Detailed Table Specifications

This section defines the data element in each table to be loaded or updated by the Import Purchase Order process.

Purchase Order Header (PO_HDR)

Costpoint inserts a corresponding PO_HDR_DFLT row whenever a new PO_HDR row is inserted. For details, please see the PO_HDR_DFLT table following this table.

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must not exist in the purchase order (PO) History table.

PO_HDR must have same company ID as user.

PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must be a valid number.

Must be greater than zero if the PO is a Release; must be zero if the PO is not a Release.

If this value is greater than zero, a PO must already exist with that PO ID and a Release number of zero. The PO must be a blanket type, and it must have an open status.

PO Change Order Number PO_CHNG_ORD_NO Input file. Zero. Required; must be a valid number.
PO Type S_PO_TYPE Input file. If Release Number is 0, set to P; otherwise, set to R. If entered, must be P (Purchase Order), B (Blanket Order), S (Subcontract PO), or R (Release Order). If Release number is greater than zero, PO type must be R. If Release Number is zero, PO type must be P, B, or S. The system will display an error message if the input file changes the PO Type of an already existing PO.
Buyer BUYER_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the Buyer table.

Buyer must be authorized to enter the PO Type (on the Manage Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing).

Buyer must be authorized for the Project and/or Account/Org combination (on the Manage Buyers)

Must have same Company ID as user.

Vendor VEND_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the Vendor table.

The Vendor Status for PO cannot be H (Inactive) or W (Give Warning).

PO Vendor cannot have an approval status (VEND. VEND_APPRVL_CD) of N (Not Approved) or P (Pending).

Vendor Address Code ADDR_DC Input file. The Address Code from the Vendor table default in VEND_ADDR row for Vendor ID where S_ORD_ADDR_CD = D Required; the Vendor Address Code and the Vendor must exist in the Vendor Address table with an Order Address Code of Y (Yes) or D (Default).

Must have same Company ID as user.

PO Status S_PO_STATUS_TYPE Input file. Uses the Initial Status on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Optional.

Must be C (Closed), O (Open), P (Pending), or V (Void).

PO Total — Trans Currency TRN_PO_TOT_AMT Set by the application. Calculated by application as the total of all PO Line Totals (sum of PO_LN. TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT) None.
PO Total —Func Currency PO_TOT_AMT Set by the application. Calculated as the total of all PO Line Totals (sum of PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT)" None.
Sales Tax Total — Trans Currency TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by the application. Calculated as the total sales tax of all PO Lines (sum of PO_LN.TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT). None.
Sales Tax Total — Func Currency SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application. Calculated as the total sales tax of all PO Lines (sum of PO_LN.SALES_TAX_AMT). None.
Blanket Amount — Trans Currency TRN_BLKT_AMT Set by the application Zero. None.
Blanket Amount — Func Currency BLKT_AMT Set by application. Zero. None.
Total Released Amount — Trans Currency TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by the application If the PO type is a Release, this must be calculated for the Blanket. If the PO is a new Release, Costpoint adds the PO Total Amount (PO_HDR.TRN_PO_TOT_AMT) for the release to the original Total Released Amount (TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT).

If the PO is a change, Costpoint adds the difference between the new release PO_HDR.TRN_PO_TOT_AMT and the original amount for that release's PO Total Amount to the original Total Released Amount (TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT).

If the Blanket Amount and Total Released Amount are equal (TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT = TRN_BLKT_AMT), and the Do Not Allow Rlse Amts to Exceed Total Blanket Amt check box is selected (EXCD_BLKT_TOT_FL = Y) on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Costpoint Purchasing, set the header and the status of all open lines to S (System Closed).

Total Released Amount — Func Currency TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by application. If the PO type is a Release, this must be calculated for the Blanket. If the PO is a new Release, Costpoint adds the PO Total Amount (PO_HDR.PO_TOT_AMT) for the release to the original Total Released Amount (TOT_RLSED_AMT) of the blanket.

If the PO is a change, Costpoint adds the difference between the new release PO_HDR.TRN_PO_TOT_AMT and the original amount for that release's PO Total Amount to the original Total Released Amount (TOT_RLSED_AMT) of the blanket.

If the Blanket Amount and Total Released Amount are equal (TOT_RLSED_AMT = BLKT_AMT), and the Do Not Allow Rlse Amts to Exceed Total Blanket Amt check box is selected (EXCD_BLKT_TOT_FL = Y) on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Purchasing, set the header and the status of all open lines to S (System Closed).

Contact Last Name CNTACT_LAST_NAME Set by application. The Contact Last Name from the Vendor Address Contact table; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
Contact First Name CNTACT_FIRST_NAME Set by application. The Contact First Name from the Vendor Address Contact table; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
Order Date ORD_DT Set by application. If the record is a change to an existing PO, the Order Date from the existing PO will not be changed.
FOB Point FOB_FLD Input file. The FOB Point from the Vendor table; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
Retain PO RETAIN_PO_FL Set by the application. Y (Yes).
PO Printed PO_PRNTD_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Confirming PO CNFRM_FL Set by the application. Uses the Confirming PO on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Costpoint.
Acknowledgment Required ACKN_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Acknowledgment Date ACKN_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, the system will use the Acknowledgment Date from the existing PO Header; otherwise, the Acknowledgment Date will be NULL. None.
Vendor Sales Order VEND_SO_ID Set by the application. Space. None.
Terms TERMS_DC Input file. The Terms from the Vendor table. Must exist in the Vendor Terms table.
Period Of Performance Starting PERF_START_DT Set by the application. Null.
Period Of Performance Ending PERF_END_DT Set by the application. Null.
Restrict Release Items to Items on Blanket RLSE_FROM_BLKT_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Restrict Release Line Totals to Blanket Line Totals RLSE_LN_TOT_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Do Not Exceed Blanket Gross Unit Cost on Rel Line GROSS_UNIT_CST_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Do Not Allow Rel Amts to Exceed Total Blanket Amount EXCD_BLKT_TOT_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Return Location BRNCH_LOC_ID Input file. The Branch Location ID from the Buyer table. Must exist in the Branch Locations table. Must have same Company ID as user.
Return Address Code BRNCH_ADDR_DC Input file. The Branch Address Code from the Buyer table. Must exist in the Branch Locations table. The Branch Address Code and the Branch Location ID must exist in the Branch Locations table with a Return Address of Y (Yes) or D (Default).
Bill To Location BILL_TO_LOC_ID Input file. The Bill To Location ID from the Buyer table. Must exist in the Branch Locations table. Must have same Company ID as user.
Bill To Address Code BILL_TO_ADDR_DC Input file. The Bill To Address Code from the Buyer table. Must exist in the Branch Locations table. The Bill To Address Code and the Bill To Location ID must exist in the Branch Locations table with a Bill to Address of Y (Yes) or D (Default).
Change Date CHNG_DT Input file. The current system date. Must be a valid date.
Approval Date APPRVL_DT Set by application. For new POs, if PO Header Status is Open (PO_HDR.S_PO_STATUS_TYPE = “O”) set Approval Date = Order Date (PO_HDR.APPRVL_DT = PO_HDR.ORD_DT). If PO Header Status is not Open (PO_HDR.S_PO_STATUS_TYPE != “O”) set Approval Date (PO_HDR.APPRVL_DT) to NULL.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, the Approval Date from the existing PO is used (if not null). If null, follow logic for new POs.

Approval User APPRVL_USER_ID Set by the application. For new POs, if PO Header Status is Open (PO_HDR.S_PO_STATUS_TYPE = “O”) set Approval User = Modified By (PO_HDR. APPRVL_USER_ID= PO_HDR.MODIFIED_BY). If PO Header Status is not Open (PO_HDR.S_PO_STATUS_TYPE != “O”) set Approval Date (PO_HDR.APPRVL_DT) to NULL.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, the Approval User ID from the existing PO is used (if not null). If null, follow logic for new POs.

Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD Input file. Space. Must exist in the Procurement Type table.
Contact Phone PHONE_ID Set by the application. The Phone Number from the Vendor Address Contact table; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
Contact Fax FAX_ID Set by the application. The Fax Number from the Vendor Address Contact table; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
Locking Flag LOCK_FL Set by the application. N (No).
Vouchered Amount — Trans Currency TRN_VCHRD_AMT Set by the application Zero for new POs.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, the vouchered amount (TRN_VCHRD_AMT) from the existing PO_HDR row is used

Vouchered Amount — Func Currency VCHRD_AMT Set by the application. Zero for new POs.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, the vouchered amount (VCHRD_AMT) from the existing PO_HDR row is used.

GSA GSA_FL Set by the application N (No).
Last Change Date LAST_CHNG_DTT Set by the application. Current System Date.

If the record in the Input file is a new PO, the Last Change Date will be set to the Change Date from the Input file.

If the record is a change to an existing PO, the Last Change Date will be set to the Change Date from the existing PO.

Last Modification Date LAST_MOD_DTT Set by the application. Current system date. None.
Disadvantaged Flag CL_DISADV_FL Set by the application. The Disadvantaged Flag from the Vendor table. None.
Historical Black College Flag CL_HIST_BL_CLG_FL Set by the application. The Historical Black College Flag from the Vendor table. None.
HUBZone Flag CL_LAB_SRPL_FL Set by the application. The HUBZone Flag from the Vendor table. None.
Woman-Owned Flag CL_WOM_OWN_FL Set by the application. The Vendor ID's Woman-Owned Flag from the Vendor table. None.
CIS Code CIS_CD Input file. If there is no value in the input file, the default will be the PO vendor's CIS code (VEND_CIS_INFO.CIS_CD). If no code is linked to the vendor, the default is null. Must exist in CIS_CODES table.

If the PO's CIS Code is not null, the functional currency for the purchase order must be "British Pounds" (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD must be "GBP").

Transaction Currency Code TRN_CRNCY_CD Input file (Transaction Currency) VEND.DFLT_TRN_CRNCY_ID (for input file Vendor)

Else, from multicurrency settings (MU_SETTINGS.DFLT_TR_S_CRNCY_CD) for user's company.

Else, Functional Currency Code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD) for user's company.

If not in input file, and the data being processes is a change to an existing PO, use existing PO_HDR value.

Must exist in Currencies Used in Costpoint table (CURRENCY).

Transaction to Functional Currency combination must be a member of the PO Hdr Rate Group in the Rate Group Currency table (RT_GRP_CRNCY)

If the PO vendor is limited to certain currencies (VEND.LIMIT_TRN_CRNCY_FL=Y), only currencies existing in VEND_LIMIT_CRNCY table for matching vendor are allowed.

Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Input file (Rate Date) Current Date None.
Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Input file (Rate Group) Default Rate Group from Manage Vendors (VEND.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID) associated with the input file Vendor. If not available, load from multicurrency settings (MU_SETTINGS.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID) for user’s company. If not available, this will be Null. If not in input file, and the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, use existing PO_HDR value. Must exist in Rate Group table (RT_GRP).

Transaction to Functional Currency combination must be a member of the PO Hdr Rate Group in the Rate Group Currency table (RT_GRP_CRNCY)

Euro to Functional Rate EUR_TO_FUNC_RT Set by Application When transaction currency is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag checked):

= MU_CRNCY_STATUS. EURO_TO_CRNCY_RT for EU country Func currencies (with Convert to Euro Currency flag checked),using functional currency code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD) for user’s company;

= RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting) for EU country Functional currencies (with Convert to Euro Currency flag Unchecked), using functional currency code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD) for user’s company;

= RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting) for non EU country functional currencies, using functional currency code (GL_CONFIG.FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD) for user’s company;

When transaction currency is either non-EU currency or is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag Unchecked), value = 1;

If this is unavailable, set to 1. If not in input file, and the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, use existing PO_HDR value.

Transaction to Euro Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT Set by Application When transaction currency is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag checked), value = Euro-to-Currency Exchange Rate in the Multicurrency Status table for matching transactional currency code;

When transaction currency is either non-EU currency or is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag Unchecked) value = RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting);

If this is unavailable, default is set to 1.

If not in input file, and the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, use existing PO_HDR value.

Transaction Freeze Rate Flag TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Set by Application Flag indicating whether the exchange rate has been 'frozen' (fixed) for this transaction. Gain or loss calculations will be based on this rate, even if exchange rates have changed.

Set to N (No) if PO_HDR.S_PO_STATUS_TYPE =  P (Pending). Otherwise set to Y (Yes).

If not in input file, and the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, Costpoint uses the existing PO_HDR value.

Transaction to Euro Rate Flag TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Set by application. Flag indicating whether this transaction involves an EC member that uses the  Euro.

Set to Y if the transaction currency is a Euro currency (row exists in MU_CRNCY_STATUS table with matching TRN_CRNCY_CD).Else set to N.

If not in input file, and the data being processed is a change to an existing PO, use existing PO_HDR value.

Recovery Rate — Trans Currency RECOVERY_RT Set by application. Set to ‘1’ (100%) None.
Recovery Amount — Trans Currency TRN_RECOVERY_AMT Set by application. PO_LN.TRN_RECOVERY_AMT = [(PO_LN.TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT + PO_LN.TRN_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT) * PO_LN.RECOVERY_RT * SALES_TAX.RECOV_PCT based on the SALES_TAX_CD associated with the PO_LN.SHIP_ID]. None.
Recovery Amount — Func Currency RECOVERY_AMT Set by application. PO_LN.RECOVERY_AMT = [(PO_LN.SALES_TAX_AMT + PO_LN.PO_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT) * PO_LN.RECOVERY_RT * SALES_TAX.RECOV_PCT based on the SALES_TAX_CD associated with the PO_LN.SHIP_ID]. None.

Purchase Order Header Default Row (PO_HDR_DFLT)

Whenever a new PO_HDR row is inserted, Costpoint inserts a corresponding PO_HDR_DFLT row and populates the PO Header Default fields as shown in the following table:

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
PO ID PO_ID Set by application PO_HDR.PO_ID
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Set by application PO_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO
Project PROJ_ID Set by application Null
Org ORG_ID Set by application Null
Account ACCT_ID Set by application Null
Proj Abbrev PROJ_ABBRV_CD Set by application Space
Org Abbrev ORG_ABBRV_CD Set by application Space
Inv Abbrev INVT_ABBRV_CD Set by application Null.
Reference 1 REF_STRUC_1_ID Set by application Null.
Reference 2 REF_STRUC_2_ID Set by application Null.
Ship ID SHIP_ID Set by application PO_SETTINGS. DFLT_SHIP_ID
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Set by application If the record in the Input File is a new PO, load the VEND.SHIP_VIA_FLD associated with PO_HDR.VEND_ID. Else space.

If the Vendor of data being processed is a change to an existing PO, change the VEND.SHIP_VIA_FLD associated with the new PO_HDR.VEND_ID. Else space.

Drop Shipment DROP_SHIP_FL Set by application N
Default Taxable Status S_PO_TAXABLE_TYPE Set by application PO_SETTINGS.S_PO_TAXABLE_TYPE
Volume Discount VOL_DISC_PCT_RT Set by application 0 (Zero).
Requisition RQ_ID Set by application Space
Order Reference ORDER_REF_ID Set by application Space
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Set by application Space
Desired Date DESIRED_DT Set by application System Date
Due Date DUE_DT Set by application System Date
Auto Voucher AUTO_VCHR_FL Set by application If the record in the Input File is a new PO, load the VEND.AUTO_VCHR_FL associated with PO_HDR.VEND_ID.

If the Vendor of data being processed is a change to an existing PO, change the VEND.AUTO_VCHR_FL associated with the new PO_HDR.VEND_ID

Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application User ID.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by application System Date/Time.
Proj Acct Abbrev PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD Set by application Null.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by application 0 (Zero).

Purchase Order Header Text (PO_TEXT)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Input file. Load DFLT_SEQ_NO from TEXT_WHERE_USED row with TEXT_WHERE_USED.AUTODFLT_FL = ‘Y’ and TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_WHERE_USED_CD = ‘P’, and corresponding STD_TEXT row (with matching TEXT_CD) has STD_TEXT.COMPANY_ID equal to that of the user’s. Do not override matching Text Codes in the input file. Required.
Text Code TEXT_CD Input file. Load TEXT_CD from TEXT_WHERE_USED row with TEXT_WHERE_USED.AUTODFLT_FL = ‘Y’ and TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_WHERE_USED_CD = ‘P’, and corresponding STD_TEXT row (with matching TEXT_CD) has STD_TEXT.COMPANY_ID equal to that of the user’s. Do not override matching Text Codes in the input file. Required; must exist in the PO Standard Text table. Must exist in the Standard Text - Where Used table with a code of P (Purchase Order).

Must have same Company ID as user.

Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by application. Current system date and time. None.

Purchase Order Header Notes (PO_HDR_NOTES)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Header Notes PO_HDR_TX Input file. None. Required. If a row exists in the Input File with a code of HN, PO Header Notes is required in the Input File.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.

Purchase Order Line (PO_LN)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the PO Line Key from the existing PO Line. Otherwise, the PO Line Key is set to the PO Line Number. None.
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO Input file. None. Required. Must be unique for this PO.
Line Type S_PO_LN_TYPE Set by the application. If the user enters a Misc Type Code, load an M. If an item is provided, load the S_ITEM_TYPE

That is, for new PO lines being created, if the input file has a misc line charge type code, then PO line type will be M. Otherwise, if an item is in the input file, it will take the value corresponding to the ITEM.S_ITEM_TYPE (which can be P (Part), G (Good) or S (Service) as defined in product definition). Users must enter either a misc line charge type code or an item/rev, but not both. If updating an existing PO line, the PO line type from the original line will be used, unless the line charge type code or item/rev itself is being changed.

Item Key ITEM_KEY Set by the application. If the Item ID/Rev are entered, lookup on ITEM table. If Misc Line Charge Type is entered, leave null. None.
Description PO_LN_DESC Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Description from the existing PO Line (except when the item is changed).

If the line is new and no description is provided, load from LN_CHG_DESC if Misc Line Charge Type is entered and ITEM_DESC if Item is entered.

If the line is a new PO Line and Item is entered and the Allow Description Change flag = N in Costpoint Product Definition Settings, ignore the description (if any) in the input file. If the Allow Description Change flag = Y, use description in input file, if provided.

For existing PO line, if Item is changed—Default in the description from Item.

If the PD Settings Allow Description Change flag = N, ignore the description (if any) in the input file.

If the PD Settings Allow Description Change flag = Y, use input file description if provided; else use the item default.

For existing PO line, if Item is not changed—If the Line Type is G (Good) or S (Service), and Allow Description Change in Purchasing—Goods and Services is not selected on Configure Product Definition Settings, always load from ITEM_DESC. If Line Type is P (Part), and Allow Description Change in Purchasing—Part is not selected in Configure Product Definition Settings, always load from ITEM_DESC. If the Configure Product Definition Settings Allow Description Change flag = Y in both cases, load the description from the input file (if provided); else use existing PO line description.

Quantity ORD_QTY Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Order Quantity from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. Required; must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be greater than zero if line type is P (Part) or G (Good).

Must not be less than PO_LN.RECVD_QTY – REJ_REP_QTY, or PO Line's vouchered quantity.

Must be Zero for Subcontract POs (PO_HDR.S_PO_TYPE is "S").

Received Quantity RECVD_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Received Amount from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Accepted Quantity ACCPTD_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Accepted Quantity from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Posted Quantity PSTD_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Posted Quantity from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Order Date ORD_DT Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Order Date from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is the System Date/Change Date.
Due Date DUE_DT Input file If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Due Date from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is null. Must be later than, or the same as, the Order Date.

Must be later than, or the same as, the Desired Date.

Required for non-blanket POs.

Desired Date DESIRED_DT Input file If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Desired Date from the existing PO Line; Otherwise, the Original Due Date. Must be earlier than, or the same as, the Due Date.
Volume Discount Rate DISC_PCT_RT Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Volume Discount from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. Must be between 0 and 100 percent.
Receipt Tolerance Percentage RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Receipt Tolerance Percentage from the existing PO Line. If Item is entered, load from ITEM. RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT. otherwise, the default is zero. Must be zero if Overshipments are not allowed.

Must be between 0 and 100 percent.

Gross Unit Cost — Trans Currency TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Input file. For multicurrency, input file to reference transaction currency amounts. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Gross Unit Cost from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
Gross Unit Cost — Func Currency GROSS_UNIT_CST_AMT Set by application. Converted from input file Gross Unit Cost — Trans Currency (TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT None.
Net Unit Cost — Trans Currency TRN_NET_UN_CST_AMT Set by the application Calculated by the application as (Gross Unit Cost – Volume Discount).


Net Unit Cost — Func Currency NET_UNIT_CST_AMT Set by the application. Calculated by the application as (Gross Unit Cost - Volume Discount).


Extended Cost Amount — Trans Currency TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT Input File. Set by application if not in Input file as (Quantity * Net Unit Cost) or [ORD_QTY * TRN_NET_UN_CST_AMT]

For subcontract POs, if the data being processed is a change to an existing Sub PO Line, and not in input file, the value from the existing line is used.

For non-subcontract POs, if the data being processed is a change to an existing PO line, and there is no value in input file for PO line Extended Cost Amount, Quantity or Gross Unit Cost, the value from the existing line is used.


Required if Line Type = S (if PO Type = S). Value must be greater or less than zero to allow negative Subcontract PO line amounts. Negative amount is not allowed for Service Items (S_PO_LN_TYPE = S).

Cannot have value if PO line Quantity is greater than 0 and/or Gross Unit Cost is greater than 0 in input file or existing PO line.

Extended Cost Amount — Func Currency PO_LN_EXT_AMT Set by the application. Converted from Extended Cost Amount – Trans Currency (TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT) if it exists in the input file.

Otherwise, calculates this value as (Quantity * Net Unit Cost). If the data being processed is a change to an existing Subcontract PO Line and is not in the input file, the value from the existing line will be used.

Total Line Amount — Trans Currency TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT Set by application. Calculated by the application as (Extended Line Amount + Sales Tax Amount + Line Charges + Line Charge Taxes).or [TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT + TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT + TRN_LN_CHG_AMT + TRN_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT] Must not be less than the PO Line Vouchered Amount or Posted Amount. PO_LN.TRN_VCHRD_AMT or PO_LN.TRN_PSTD_AMT
Total Line Amount — Func Currency PO_LN_TOT_AMT Set by the application. The application calculates this value as (Extended Line Amount  + Sales Tax Amount + Line Charges) or


Total Released Amount —Trans Currency TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Total Released Amount from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero.

When a PO release line is added, and a matching blanket line key is found, the TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT of the blanket (not the release) is incremented by the release TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT.

If a PO release line is changed and the release line has a blanket PO line key, Costpoint increments the TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT of the blanket order (not the release) by the difference of the new release TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT – the original blanket order TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT.

Total Released Amount — Func Currency TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Total Released Amount from the existing PO Line. Otherwise the default value is zero.

If you add a PO release line (if matching blanket line key is found, the system increments the blanket's Total Released Amount by the release's Total Line Amount. If a PO release line is changed and the release line has a blanket PO line key, Costpoint increments the blanket order's Total Released Amount by the difference of the new release's Total Line Amount – the original blanket order's Total Line Amount.

Blanket Balance — Trans Currency TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Blanket Balance from the existing PO Line is used; otherwise the default is zero.

When a PO release line is added, and a matching blanket line key is found, the TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT of the blanket (not the release) must be decremented by the release TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT. If a PO release line is changed and the release line has a blanket PO line key, decrement the TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT of  the blanket (not release) by the difference of the new release TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT – the original blanket TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT. If the TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT is less than zero, Costpoint sets it to zero after first performing the validation below. If the TRN_BLKT_BAL_AMT = 0 and the blanket order’s PO_HDR. TRN_RLSE_LN_TOT_FL = Y, set the blanket line status to S. If all blanket lines are Closed, System Closed, or Void, Costpoint changes the Blanket header’s status to closed.

Blanket Balance — Func Currency BLKT_BAL_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Blanket Balance from the existing PO Line.

When a PO release line is added (if matching blanket line key is found), the system will decrease the Blanket Balance by the release's Total Line Amount. If a PO release line is changed and the release line has a blanket PO line key, the Blanket Balance will be decreased by the difference of the new release Total Line Amount - the original blanket Total Line Amount. If less than zero, the Blanket Balance will be set to zero but the validation will be performed first. If the BLKT_BAL_AMT = 0 and the blanket’s PO_HDR. RLSE_LN_TOT_FL = Y, set the blanket line status to S. If all blanket line’s are set to Closed, System Closed or Void, also set the Blanket header’s status to closed.

Received Amount — Trans Currency TRN_RECVD_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Received Amount from the existing PO Line is used; otherwise the default is zero. None.
Received Amount — Func Currency RECVD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, use the Receive Quantity from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default value is zero. None.
Accepted Amount — Trans Currency TRN_ACCPTD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Accepted Amount from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. None.
Accepted Amount — Func Currency ACCPTD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Accepted Amount from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Vouchered Amount — Trans Currency TRN_VCHRD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Vouchered Amount from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. None.
Vouchered Amount — Func Currency VCHRD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Vouchered Amount from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Posted Amount — Trans Currency TRN_PSTD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Posted Amount from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. None.
Posted Amount PSTD_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Posted Amount from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is zero. None.
Sales Tax — Trans Currency TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Input file. If not in input file – If Taxable flag = Y, calculate PO_LN. TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT = PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT * PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT. Use Sales Tax Rate associated with the PO line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID). Do not calculate Sales Tax Amt if PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL=N.

If in input file—Use input file value. Calculate the PO line sales tax rate to synchronize with the amount. PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT = PO_LN. TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT / PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Sales Tax from the existing PO Line is used (if no change is made to columns that affect the sales tax amount calculations, else recalculate.) Otherwise the default is zero.

If a positive value is entered, the PO line must be taxable (PO_LN. TAXABLE_FL is Y), and the Auto Calculate Sales/VAT Tax check box (PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL) must be selected on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen.
Sales Tax — Func Currency SALES_TAX_AMT Set by the application. If Taxable flag = Y, calculate PO_LN.SALES_TAX_AMT = PO_LN.PO_LN_EXT_AMT * PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT.  Use Sales Tax Rate associated with the PO line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID).  Do not calculate Sales Tax Amt if PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL=N (ref bug 15037).

If in input file:

Use input file value. Calculate the PO line sales tax rate to synchronize with the amount. PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT = PO_LN. SALES_TAX_AMT / PO_LN.PO_LN_EXT_AMT.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Sales Tax from the existing PO Line is used (if no change is made to columns that affect the sales tax amount calculations, else recalculate.) Otherwise the default is zero.

Sales Tax Rate SALES_TAX_RT Set by application. If PO line is taxable, default in Sales Tax Rate associated with the PO line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID). If PO line Sales Tax Amount is in input file, recalculate the PO line sales tax rate to synchronize with the sales tax amount (PO_LN. SALES_TAX_RT = PO_LN. SALES_TAX_AMT / PO_LN. PO_LN_EXT_AMT)

If PO line is non-taxable, default in Zero.

Ship ID SHIP_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Ship ID from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is null.  Required if PO Line Type is P (Part) or G (Goods).

Required if Taxable field is Y (Yes).

Must exist in the Shipping ID table.

Must have same Company ID as user.

Status S_LN_STATUS_TYPE Input file. Required; must be C (Closed), O (Open), P (Pending), or V (Void).

Cannot be changed if the Status is V (Void).

Cannot be changed to P (Pending) or V (Void) if receipts exist.

Cannot be changed to O (Open), P (Pending), or V (Void) if the line has been fully received.

Commit Dollar/Quantity S_PO_COMMIT_TYPE Input file. Standard Orders:

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Commit Dollar/Quantity from the existing PO Line is used.

The Commit Dollar/Quantity from the PO Line Charge Type table.

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is P (Part) or G (Good), this is set to Q (Quantity).

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is S (Service), this is set to D (Dollar).

Blanket Orders:

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Commit Dollar/Quantity from the existing PO Line is used.

If PO_SETTING.INCL_BLKT_CMMIT_FL=Y, defaults for the original blanket order (Rel=0) as well as for release orders (Rel >0) will be as follows:

The Commit Dollar/Quantity from the PO Line Charge Type table.

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is P (Part) or G (Good), this is set to Q (Quantity).

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is S (Service), this is set to D (Dollar).


Defaults for the original blanket order (Rel=0) will be E (Excluded).

Defaults for the release orders (Rel >0) will be as follows:

The Commit Dollar/Quantity from the PO Line Charge Type table.

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is P(art) or G (Good), this is set to Q (Quantity).

If the Miscellaneous Type is null and the Line Type is S (Service), this is set to D (Dollar).

D(ollar).Subcontract POs:

If PO Type = S, default D.

Must be D (Dollar), Q (Quantity) or E (Excluded).
Tax TAXABLE_FL Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Tax flag from the existing PO Line.

If data being processed is new and you enter a Misc Line Charge Type, the system will load from LN_CHG_TYPE.

If you enter an Item, the system will use PO Settings to determine if value should be Y, N or should come from ITEM_SETTINGS.

Otherwise, the default is N (No).

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Deliver To from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is a space. None.
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Ship Via from the existing PO Line. Otherwise, the default is the Ship Via from the Vendor table, or a space. None.
Unit of Measure PO_LN_UM_CD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Unit of Measure from the existing PO Line.

If you are entering a new line and enter an Item, the system will load the Item's U/M.

Must exist in Unit of Measure table.

Required if the quantity is greater than zero.

Miscellaneous Type MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Miscellaneous Type from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is null. Required if the Line type is M (Miscellaneous).

If the Line Type is not M (Miscellaneous), you cannot enter a Miscellaneous Type.

Must exist in the PO Line Charge Type table.

Must have same Company ID as user.

Requisition Number RQ_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Requisition Number from the existing PO Line; otherwise, the default is a space. Required if the Require Req No to be Non-Blank on PO Line option is selected in the Requisition Requirements group box on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).

Must exist in the Requisition table if the Require Valid Req No on PO Line option is selected in the Requisition Requirements group box on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).

Must have same Company ID as user.

Manufacturer MANUF_ID Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system uses the Manufacturer from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a part in the Item row, the system will load this value from the Alternate Parts table for that part key where the Prefer Flag field is Y (Yes) on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Must exist in Manufacturer table.

If the Separate Items by Company check box is not selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the system loads this value from the Alternate Parts (ALT_PART) table, the system will process only rows that have a company ID that is null or matches the user's company ID.

Manufacturer Part MANUF_PART_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Manufacturer's Part from the existing PO Line.

If you entered a part in the Item row, the system will load this value from the Alternate Parts table for that part key where the Prefer Flag field is Y (Yes) on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Otherwise, the default is a space.


If the Separate Items by Company check box is not selected and the application loads this value from the Alternate Parts (ALT_PART) table, the system will process only rows that have a company ID that is null or matches the user's company ID.

Manufacturer Revision MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Manufacturer Revision from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a part in the Item row, the system will load this value from the Alternate Parts table for that part key where the Prefer Flag field is Y (Yes) on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Otherwise, the default is a space.


If the Separate Items by Company check box is clear in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the application loads this value from the Alternate Part (ALT_PART) table, the system will process only rows that have a company ID that is null or matches the user's company ID.

Vendor Part VEND_PART_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Vendor Part from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a part in the Item row, the system will load this value from the Alternate Parts table for that part key where the Prefer Flag field is Y (Yes) on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Otherwise, the default is a space.


If the Separate Items by Company check box is clear in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the application loads this value from the Alternate Part (ALT_PART) table, the system will process only rows that have a company ID that is null or matches the user's company ID.

Vendor Revision VEND_PART_RVSN_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Vendor Revision from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a part in the Item row, the system will load this value from the Alternate Parts table for that part key where the Prefer Flag field is Y (Yes) on the Manage Alternate Parts screen.

Otherwise, the default is a space.


If the Separate Items by Compan > y check box is clear in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen and the application loads this value from the Alternate Part (ALT_PART) table, the system will process only rows that have a company ID that is null or matches the user's company ID.

Certificate Of Conformance Required CERT_OF_CNFRM_FL Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Certificate of Conformance Required from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a Part, the system will load the Certificate of Conformance Required from the Part Project (PART_PROJ) and PART tables (if PART_PROJ row does not exist).

If the Miscellaneous Type is not null, the system will set this to N (No).

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
QC Inspection Required QC_REQD_FL Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the QC Inspection Required from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a Part, the system will load the QC Inspection Required from the Part Project (PART_PROJ) and PART tables (if PART_PROJ row does not exist).

If you enter a Misc Line Charge, the system will load the QC Inspection Required from the PO Line Charge Type table.

Otherwise, the default is N.

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Source Inspection Required SRCE_INSP_FL Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Source Inspection Required from the existing PO Line.

If you enter a Part, the system will load the Source Inspection Required from the Part Project (PART_PROJ) and PART tables (if PART_PROJ row does not exist). Otherwise, the default is "N."

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Over Ship OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Over Ship from the existing PO Line.

If you entered a Misc Line Charge, the system will load the Over Ship flag from the Line Charge Type table. Otherwise, the system loads from ITEM.

If PO Type is S, set to N.

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Blanket PO Release Number BLKT_PO_RLSE_NO Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Blanket PO Release Number from the existing PO Line.

If the line is for a new release, the system will load zero.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Blanket PO Line Key BLKT_PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Blanket PO Line Key from the existing PO Line. If the line is for a new release, the system will use the input file line record's line number to look up the line key on the corresponding blanket. For example, if the release line number is 2, the system will locate the blanket's line number 2 to determine the line key.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Item ITEM_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Item from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Must exist in the Item table.

If the Separate Items by Company check box is selected, the item must have the same company ID as user.

If PO Type is S, the Item Type must be S.

If this value is changed, an error will occur if the PO line has already been received or vouchered.

Validation routines give errors if the PO vendor has not been approved or assigned for the PO line part, depending upon the set up for this part/vendor restriction (ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL, PART. S_VEND_RESTRICT_CD).

See Error Messages.

Item Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Item Revision from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is a space.

If the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the Item ID/Item Revision must exist in Item table in Costpoint Product Definition.

If the Separate Items by Company check box is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings  screen, the item must have the same company ID as the user.

If the PO Type is S, the Item Type must be S.

If this value is changed, an error will occur if the PO line has already been received or vouchered.

Validation routines give errors if the PO vendor has not been approved or assigned for the PO line part, depending upon the set up for this part/vendor restriction (ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL, PART. S_VEND_RESTRICT_CD).

See Error Messages.

Drop Ship DROP_SHIP_FL Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Drop Ship from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is N (No).

Order Reference ORDER_REF_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Order Reference from the existing PO Line. None.
Original Due Date ORIG_DUE_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Original Due Date from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is the Due Date.

User Revision USER_RVSN_FLD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the User Revision from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is the Item Revision. If null, the default is a space.

Inventory Abbreviation INVT_ABBRV_CD Input File. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Inventory Abbreviation from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Must exist and be active if this field is populated.

Inventory Account Type (S_INVT_ACCT_TYPE) must be A or E.

Item must exist and the Item type must be P (Part). The PART.INVT_FL must be Y.

Must have same company ID as User's.

Voucher Received VCHR_RCV_FL Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Voucher Received from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is N (No).

Match Option S_MATCH_OPT_CD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Match Option from the existing PO Line.

Selected from the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings based on the Line Type.

If PO Type is S, the default is TOTAL.

Total Line Charge Amount — Trans Currency TRN_LN_CHG_AMT Set by the application. Calculated by the application as the total of all Amounts including tax,  from the Line Charges table. If PO Type is S, default to zero. None.
Total Line Charge Amount — Func Currency PO_LN_CHG_AMT Set by the application. The application calculates this as the total of all Amounts including tax from the Line Charges table.

If PO Type is S, the default is zero.

Total Line Charge Tax Amount — Trans Currency TRN_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT Set by application. Calculated by the application as the total of all Sales Tax from the Line Charges table.

If PO line Charge is taxable (LN_CHG_TYPE.TAXABLE_FL = Y), the system will multiply Line Charge Amount to Sales Tax Rate (PO_LN.TRN_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT = PO_LN.TRN_LN_CHG_AMT * PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT). The system will use the Sales Tax Rate associated with the PO line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID). The Sales Tax Amountt will not be calculated if PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL is N.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, Sum of all line charge tax rows for the PO line (SUM of PO_LN_CHG. TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT rows for matching PO_ID/PO_LN_KEY). If PO Type is S, default to zero.

Total Line Charge Tax Amount — Func Currency PO_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT Set by the application. The application calculates this as the total of all Sales Tax from the Line Charges table.

If PO line Charge is taxable (LN_CHG_TYPE.TAXABLE_FL = Y), the system will multiply the Line Charge Amount to the Sales Tax Rate (PO_LN.PO_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT = PO_LN.PO_LN_CHG_AMT * PO_LN.SALES_TAX_RT). The system will use the Sales Tax Rate associated with the PO line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID). The Sales Tax Amount will not be calculated if PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL is N

If PO Type is S, default to zero.

Reject and Replace Quantity REJ_REP_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reject and Replace Quantity from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Reject and Pay Quantity REJ_PAY_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system uses the Reject and Pay Quantity from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Reject and Credit Quantity REJ_CR_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reject and Credit Quantity from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Reject and Replace — Trans Currency TRN_REJ_REP_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Reject and Replace Transaction Currency Amount (TRN_REJ_REP_AMT) from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. None.
Reject and Replace Amount — Func Currency REJ_REP_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reject and Replace Amount from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Reject and Pay — Trans Currency TRN_REJ_PAY_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Reject and Pay Transaction Currency Amount (TRN_REJ_PAY_AMT) from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero None.
Reject and Pay Amount — Func Currency REJ_PAY_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reject and Pay Amount from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Reject and Credit — Trans Currency TRN_REJ_CR_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Reject and Credit Transaction Currency Amount (TRN_REJ_CR_AMT) from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero. None.
Reject and Credit Amount — Func Currency REJ_CR_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reject and Credit Amount (REJ_CR_AMT) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Approval Date APPRVL_DT Set by the application. For new PO line, if status is O, set to order date. Otherwise, if status is not O, this will be set to null.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO line, the Approval Date from the existing PO line is used (if not null). If null, follow logic for new PO line.

Approval User APPRVL_USER_ID Set by the application. For new PO line, if status is O, set this PO UPLOAD (similar to value for PO_LN.MODIFIED_BY). Otherwise, if status is not O, this will be set to null.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Approval User from the existing PO Line is used (if not null). If null, follow logic for new POs.

Order Reference Line Key ORDER_REF_LN_KEY Set by the application. If you enter an order reference number and an order reference line number, and S is loaded in the Order Reference Type field, the application will look up the line key from the SO_LN using the Order Ref ID as the SO_ID, the Order Ref Line number as the SO_LN_NO, and 0 as the SO_RLSE_NO. If no match is found, the default is zero. None.
Order Reference Type S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD Input file. Space. Must be equal to S or M.
Warehouse WHSE_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system uses the Warehouse from the existing PO Line.

If an inventory abbreviation is loaded, the system will get the value from the inventory abbreviation's warehouse ID.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Must have same company ID as User's.

If the PO line has an inventory abbreviation and the Plan Warehouse Separately check box is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings screen (MRP_SETTINGS_CORP. WHSE_PLN_FL is Y), and the input file does not have a warehouse and no default can be loaded, an error will occur., and the system will display the message: "Warehouse is required for inventory PO lines."

PO Line Close Date PO_LN_CLOSE_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Closing Date from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Total Released Quantity TOT_RLSED_QTY Set by the application. When a PO release line is added (if a matching blanket line key is found), the system increments the blanket's Total Released Quantity by the release's Order Quantity. If a PO release line is changed and the release line has a blanket PO line key, the system will increment the blanket's Total Released Quantity by the difference of the new release (Order Quantity - the original blanket's Total Released Quantity).

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Match Type S_MATCH_CD Input file. If PO Type is S, set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Match Type from the existing PO Line.

If the Line Type is P (Part), the system sets this to 3.

If the Line Type is S (Service), G (Goods), or M (Misc), the system will obtain the corresponding Match Type from the Voucher Settings table. If PO Type is S, the default is 3.

Must be 2 or 3.
Commodity Code COMM_CD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Commodity Code from the existing PO Line.

If you enter the Item, the system will load from the Item table.

Otherwise, the default is a space.

Minimum Quantity MIN_QTY Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Minimum Quantity from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Leadtime ARO LT_DAYS_NO Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Leadtime ARO from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Purchase Agreement S_PURCH_AGRMT_CD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Purchase Agreement from the existing PO Line. Otherwise the default is N (No).
Issue ISSUE_FL Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Issue flag from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is N (No).

Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Procurement Type from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is a space.

Auto Voucher AUTO_VCHR_FL Input file. If PO Type is S, set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Auto-Voucher flag from the existing PO Line.

If the None option is selected in the Auto-Voucher Creation group box in the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable), the system will set this to N (No).

Set to the Auto-Voucher flag from the Vendor table.

You cannot change the Auto-Voucher flag to Y (Yes) if the Auto-Voucher flag in the PO Vendor Settings table is N (No) or the Auto-Voucher flag in the Vendor table is N (No).

The Auto-Voucher flag cannot be Y (Yes) if the None option is selected in the Auto-Voucher Creation group box in the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable).

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).

Subline Number SUBLINE_NO Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Subline Number from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Requisition Line Key RQ_LN_KEY Input File If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Requisition Line Key from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Combination of RQ_ID/RQ_LN_KEY must exist in RQ_LN.

If input file RQ_ID is blank, validation will not occur and this will not be inserted into the PO_LN.

Award Quote AWARD_QT_ID Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Award Quote from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is space.

User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
Sales Tax Rate SALES_TAX_RT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Sales Tax Rate from the existing PO Line.

If the Taxable Flag is Y (Yes), the system will load this value from the Ship ID.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Military Spec MIL_SPEC_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Military Spec from the existing PO Line.

If this in not in the input file, the system will load this value from the Part table in Costpoint Product Definition if the Line Type is P (Part) and the change is an insert rather than an update.

Otherwise, the default is null.

National Stock Number NSN_ID Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the National Stock Number from the existing PO Line.

The system will load this value from the Part table in Costpoint Product Definition if the Line Type is P (Part).

Otherwise, the default is null.

Order Reference Release Number ORDER_REF_RLSE_NO Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Order Reference Release Number from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Contract Line Item Number CLIN_ID Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Contract Line Item Number from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Start Date PERF_START_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Starting Date from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

End Date PERF_END_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the End Date from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Billing Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Billing Cycle from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Billing Cycle Paid Amount — Trans Currency TRN_BILL_CYCLE_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the Billing Cycle Paid Amount (TRN_BILL_CYCLE_AMT) from the existing PO Line is used. Otherwise the default is zero None.
Billing Cycle Paid Amount  — Func Currency BILL_CYCLE_PAY_AMT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Billing Cycle Paid Amount (BILL_CYCLE_AMT) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Order Reference Line Number ORDER_REF_LN_NO Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Order Reference Line Number from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Last Vouchered Date LAST_VCHRD_DT Set by the application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Last Vouchered Date from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is null.

Valid date.
Industry Class IND_CLASS_CD Input file. From either:

(1) input file

(2) item's industry class (ITEM.IND_CLASS_CD)

(3) Line Charge Type's industry class (LN_CHG_TYP.IND_CLASS_CD) or

(4) Commodity Code's industry class (COMM.IND_CLASS_CD)

Otherwise, the default is null.

Must exist in Industry Class table.
Vendor Size S_CL_SM_BUS_CD Set by application. On a new line or when the PO_HDR.VEND or the PO_LN. IND_CLASS_CD has changed, the system must determine the PO line business size. If the IND_CLASS_CD is not null, the system will look up the VEND_IND_CLASS for that PO_LN. The system will use PO_HDR. VEND_ID and PO_LN. IND_CLASS_CD. If a row is found, the system will load the VEND_IND_CLASS .S_CL_SM_BUS_CD to the PO_LN. S_CL_SM_BUS_CD. If a row is not found or IND_CLASS_CD is null, the system will load the value from the VEND table. None
CIS Withholding Flag CIS_WH_FL Input file. If not in the input file, the default will be Y (Yes) if vendor's CIS Code has a withholding rate greater than zero (on the Manage Construction Industry Scheme Codes screen). Otherwise, the default is N (No). Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).

If Y, the purchase order's CIS Code cannot be null, and the associated withholding rate must be greater than zero.

Completed Work Retention Pct COMPLT_RET_PCT Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Retention Pct from the existing PO Line.

If this value is not in the input file, the default is 0 for new PO lines.

Must be a number between 0.0000 and 1.0000.

Cannot be greater than zero if PO Type (PO_HDR.S_PO_TYPE) is not S.

Must be Zero if PO Type is S, and PO Line Extended Amt is less than zero.

Stored Materials Retention Pct STORED_RET_PCT Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Stored Materials Retention Pct from the existing PO Line.

If the value is not in the input file, the default is 0 for new PO lines.

Must be a number between 0.0000 and 1.0000.

Cannot be greater than zero if PO Type (PO_HDR.S_PO_TYPE) is not S.

Must be Zero if PO Type is S, and PO Line Extended Amt is less than zero.

Completed Work Amt — Trans Currency TRN_COMPLT_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Amt (Transactional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Completed Work Amt — Func Currency COMPLT_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Amt (Functional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Completed Work Retention Amt —Trans Currency TRN_COMPLT_RET_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Retention Amt (Trans Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Completed Work Retention Amt — Func Currency COMPLT_RET_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Retention Amt (Functional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Stored Materials Amt — Trans Currency TRN_STORED_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Stored Materials Amt (Transactional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Stored Materials Amt — Func Currency STORED_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Stored Materials Amt (Functional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Stored Materials Retention Amt — Trans Currency TRN_STORED_RET_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Stored Materials Retention Amt (Transactional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Stored Materials Retention Amt — Func Currency STORED_RET_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Stored Materials Retention Amt  (Functional Currency) from the existing PO Line is used.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Completed Work Requested Amt — Trans Currency TRN_RQSTD_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Requested Amt (Transactional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.

Completed Work Requested Amt — Func Currency RQSTD_AMT Set by application. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Completed Work Requested Amt (Functional Currency) from the existing PO Line.

Otherwise, the default is zero.


Purchase Order Line Account (PO_LN_ACCT)

Cross Validations for Projects/Accounts/Organizations:

  • Data for the Account Line must exist in the Input File.
  • If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, there can be only one Account Line in the PO Line Account table for the PO Line being processed.
  • If the Buyer PAO Code drop-down list on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen is not Implicit, the Buyer and Project must exist in the Buyer Project table.
  • If the Buyer PAO Code drop-down list on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen is not Implicit, the Buyer and Account and Organization must exist in the Buyer Organization Account table.
  • If the Buyer PAO Code drop-down list on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen is Implicit and the Buyer is assigned to top level of the Project, the Lower Level flag must be Y (Yes).
  • If a Buyer is associated with the Account and Organization, the Buyer, Account, and Organization must exist in the Buyer Organization Account table.
  • If you entered a valid Inventory Abbreviation code, you do not need to enter a project, account, or organization. The PO Line Account (PO_LN_ACCT) is always loaded by the Inventory Abbreviation's Project ID (INVT_ABBRV_CD. PROJ_ID), Material Account (MATL_ACCT_ID), and Material Org (MATL_ORG_ID).
Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required Must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. None. None.
Sub Key SUB_KEY Set by the application. None. None.
Project PROJ_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Project from the existing PO Line. If you entered a valid Inventory Abbreviation code, you do not need to enter a project, account, or organization. The PO Line Account (PO_LN_ACCT) is always loaded by the Inventory Abbreviation's Project ID (INVT_ABBRV_CD. PROJ_ID), Material Account (MATL_ACCT_ID), and Material Org (MATL_ORG_ID). If the PO Line has an Inventory Abbreviation, the Project must match the Project for the Inventory Abbreviation in the Inventory Abbreviation table.

Must pass standard Project/Organization Account (POA) validation.

Must exist in the Project table. Must have same company ID as the user.

Organization ORG_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Organization from the existing PO Line.

To get the Organization, the system looks up the Project in the Project Master table.

If you enter a valid Inventory Abbreviation code, you do not need to enter project, account or organization. The PO Line Account (PO_LN_ACCT) is always loaded by the Inventory Abbreviation's Project ID (INVT_ABBRV_CD. PROJ_ID), Material Account (MATL_ACCT_ID), and Material Org (MATL_ORG_ID).

If the PO Line has an Inventory Abbreviation, the Organization must match the Material Organization for the Inventory Abbreviation in the Inventory Abbreviation table.

Must pass standard POA validation. 

Must exist in the Org table.


Must have same company ID as the user.

Account ACCT_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Account from the existing PO Line.

To get the Account, the system looks up the Project/Account Abbreviation and the Account Group of the Project in the Account Entry Groups table.

If you enter a valid Inventory Abbreviation code, you do not need to enter a project, account, or organization. The PO Line Account (PO_LN_ACCT) is always loaded by the Inventory Abbreviation's Project ID (INVT_ABBRV_CD. PROJ_ID), Material Account (MATL_ACCT_ID), and Material Org (MATL_ORG_ID).

Must be a detail account.

The Account Entry Group on the Manage Accounts screen must be ALL or PO.

If the PO Line has an Inventory Abbreviation, the Account must match the Material Account for the Inventory Abbreviation in the Inventory Abbreviations table.

Must pass standard POA validation.

Must exist in the Account table.


Reference Number 1 REF_STRUC_1_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reference Number 1 from the existing PO Line. Must exist in the Reference Structure table and the Reference Heading must be assigned to Reference 1. Must have same company ID as the user's.
Reference Number 2 REF_STRUC_2_ID Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Reference Number 2 from the existing PO Line. Must exist in the Reference Structure table and the Reference Heading must be assigned to Reference 2. Must have same company ID as the user's.
Amount — Trans Currency TRN_CST_AMT Input file. From PO Line total amount.
Amount — Func Currency CST_AMT Set by the application. From PO Line total amount.
Allocation Percentage CST_AMT_PCT_RT Set by the application. 100%
Project Abbreviation PROJ_ABBRV_CD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Project Abbreviation from the existing PO Line.

To get the Project Abbreviation, the system looks up the Project in the Project Master table.

The Project Abbreviation must exist in the Project Master table.

The Project must be active. Must have same company ID as the user's.

Organization Abbreviation ORG_ABBRV_CD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Organization Abbreviation from the existing PO Line.

To get the Organization Abbreviation, the system looks up the Organization in the Org Elements table.

The Organization Abbreviation must exist in the Org Elements table.

The Organization must be active.

Must have same company ID as the user.

User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
Project/Account Abbreviation PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD Input file. If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, the system will use the Project/Account Abbreviation from the existing PO Line. The Project/Account Abbreviation and the Account Group of the Project must exist in the Account Entry Group table.

Purchase Order Line Charge (PO_LN_CHG)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table. PO Type must not be S.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. None. None.
Charge Type LN_CHG_TYPE Input file. None.

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, and input file has Null value for line charge type, the system will not modify the existing value.

Must exist in the PO Line Charge Types table.

Must have same company ID as user.

Sub Key SUB_KEY Set by the application. None. None.
Amount — Trans Currency TRN_CHG_CST_AMT Input file. None

If the data being processed is a change to an existing PO Line, and input file has Null value for line charge cost, the system will not modify the existing value.

Requires a numeric value.
Amount — Func Currency CHG_CST_AMT Set by application Converted from TRN_CHG_CST_AMT None.
Sales Tax Amount — Trans Currency TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by the application. If the PO Line is taxable, the system will multiply the Transactional Currency Amount to the Sales Tax Rate to get the Sales Tax Amount—Transactional Currency (PO_LN_CHG.TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT = PO_LN_CHG.TRN_CHG_ CST_AMT * PO_LN. SALES_TAX_RT).

The system will use the Sales Tax Rates associated with the PO Line Ship ID (SALES_TAX_CD.SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID).

The Sales Tax Amount will not be calculated if it is configured that way in PO Settings (PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL = N).

Otherwise, the default is zero.

None. Please see validations for Sales Tax Amount for PO Lines.
Sales Tax Amount — Func Currency SALES_TAX_AMT Set by the application. If the PO Line is taxable, the system will get its Sales Tax Amount by multiplying the Transactional Currency Amount to the Sales Tax Rate (PO_LN_CHG.SALES_TAX_AMT = PO_LN_CHG.CHG_CST_AMT * PO_LN. SALES_TAX_RT). The Sales Tax Rate Associated with the PO Line Ship ID will be used (SALES_TAX_CD. SALES_TAX_RT for SHIP_ID.SALES_TAX_CD corresponding to PO_LN.SHIP_ID).

The Sales Tax Amount will not be calculated if it is configured that way in PO Settings (PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL = N).

Otherwise, the default is zero.

None. Please see validations for Sales Tax Amount for PO Lines.
Taxable TAXABLE_FL Set by the application. The system uses the Line Charge Type from the PO Line Charge Type table to get the Taxable flag.

Otherwise, the default is N (No).

Must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Previously Vouchered Amount — Trans Currency TRN_CHG_PR_VCH_AMT Set by the application. Zero. None
Previously Vouchered Amount — Func Currency CHG_PREV_VCHRD_AMT Set by the application. Zero. None.
Description LN_CHG_DESC Set by the application. The system uses the Line Charge Type from the PO Line Charge Types table to get the description.

Otherwise, the default is space.

User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.

Purchase Order Line Notes (PO_LN_NOTES)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. None. None.
User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Set by the application. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
PO Line Text PO_LN_TX Input file. None. Required.

Purchase Order Line Text (PO_LN_TEXT)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Input file. None. Required; must exist in the PO Header table.
PO Line Key PO_LN_KEY Set by the application. None. None.

When a new PO line is generated and an Item is included, the system will check the ITEM_TEXT table for that ITEM_KEY. If there are one or more rows in this table where the standard text code have a Where Used Code of P (Purchase Order) on the TEXT_WHERE_USED table. The same is performed for PROJ_TEXT if the PO_Line input file includes a Project.

Text Code TEXT_CD Input file. None. Required.

Must exist in the PO Standard Text table.

Must exist in the Text Where Used table with a Where Used Code of P (Purchase Order).

Must have same company ID as User’s.

Must not be a duplicate with another new/existing line text row.

User MODIFIED_BY Set by the application. PO-UPLOAD (the last upload is processed by the application). None.
Time Stamp TIME_STAMP Input File. Current system date and time. None.
Row Version ROWVERSION Set by the application. Zero. None.
Text Source Code S_TEXT_SRCE_CD Input file. None. Must be I (Item) or P (Project).
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Input file. None. Required.

Must be a valid number.

Must not be duplicate with another new/existing line text row

Requisition Line (RQ_LN_PO)

When a new PO line is created and the input file contains both a requisition ID and a requisition line key, the application must create a RQ_LN_PO row with PO and requisition information. It also must update the RQ_LN.GENERATED_QTY, GENERATED_AMT, and TRN_GENERATED_AMT. In certain cases, it may also need to update the RQ_LN_S_RQ_STATUS_CD and RQ_HDR.S_RQ_STATUS_CD.

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Auto-Assign PO AUTO_ASSIGN_PO_FL Set by application N
Award Quote Header Key AWARD_QT_HDR_KEY Set by application Null
Award Quote Line Key AWARD_QT_LN_KEY Set by application Null
Blanket PO Line Key BLKT_PO_LN_KEY Set by application Null
Desired Date DESIRED_DT Set by application RQ_LN.RQST_DT
Due Date DUE_DT Set by application PO_LN
Euro to Functional Rate EUR_TO_FUNC_RT Set by application PO_HDR.EUR_TO_FUNC_RT
Manufacturer ID MANUF_ID Set by application Null
Manufacturer Part ID MANUF_PART_ID Set by application PO_LN.MANUF_PART_ID
Manufacturer Part Revision ID MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID Set by application PO_LN.MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID
Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application PO_LN.MODIFIED_BY
Negotiated Discount Percent —Func Currency NEG_DISC_PCT_RT Set by application PO_LN.DISC_PCT_RT
Negotiated Gross Unit Cost — Func Currency NEG_GROSS_UNIT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.GROSS_UNIT_COST_AMT
Negotiated Gross Net Cost — Func Currency NEG_NET_UNIT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.NET_UNIT_COST_AMT
Negotiated Requisition Line Extended Amount — Func Currency NEG_RQ_LN_EXT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.PO_LN_EXT_AMT
Negotiated Requisition Line Total Amount — Func Currency NEG_RQ_LN_TOT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT
Negotiated Sales Tax Amount — Func Currency NEG_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application PO_LN.SALES_TAX_AMT
Order Quantity ORD_QTY Set by application PO_LN.ORD_QTY
Order Unit of Measure ORD_UM_CD Set by application PO_LN.PO_LN_UM_CD
PO Created Date PO_CREATED_DT Set by application System Date
PO Created PO_CREATED_FL Set by application Y
PO ID PO_ID Set by application PO_LN.PO_ID
PO Line PO_LN_KEY Set by application PO_LN.PO_LN_KEY
PO Release PO_RLSE_NO Set by application PO_LN.PO_RLSE_NO
Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Set by application PO_HDR.RATE_GRP_ID
Ready for PO RDY_FOR_PO_FL Set by application Y
ROWVERSION Set by application 0
Requisition ID RQ_ID Set by application RQ_LN.RQ_ID
Requisition Line RQ_LN_KEY Set by application RQ_LN.RQ_LN_KEY
Shipping ID SHIP_ID Set by application PO_LN.SHIP_ID
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Set by application PO_LN.SHIP_VIA_FLD
SUB_KEY Set by application If no RQ_LN_PO rows exist for the RQ_ID, set to 1; otherwise, set to the highest sub_key number for that RQ_ID + 1.
TIME_STAMP Set by application System Date/Time
Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Set by application PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_CD
Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Set by application PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_DT
Transaction Freeze Rate Flag TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Set by application PO_HDR.TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL
Gross Unit Cost—Trans Currency TRN_GR_UNIT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT
Net Unit Cost — Trans Currency TRN_NT_UNIT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.TRN_NET_UN_CST_AMT
Requisition Line Extended Amount—Trans Currency TRN_RQ_LN_EXT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT
Requisition Line Total Amount-Trans Currency TRN_RQ_LN_TOT_AMT Set by application PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT
Sales Tax Amount-Trans Currency TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application PO_LN.TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT
Transaction to Euro Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT Set by application PO_HDR.TRN_TO_EUR_RT
Transaction to Euro Rate Flag TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Set by application PO_HDR.TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL
Vendor Address Code VEND_ADDR_DC Set by application PO_HDR.VEND_ADDR_DC
Vendor ID VEND_ID Set by application PO_HDR.VEND_ID
Vendor Part ID VEND_PART_ID Set by application PO_LN.VEND_PART_ID
Vendor Part Revision VEND_PART_RVSN_ID Set by application PO_LN.VEND_PART_RVSN_ID

If all RQ_LN_POs for a given RQ_LN have been turned into purchase orders and the total quantity for all RQ_LN_POs (in Req U/M) is equal or greater than the requested quantity, the program will set the RQ_LN status to PO G (Generated.) If the statuses of all RQ_LNs for a given requisition are rejected, void, or generated, the program will set the RQ_HDR status to PO G (Generated). It will increase the RQ_LN's GENERATED_QTY amount (order quantity will be converted to the req line's U/M if it is different than the PO line's unit of measure). It will also increase the RQ_LN's GENERATED_AMT and TRN_GENERATED_AMT by the PO_LN. PO_TOT_AMT and PO_LN.TRN_PO_TOT_AMT (will be converted to the requisition line's U/M if it is different than the PO line's unit of measure).

If the S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD of the Requisition Line  is M, the program will look up the MO_HDR for the MO number in the ORDER_REF_ID column. If the ALLOW_SUBCT_FL = Y, the system will generate the PO/PO line and add the PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT from the generated PO line (where the S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD = M) to the MO_HDR_CST.SUBCT_CST_AMT. If the ORDER_REF_LN_KEY is not zero, it will add the same costs to the MO_ROUTING.SUBCT_CST_AMT for the found row. It will copy Req Line Planner and Operation to the PO Line columns.

Updating Inventory

When creating a new PO line with an inventory abbreviation, the program will update the INVT table for the PO_LN's item key and inventory abbreviation. If the PO_LN unit of measure and the part's default unit of measure are different, the system will calculate the PO_LN.ORD_QTY in the part's default unit of measure. If the INVT row exists, the system will increase the row's ON_ORD_QTY by the PO line's converted order quantity. If a matching INVT row does not exist, the program will insert a new row, setting the ON_ORD_QTY to the PO line's converted order quantity. It will set all other quantities and amounts to zero.

When updating an existing PO_LN where the updated PO line has an inventory abbreviation, the program may have to insert or update an INVT row. If an update changes the item_key, inventory abbreviation, and/or the order quantity, one or two rows will be affected.

If the item key and/or the inventory abbreviation have changed, the program will reduce the INVT.ON_ORD_QTY of the original part /inventory abbreviation combination by the original PO_LN.ORD_QTY (which is converted to the part's default unit of measure, if necessary). If the original PO line does not have an inventory abbreviation, the program skips this step. If the new version of the PO_LN has an inventory abbreviation, the program will increase the INVT. ON_ORD_QTY by the NEW PO_LN. ORD_QTY. If the INVT row does not exist, the program will create one.

If only the order quantity has changed on a PO_LN with an inventory abbreviation, the application will add the new order quantity less the original order quantity (which is converted to the part's default unit of measure to the INVT row.)

When adding or changing a PO line row where the INVT has been updated or inserted, if MRP_SETTINGS.ENABLE_NET_CHG_FL is Y (from global variables), and INVT PART.S_PLAN_TYPE is P (and S_PLAN_TYPE is S if MRP_SETTINGS.PLAN_MPS_FL is Y) and PART.NET_CHG_FL is N, the program will set the PART.NET_CHG_FL to Y. When modifying the part on a PO line, the program performs the check on both the ORIGINAL and NEW parts.

Updating Inventory and Requisitions

If the new PO line references a requisition and requisition line number, the program will check to see whether a part and inventory abbreviation exist on the requisition line. If they do, the application must reduce the requisition line's part/inventory abbreviation code INVT.ON_RQ_QTY by the PO_LN.ORD_QTY (converted to the part's default unit of measure if necessary). If the converted order quantity is greater than the requisition line's RQSTD_QTY less GENERATED_QTY (converted to the part's default UM if necessary), it will reduce the ON_RQ_QTY by the smaller quantity.

If the referenced requisition line has a part and an inventory abbreviation, and the part is different than the PO line's part, if MRP_SETTINGS.ENABLE_NET_CHG_FL is Y (from global variables), the requisition line's PART.S_PLAN_TYPE is P (and S_PLAN_TYPE is S if MRP_SETTINGS.PLAN_MPS_FL is Y), and PART.NET_CHG_FL is N) the program will set the PART.NET_CHG_FL to Y.

When adding the PO line, the program will check to see whether any reservations are attached to the referenced requisition line (RES_HDR with S_INVT_TRN_TYPE is P, RQ_ID = RES_HDR.ORD_ID, RES_HDR.ORD_RLSE_NO = null, and RQ_LN_KEY = RES_HDR.ORD_LN_KEY). If it finds a match, and the requisition line status is being set to G by this requisition line (fully generated), it will change the RES_HDR.S_APPRVL_CD to A and replace the requisition ID/line key with PO ID/line key on RES_HDR. It will also add the release number of the generated PO to the RES_HDR Order Release Number.

If a reservation exists for this requisition line but the generation of the PO line will not cause the RQ_LN.S_RQ_STATUS_CD to be set to G (the requisition line is not being fully generated), the program will generate a new RES_HDR and one or more new RES_LN rows. The new reservation header will have the same information on it as the original except for the following:

  • RES_ID: Automatically numbered by system using warehouse auto-assign. Reservation will not be created without an assigned Reservation ID.
  • ORD_ID: PO_ID of the generated PO_LN
  • ORD_RLSE_NO: PO_RLSE_NO of the generated PO_LN
  • ORD_LN_KEY: PO_LN_KEY of the generated PO_LN

The new reservation will have the same number of rows as the old reservation with the same column values except RES_PART_QTY. The program will determine the quantities of the new reservation lines by multiplying the original reservation line’s reserved quantity by the PO line quantity (converted to the inventory unit of measure) divided by the original REQ_LN.RQSTD_QTY less GENERATED_QTY (converted to the inventory unit of measure). It will decrease the original reservation line's quantity by the same amount. If there is any fractional requirements on either the new or the original requisition line and the reserved part has a unit of measure of EA, it will round the fractions up to the nearest whole number.

If the program changes or adds reservations/requests, it will update the INVT. RES_QTY and PLND_RES_QTY for each part/from inventory abbreviation. If it changes the status of an existing reservation header to A, it will reduce the PLND_RES_QTY and increase the RES_QTY for each RES_LN row by the RES_LN.RES_PART_QTY.

If the program generates a new reservation, it will increase the INVT.RES_QTY by the RES_PART_QTY of each of the new RES_LNs and decrease the same INVT row's PLND_RES_QTY by the same amount by which the original RES_LN row’s RES_PART_QTY was reduced.

In either case, if the program adds or changes a reservation, it will set the NET_CHG_GL of each of the RES_LN rows' parts to Y (if MRP_SETTINGS.ENABLE_NET_CHG_FL is Y (from global variables), and reservation line PART.S_PLAN_TYPE is P (or S_PLAN_TYPE is S if MRP_SETTINGS.PLAN_MPS_FL is Y), and PART.NET_CHG_FL is N).

Creating Change Order

If the Create Change Order flag is Y on the PO header input file (and the record passes all validations), the program will copy the original PO information for the specified PO ID/Release (before any of the input file modifications are made) to the change order tables as follows (also, in the PO_HDR, it will be set the LAST_CHNG_DTT to the system date/time):

Attention: See Create Purchase Order Change Orders for detailed logic.