Currencies Subtask

Use this subtask to view the vendor currencies.

Default Currencies

Field Description
Rate Group

This field displays the rate group code to be used for this vendor's transactions. These rate groups identify the source of exchange rate data. The field on the right displays the rate group name.


This currency serves as the default for the Accounts Payable voucher for this vendor's transactions. The field on the right displays the currency name for the transaction currency.


This currency serves as the default for check preparation functions for this vendor's transactions. The field on the right displays the currency name for the payment currency.

Limit Transaction Currencies

If selected, this checkbox indicates that only currencies listed in the table are allowed to be the transaction currency. This is the currency of the received invoice.

Limit Pay Currencies

If this checkbox is selected, one of the currencies selected in the Pay Currencies table must be selected in the Pay field of the Default Currencies group box.

Transaction Currencies

Field Description
Transaction Currency Code If the Limit Transaction Currencies checkbox is selected, this table lists the transaction currencies available for use by this vendor.
Transaction Currency Name This field displays the formal name of the selected Trans Currency code.

Pay Currencies

Field Description
Pay Currency Code If the Limit Pay Currencies checkbox is selected, this table lists the transaction currencies available for use by this vendor.
Pay Currency Name

This field displays the formal name of the selected pay currency code.