Manage Purchase Requisition Types

Use this screen to define purchase requisition types.

A purchase requisition type may represent a user-defined category associated with a purchasable item; it may also represent the actual project to which a purchasable item is charged.

This screen works in conjunction with the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions screen. The purpose of this application is to establish requisition types and associate data entry rules and default data with each. For example, you can associate projects, accounts, buyers, procurement types, and an approval process with specific requisition types. As you enter records in the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions screen - contingent upon the requisition type you select - default data populates the corresponding fields, thus reducing data entry and complexity.

This screen also allows you to indicate whether certain fields in the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions screen are editable. For example, you can use the Allow Project Changes, Allow Account Changes, Allow Org Changes, Allow Inventory Abbrev Changes, Allow Reference Number Changes, Allow Procurement Type Change at Header, andAllow Procurement Type Change at Line check boxes to specify the edit status of these charge account fields. This allows administrators to control what data is entered by the user for different types of purchases.

You must use this screen to define requisition types before using the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions screen.

This screen has two tabs:

  • Charge Number Rules and Defaults: The stipulations you designate in this tab are associated with the requisition type you defined in the Requisition Type ID field. If you link a requisition type to a requisition record on the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions screen, the default data you establish in this tab displays in the corresponding fields of the requisition. You can modify the default data, based on the "edit permissions" you specify in this tab.
  • Other Rules and Defaults: Use this tab to establish additional requisition rules and defaults.