Lower-Level Costs Subtask

Use the Lower-Level Costs subtask to view the cost detail amounts incurred by the subassemblies used in the MO.

This subtask displays the breakdown of direct and burden costs along with number of labor and subcontract hours applied to the MO.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This field displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

MO Lower-Level Costs

This group box displays the costs (direct and burden) incurred by the subassemblies used in the MO.

Field Description
Material (Direct)

This field displays the total direct material cost of all subassemblies and components (if raw material is not burdened or burdened on receipt) issued to the MO.

Labor (Direct)

This field displays the total direct labor cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

SubContract (Direct)

This field displays the total direct subcontract cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Misc 1 (Direct)

This field displays the total direct miscellaneous 1 cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Misc 2 (Direct)

This field displays the total direct miscellaneous 2 cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Total (Direct)

This field displays the sum of all the direct costs of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Material (Burden)

This field displays the total burden material cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Labor (Burden)

This field displays the total burden labor cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Subcontract (Burden)

This field displays the total burden subcontract cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Misc 1 (Burden)

This field displays the total burden miscellaneous 1 cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Misc 2 (Burden)

This field displays the total burden miscellaneous 2 cost of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Total (Burden)

This field displays the sum of all the burden costs of all subassemblies used in the MO.

Labor (Hours)

This field displays the number of labor hours that have been charged in all subassemblies used in the MO.

Subcontract (Hours)

This field displays the number of subcontract hours that have been charged in all subassemblies used in the MO.

Total (Hours)

This field displays the sum of all the labor and subcontract hours that have been charged in all subassemblies used in the MO.