Show Template Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Recurring Journal Entry Templates screen to view detailed information for the selected recurring journal entry.

Posted JE Template

JE Details

Field Description

This field displays the type of journal entry: adjusting, recurring, reversal adjusting, reversal recurring, project transfer, or multi-job allocations. The adjacent, unlabeled field displays the journal entry number.

Entry Info

Field Description
User ID

This field displays the user ID of the person who last changed the entry.


This field displays the date of the last change.


If this check box is selected, the journal entry contains billable transactions. When you post journal entries, Costpoint copies billable journal entry transactions to the Open Billing Detail table; these transactions will eventually appear on bills.


This field displays the currency code of your functional currency.

Sequence No

This field displays the posting sequence number of the journal entry.

Running Balance (Transaction Currency)

Field Description

This field displays the total running debit balance expressed in your transaction currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.


This field displays the total running credit balance expressed in your transaction currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.

Running Balance (Functional Currency)

Field Description

This field displays the total running debit balance expressed in your functional currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.


This field displays the total running credit balance expressed in your functional currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the journal entry line number.


This column displays the project.


This column displays the account.


This column displays the organization.

Trans Amount

This column displays the entry amount expressed in your transaction currency.

Func Amount

This column displays the entry amount expressed in your functional currency.


This column displays the percentage of the journal entry's total debit amount represented by the line.

Proj Acct Abbrev

This column displays the project account abbreviation.

JE Line Description

This column displays the journal entry line description.

Org Abbrev

The organization abbreviation is displayed in this column.

Proj Abbrev

This column displays the project abbreviation.

Reference 1

This column displays the reference 1 label.

Reference 2

This column displays the reference 2 label.


This column displays any notes entered for the line.

Account Name

This column displays the account name.

Organization Name

This column displays the organization name.

Project Name

This column displays the project name.

Reference 1 Name

This column displays the reference 1 name.

Reference 2 Name

This column displays the reference 2 name.


Subtask Description
Employee Labor Click this link to open the Employee Labor subtask.
Vendor Labor Click this link to open the Vendor Labor subtask.