Tasks Subtask

Use this subtask to add, view, and track tasks related to the activity.


Click New to add a new task.

Field Description

Enter a unique ID for the task. You can edit this value even after saving the record, but make sure that the task ID is unique for the activity record.

Optionally, you can use the project structure convention in naming your tasks (for example, Task 1.1, Task 1.1.2, and so on).

Task Action Enter the action required for the task.
Due Date

Enter, or click to select, the due date of the task.

When this date becomes earlier than the system date, this field displays in red to indicate that the task is already overdue.


Select the status of the task. Valid options are:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • On Hold

The default for new records is Not Started.

When you select Completed, the Completed Date field is populated and all the other fields on this subtask become disabled. You can change this status at any time to allow for additional edits to the task. Changing from Completed to another status also clears the Completed Date field.

Completed Date This field automatically populates with the date the Completed status is selected.
Owner Type

Select the owner type for the task. Valid options are:

  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • Lead
  • Other
Business ID

This field is enabled only if you selected Vendor or Customer in Owner Type.

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the vendor/customer associated with the task. Both regular and prospective vendors/customers are valid for entry or selection.

Business Name

If Owner Type is Vendor or Customer, this field displays the name of the vendor/customer entered in Business ID.

If Owner Type is Other, you can enter any business name in this field.

If Owner Type is Employee or Lead, this field is blank and disabled.

Task Owner ID

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the task owner. The availability and lookup of this field depend on the selected Owner Type:

  • Owner Type = Employee: In the field lookup, employees with an Active status are displayed by default. You can click Query on the lookup window and remove this default query to view all employees regardless of status.
  • Owner Type = Vendor: This field is enabled only once you have selected a Business ID. The lookup displays valid contacts for the selected vendor.
    Note: In Table view, you select the task owner ID in the Seq No field, and the Task Owner ID is automatically populated with a unique identifier for the vendor contact. If you select a task owner ID in Form view, and then you switch to Table view, that task owner ID is displayed in the Seq No field.
  • Owner Type = Customer: This field is enabled only once you have selected a Business ID. The lookup displays valid contacts for the selected customer.
  • Owner Type = Lead: In the field lookup, leads/contacts with a qualified stage set to New Lead or Qualified are displayed by default. You can click Query on the lookup window and remove this default query to view all leads/contacts regardless of qualified stage value.
  • Owner Type = Other: This field is blank and disabled.
Owner First Name

If Owner Type is Other, enter the task owner first name in this field.

For all the other owner types, this field displays the first name of the selected Task Owner ID.

Owner Last Name

If Owner Type is Other, enter the task owner last name in this field.

For all the other owner types, this field displays the last name of the selected Task Owner ID.

Notify Activity Owner Select this check box to notify the activity owner about the task. This option can be used to create Workflow notifications.
Notify Task Owner Select this check box to notify the task owner about the task. This option can be used to create Workflow notifications.
Additional Email Notifications Select this check box to send notifications to additional email addresses specified in the Additional Emails field.
Additional Emails If you selected the Additional Email Notifications check box, you must enter at least one email address in this field. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon.
Notes Enter additional notes or comments about the task.
Download Outlook (.ics)
Note: This button is available only in Form view and displays once you have saved the record.

You can use this button to add the task to your Outlook calendar. Click this button to download an .ics file containing information about the task. And then, click the downloaded file on the browser window, or open it from your local Downloads folder. You can save the file as is or make modifications before adding the task to your Outlook schedule.

The .ics file automatically sets the appointment as Busy. The other values get copied from the subtask and include the following:

Screen Field .ics File
Task Action Subject
Due Date Start time and End time
Location of the activity associated with the task Location
Notes Details/Body