that your burden configuration for budgets matches the burden configuration that you are using for your incurred costs.

You can view the entire Project/Organization Budget in summary on the Total Budget subtask of the Manage Project Total Budget screen. Use the Manual Fee Override group box in this subtask to override, either by percentage or amount, each row on the Manage Project Total Budget screen. In addition, you can increase the row of the main screen or the Manual Fee Override group box by using the Other or Additional Fee group box.