
Use the prompts to filter results for the Contract FAR / Supplement report.

Prompt Message


Report Type

Select to display records for contracts or subcontracts.

Active Records Only

Indicate whether to display only active contract records (Yes) or not (No).

Show in Lookup Only Indicate whether to display only the results that have Show in Lookup marked for FAR and/or Supplemental records (Yes) or not (No).
FAR or Supplemental Choose to include Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses, supplemental clauses, or both. (
Supplemental Agency If you selected Supplemental in the FAR or Supplemental prompt, select the agency for the supplemental clauses.
Risk Level

Select the risk level.

ID / Description

Select the records that you want to display in the report.

In Keywords, enter one or more characters to search for an ID or description. To narrow the search, select one of the following:
  • Starts with any of these keywords
  • Starts with the first keyword and contains all of the remaining keywords
  • Contains any of these keywords
  • Contains all of these keywords