Print Employee Labor Summary Report

Use the Print Employee Labor Summary Report screen to print a report that details, for the employees whom you select, the hours and dollars for each account that each employee has charged in the current period and for the fiscal year-to-date.

This report is useful for management of an employee's time. Subtotals for the accounting period, the year-to-date, and the percentages are printed for the non-billable and the billable labor, showing both hours and dollars. When you select Home Organization as the primary sort, the report page breaks on home organization, but the report does not page break by employee. However, when an employee's information does not fit on the page, the report adds a page break before adding the employee information. This ensures that an employee's information is all on the same page, unless the information is longer than the page length.


Run this report at the end of the fiscal year, since the year-to-date information is rolled into all previous years when closing the fiscal year. Timesheets that have not been posted to labor distribution are not included in this report.