Contents of the Configure Check Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Check Settings screen.


Field Description
Primary Signature

Select this check box to print a signature on the first or only line of the check.

Secondary Signature

Select this check box to print a second signature on the check. You must select the Primary Signature check box to enable this one.

Signature Limit

Enter the payment amount above which Costpoint limits the signatures it prints on Accounts Payable checks. If you print signatures on checks, Costpoint compares the amount of each check to the amount you enter in this field. You choose to print signatures on checks on the Print/Void Checks screen. Costpoint uses the file you specify in the Location field to print signatures on those checks that do not exceed this amount.

When you set up a primary signature but no secondary signature, Costpoint prints no signature on checks for amounts greater than the Signature Limit. When you set up both primary and second signatures, Costpoint prints only the primary signature on checks for amounts greater than the Signature Limit.

Signature Req Message

Costpoint enables this field when you select the Secondary Signature check box. The text that you enter here prints above the primary signature on every check.

The following are examples of possible signature requirement messages:

  • "Amounts above 1000.00 require two signatures."
  • "Check amounts over 2000.00 require two signatures."
  • "Two signatures required for check amounts over 5000.00."

Address Order for Checks/1099 Self-Mailers

Use the options in this group box to change the printing order of address lines on Accounts Payable checks and 1099 self-mailers. This group box helps you comply with U.S. postal regulations. You must also select the 1099-MISC Self-Mailer option on the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen to print self-mailers. The default selection is Line 1/2/3.

Field Description
Line 1/2/3

Select this option if you want the address order to be Name/Line1/Line2/Line3/CityStateZip.

Line 2/3/1

Select this option if you want the address order to be Name/Line2/Line3/Line1/CityStateZip.

Check and 1099 Report Resolution

Use the options in this group box to specify the printing resolution, low or high, of Accounts Payable checks and the 1099 report. The Low option is selected by default.

Date Field Indicator

Select the format in which to print the Check Date on Canadian preprinted laser checks:


Your selection here overrides the Date Format setting on the Manage Currencies screen.

Preprinted Laser Check Part 3

Use the options in this group box to specify what to print in the third or lower section of preprinted laser checks:

  • If you select Address, Costpoint prints the address in the third section of the check. This is the default.
  • If you select Stub, Costpoint prints the voucher detail in the third section of the check as an additional stub. You can retain this additional stub as a file copy.

Positive Pay Printing Requirement

Use this group box to comply with positive pay printing requirements. This feature is compatible with post office scanning requirements. Positive pay printing is available for preprinted laser, blank laser, and Z-fold laser checks.

Note: Positive pay is not supported for British laser and Canadian preprinted laser checks.
Field Description
Arial 12 pt

Select this check box to print checks using Arial 12-point font.

Payee Lines Only

Select this option to print only the payee lines in 12-point Arial font. If you select this option, checks print the following way:

  • Laser Checks: All lines beneath Joint Payee Name print in 8-point Courier New font.
  • Preprinted Laser Checks: The Joint Payee Line is eliminated. All lines beneath Joint Payee Name print in 8-point Courier New font
  • Z-Fold Laser Check: The Pay Vendor Name and Joint Payee Name print in 12-point Arial font. All lines beneath the Joint Payee Name print in 8-point Courier New font.
  • Canadian Laser Check: The Payee Name prints in 12-point Arial font. Address lines print in 8-point Courier New front. No lines are eliminated because there is no Joint Payee Name on Canadian checks.
All Lines

Select this option to print all lines in 12-point Arial font. Because of the font size increase, you must select an address line to be eliminated from printing in the Address Line Elimination field. This selection is the default.

If you select this option, checks print the following way:

  • Laser Checks and Preprinted Laser Checks: The Joint Payee Name does not print.
  • Z-Fold Laser Check: The Pay Vendor Name and Joint Payee Name print in 12-point Arial font. All lines beneath the Joint Payee Name print in 8-point Courier New font.
  • Canadian Laser Checks: All lines, including Joint Payee Name, print in 11-point Arial font.
Address Line Elimination

If you selected the All Lines option, use this drop-down list to select the address line to be eliminated from check printing:

  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • Address Line 3

EFT Email Settings

Use the options in this group box to specify the details of the EFT email, including the recipient's email address, subject, header, and footer texts.

Field Description
FROM Email Address

Enter the Email address from which the EFT Advice is being sent. This is a required field if any email information is entered.

Email SUBJECT Text

Enter the Email Subject line for the EFT Advice. This is a required field if any email information is entered.

Email HEADER Text Enter extra information that you want to include directly before the EFT Advice Information.
Email FOOTER Text

Enter information that you want to add after the EFT Advice information. This may include a closing signature.