Processing Leave

You need to perform multiple actions to complete the Costpoint Leave process.

Step 1: Set Up Employee Leave Information

Use the Manage Employee Leave screen to assign leave codes and related leave hire dates to individual employees previously established on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. Computing leave accruals updates the employee leave status. Enter new employees that have started work since your last leave processing.

Step 2: Print and Review Employee Leave Report

If you entered new employee leave information in the previous step, print and review the Employee Leave Report (on the Print Employee Leave Report screen).

Step 3: Compute Leave Accruals

After verifying that all employee leave information is correct, compute leave for the desired leave cycles.

Step 4: Make Changes in Maintain Leave Edit Table

After computing leave for the desired leave cycles, review and, if necessary, edit the leave accruals, leave lost, and leave deferrals on the Manage Leave Edit Table screen.

Step 5: Print and Review Leave Edit Report

After reviewing and editing the Manage Leave Edit Table screen, print the Leave Edit Report for the desired leave cycles. The report contains the contents of the Employee Leave Journal.

Step 6: Post Timesheets to Labor Distribution

Post timesheets for this leave period to labor distribution. This updates the employee's leave history with leave used information.

Step 7: Print Employee Leave Statements (Optional)

After you review and make changes to the Leave Edit Report and post timesheets for this leave period to labor distribution, print Employee Leave Statements, one cycle at a time, for each employee. This is an optional step.

Step 8: Post Leave Accruals

After computing each leave cycles and printing the Employee Leave Statements, you must post leave accruals and deferrals to the General Ledger before you can compute the next leave period (you can have only one posting per leave cycle). The posting process moves the leave amounts from a temporary table to a permanent leave table and posts the accrual and deferral amounts to the General Ledger.

Step 9: Print Accrued Leave Report

After posting the leave accruals and deferrals to the General Ledger, print the Accrued Leave Report. This report prints the leave balances for each employee.

Step 10: Close the Leave Period

After posting the leave accruals and deferrals to the General Ledger, close the leave period. Only one leave period can be open at any time, so you must close one leave period before any activity for the next leave period can take place.

Step 11: Run the Leave History Inquiry screen (Optional)

You can view an employee's leave history detail (leave accruals, leave lost, leave deferrals, and leave used) on the View History Inquiry screen. This is an optional step.