
Select a company and optionally bank accounts, check numbers, and due dates to filter and run the Corpay Payments Report.


Prompt Message



Select the company whose vendors you want to include in the report.

Select Bank Account Abbreviation(s)

Enter a portion of one or more bank account abbreviations for the customer accounts you want to include in report, then click Search .

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Select Check Number(s)

Enter a portion of one or more check numbers to include in the report

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Due Date Range

Enter or select the starting date for due dates in From and the ending date in To. The report will include invoices with due dates that satisfy the date range you specify.

You can opt to select the Earliest date or the Latest date possible for the date range.

Posted Date Range

Enter or select the starting date for invoices with posted dates in From and the ending date in To. The report will include invoices with posted dates that satisfy the date range you specify.

You can opt to select the Earliest date or the Latest date possible for the date range.