Amortization Schedule Subtask
Use this subtask to amortize deferred revenue for the selected sales order (SO) invoice line over a specified number of accounting periods.
If the sales order's revenue recognition method is deferred revenue (on the Billing tab on the Manage Sales Order screen), and an amortization schedule code exists for the sales order invoice line, you must populate this subtask if the invoice has an open status (that is, the invoice has not been posted using the Post Sales Order Journal screen). Once you populate this subtask and post the invoice, you will only be able to change the amortization status code from O (Open) to C (Closed), however you cannot add new lines nor modify any other fields on this subtask. This subtask is disabled if you are creating a new invoice whose sales order does not have a deferred revenue recognition method (and therefore no amortization status code).
You must first establish amortization schedule codes in the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules screen, and assign them on the Manage Sales Order screen for a given SO line.
Field | Description |
Invoice No, Sales Order, SO Line |
These fields display from the sales order line. |
Cumulative Amortization
Field | Description |
Rate |
This field displays the sum total of all Amortization Percentage Rate fields for each line. This field must equal "100.00%", thus making the Amount field and the Invc Line Amount equal, as well. |
Amount |
This field displays the sum total of all Amortization Amt fields (posted and not posted) for each line and must be equal to the . This field is rounded to two decimal places. Any discrepancy between this field and the Invc Line Amount will be rectified via automatic adjustments to the last period of the amortization schedule for the invoice line. |
Invc Line Amount |
This field displays the sum of the Trans Currency Ext Price Amount and Trans Currency Line Charge Amount fields (labeled as Ext Price Amount and Line Charge Amountif Multicurrency is not used) from the main screen. Costpoint multiplies this amount by the Amortization Percentage Rate for each line sequence, resulting in the Amortization Amount for each line. |
Autoload |
Click this button to load the amortization schedule based on the amortization code defined in the purchase order. |
Table Window
Depending on the amortization cycle (on the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules screen) for the corresponding amortization code, each amortization period sequence of the cycle, and the associated amortization rates, will apply to each fiscal year, period, and subperiod of the SO invoice line. You can add and modify amortization period sequences (fiscal year, period, and subperiod) and amortization percentage rates in this table window if the invoice has been saved (but not posted), and only the selected invoice line will be affected. All features in the Line menu are enabled.
If you modify the invoice period itself (for a previously saved, but not posted, invoice) on the main screen, you must also modify the amortization schedule, in order to begin in the same period. If you modify the amortization schedule, Costpoint displays the following message "Do you want to change the amortization schedule to reflect the changes made?" If you select No, the original amortization period sequence will be retained. If you select Yes, the amortization period sequence is updated. In both cases, if the invoice amounts are modified, the amortization amounts will need to be adjusted.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year |
Enter, or click
Period |
Enter, or click
Subperiod |
Enter, or click
Amortization Percentage Rate |
This field displays the amortization percentage rate for the selected fiscal year, period, and subperiod. You can modify this field, even after the invoice has been saved (but not posted). Costpoint multiplies the amortization percentage rate by the invoice line amount to get the amortization amount for the row. The total of all amortization percentage rates, as displayed in the Rate field in the Cumulative Amortization group box, must equal 100.00%. |
Amortization Amt (Func Curr) |
This field displays the amortization amount for the selected schedule row. Costpoint calculates this amount by multiplying the amortization percentage rate by the invoice line amount and rounding the result to two decimal places. The total amortization amount for all schedule rows in the table window appears in the Amount field in the Cumulative Amortization group box. |
Amortization Status |
This field displays the status of the amortization schedule row. The default status is O (Open) when adding new lines. Amortization lines that have already been posted for the invoice display P (Posted) in this field (that is, the Post Sales Order Journal application has been executed with the Post Amortizations option selected for the applicable invoice range). If the invoice itself has been posted (but the amortization has not yet been posted) in the Post Sales Order Journal application, you can manually change this field from O (Open) to C (Closed) only on this screen. |
Reverse Amortizations
For cancelled or returned sales orders, you can enter negative amortization amounts to reflect the return. In this case, the Amortization Amount column is modifiable and cumulative amortization amounts (which display as a negative number) need not equal the total invoice amount (also a negative number). For example, when you enter a negative amount for an SO invoice line, a corresponding amortization schedule with negative amortization amounts will be created. On this subtask, modify the amortization amounts as desired, making sure that the cumulative total is still negative. In order to prevent an amortization amount from posting, modify the status of the amortization periods that are not to be reversed to C (Closed), or delete those lines. There may be one or more periods designated for posting the negative amortized amount.