Business Affiliations Subtask

Use this subtask to enter, edit, or view business affiliations for the lead/contact.

The fields on this subtask are enabled only for Qualified and Disqualified lead/contact qualified stages. You will be able to enter information for a New Lead once you change it to Qualified. If there are entries on this subtask and you change the stage to Disqualified, those entries will be retained.


Click New to add a record. You can add multiple business affiliation records for a single lead/contact record.

Field Description
Business Type Select a business type to indicate whether the lead/contact's affiliation is related to a Customer or to a Vendor.

This field displays any of the following, depending on your entry in Business ID:

  • Customer
  • Prospective Customer
  • Vendor
  • Prospective Vendor
Business ID Enter, or click to select, the ID of the customer/vendor affiliated with the lead/contact. Both regular and prospective customers/vendors are valid for entry or selection. In the lookup, customers and vendors with OK and Active statuses are displayed by default. You can click Query on the lookup window and remove this default query to view all regular and prospective customers/vendors regardless of status.
Business Name This field displays the customer/vendor name of the customer/vendor ID in Business ID.
Address Code Enter, or click to select, a valid address code for the business affiliation. Only address codes for the Business ID selected are valid for entry/selection.
Business Status

This field displays the business status based on the Business ID selected. Valid values are:

  • Active
  • Give Warning
  • Hold
  • Inactive
  • OK
  • Pending
Contact ID/Line

In Form view, this field is labeled Contact ID for customers and prospective customers, and Line for vendor and prospective vendors. It does not display if you have not selected a Business Type. In Table view, both the Contact ID and Line fields are displayed.

In both Form and Table views, the field is enabled only if you entered/selected a valid value in Address Code.

Enter, or click to select, an existing contact ID/line for the business affiliation. Once you enter an existing contact ID/line, Costpoint automatically populates the remaining fields and you will not be able to edit them.

Alternatively, you can manually enter a new contact ID/line. After entering a value and tabbing out of this field, the Load Contact Details button displays. You can click this button to have Costpoint load the information from the header record into the remaining fields, or you can enter a different value in these fields. Upon save, this will create a new contact in the customer/vendor master record.

If you leave the Contact ID/Line field blank, the remaining fields will not display any data and you will not be able to enter values in these fields.

Company ID This field displays the company ID based on the Business ID selected.
First Name

If you selected an existing Contact ID/Line, this field displays the first name of the business affiliation contact.

If you entered a new Contact ID/Line, you can enter the contact's first name in this field or load it from the header record by clicking Load Contact Details.

If you left Contact ID/Line blank, you cannot edit this field.

Last Name

If you selected an existing Contact ID/Line, this field displays the last name of the business affiliation contact.

If you entered a new Contact ID/Line, you can enter the contact's last name in this field or load it from the header record by clicking Load Contact Details.

If you left Contact ID/Line blank, you cannot edit this field.

Phone Number

If you selected an existing Contact ID/Line, this field displays the phone number of the business affiliation contact.

If you entered a new Contact ID/Line, you can enter the contact's phone number in this field or load it from the header record by clicking Load Contact Details.

If you left Contact ID/Line blank, you cannot edit this field.


If you selected an existing Contact ID/Line, this field displays the title of the business affiliation contact.

If you entered a new Contact ID/Line, you can enter the contact's title in this field or load it from the header record by clicking Load Contact Details.

If you left Contact ID/Line blank, you cannot edit this field.


If you selected an existing Contact ID/Line, this field displays the email address of the business affiliation contact.

If you entered a new Contact ID/Line, you can enter the contact's email address in this field or load it from the header record by clicking Load Contact Details.

If you left Contact ID/Line blank, you cannot edit this field.

Load Contact Details

This button displays only after you enter a new value in Contact ID/Line and tab out of that field. Click this button to load information from the header record into the following fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Title
  • Email