Features Subtask

The Features subtask displays a list of Opt-In features and their status for Cloud customers.


Field Description
Feature ID

This column displays the identification code for the feature.

Title This column displays the name of the feature.

This column displays a brief description of the feature.

Minimum MR

This column displays the monthly release version in which the feature was released.

Available On This column displays the date the feature became available.
Automatically Enabled on This column displays the date the feature will automatically be enabled for all users.
Feature rows are color-coded based on their deployment status:
  • Green: The feature has been deployed.
  • Red: The feature has not been deployed.
  • Yellow: Some items in the subtasks are deployed.


Subtask Description
Applications Click this link to open the Applications subtask and view a list of applications affected by this feature.
Patches Click this link to open the Patches subtask and view a list of patches included in this feature.
Libraries Click this link to open the Libraries subtask and view the list of libraries included in a feature.