Addresses Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Vendors screen to view the information about vendor addresses.


Field Description
Address Code This field displays the address code for the address entered on this line.
Address Lines 1- 3 This field displays the street address and any other address information other than the city, state/province, country, or postal code.
City This field displays the city or postal code.
State/Province This field displays the state or province.
Postal Code This field displays the postal code associated with the city, state/province, and country.
Country This field displays the country code.
Payment Address

One of the following options is selected from the drop-down list:

Yes: This is selected if the address is a remittance or payment address.

Default: This is selected if this address code is a payment address and should default automatically in the voucher.

No: This is selected if this address code is not a payment or remittance address.

Order Address

One of the following options is selected from the drop-down list:

Yes: This is selected if this address is a valid order address.

Default: This is selected if this address code is an order address and should default automatically on the purchase order.

No: This is selected if this address code is not for an order address.

Phone Number

This field displays the phone number for the address entered.

Fax Number

Enter the fax number for the address entered.

Other Number

This field displays the other phone number, such as a cell phone number or beeper number.

Email Address

This field displays the contact person's email address.

Congressional District Code

This field displays the Congressional District Code for the address location of the Vendor.

Sales/Use Tax Code

This field displays the valid sales/use tax code for the address entered.

Sales/Use Tax Description

This field displays the description of the Sales/Use Tax Code.

UEI Number

This field displays the Unique Entity Identification (UEI) numbers for its units in different addresses.

CAGE Code This field displays the CAGE code for this vendor address.


Subtask Description
Contacts Click this link to open the Contacts subtask.
EFT Info (Non-US) Click this link to open the EFT Info (Non-US) subtask.
EFT Info (US) Click this link to open the EFT Info (US) subtask.