Input File Layout

Use this information as a guide in creating an input file that you can upload to Costpoint using the Import Multi-Job Allocation Percentage Basis screen.

Note: The input file layout may contain fields that are available only in Costpoint Advanced. If you are using Costpoint Essentials, these fields are excluded from the import process and may be left blank or null when you create the input file.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

Multi-Job Allocation Percentage Basis Input File (PROJ_ALLOC_PCTBASE)

Column No Column Name Costpoint Field Name Data Type Data Length "R" (Required) / "O" (Optional) / "D" (Derived) Contents
1 ALLOC_CD Allocation Code Character 6 R
2 PROJ_ID Project Character 30 O
3 ACCT_ID Account ID Character 15 R
4 ORG_ID Organization Character 20 R
5 APPLY_RES_FL Apply Residual Flag (Y/N) Character 1 R Y, N
6 UNITS_AMT Units Decimal 14,4 R
7 DOL_LIMIT_AMT Dollar Limit Amount Decimal 14,2 R