Basic Information Tab

Use this tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen to view details and enter notes of the purchase order (PO) for which the work assignment settings apply.


Field Description

This field displays the PO number. The PO must be of types Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Release, or Subcontractor Blanket as set up on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


This field displays the release number for the PO.

Change Order

This field displays the last change order number for the PO. This defaults from the Change Order field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


This field displays the transaction currency code for the PO as set up in the Trans Currency field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


This field displays the vendor ID as entered in the Vendor field on the Header tab of Manage Purchase Orders. The vendor name displays to the right of this field.

Work Assignment Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the work assignment start date.

Work Assignment End Date

Enter, or click to select, the work assignment end date.

Work Assignment Total

This group box displays the total hours and transactional and functional amounts from the work assignment charge lines.

Field Description

This field displays the total number of hours for all charge lines.

Trans Amount

This field displays the total transactional amount for all charge lines.

Func Amount

This field displays the total functional amount for all charge lines.

Work Assignment Notes

Enter free-form text specific to the work assignment.