Header Subtask

Below is the list of columns that displays for the Header subtask.

Column Headings Description
Project This column displays the project ID number.
Project Name This column displays the project name.
Owning Org This column displays the organization to which the project belongs.
Customer This column displays the customer name.
Prime Contact # This column displays the primary contract number.
Subcontract # This column displays the subcontract number.
Status This column displays the status of the project.
To Date Budget This column displays the project budget to date.
Project Class This column displays the class of the project.
Project Type This column displays the type of the project.
Period of Perf This column displays the range of performance of the project.
Project Mgr This column displays the name of the project manager.
Rate Type This column displays type of rate for the project.
Budget Type This column displays if the value is a budget or EAC.
Version Number This column displays the version number of the budget or EAC.
Version Code This column displays the version code of the budget or EAC.
Created Date This non-editable field reflects the actual date on which the budget or the EAC was created.
Contract Value Fee This column displays the amount of the contract.
Contract Value Cost This column displays the amount of charges for the contract.
Contract Value Total This column displays the sum of the contract value fee and contract value cost.
Funded Value Fee This column displays the amount that is issued under the contract.
Funded Value Cost This column displays the charges for the amount issued under the contract.
Funded Value Total This column displays the sum of the funded value fee and funded value cost.
ITD Billed Amount This column displays the amount billed from inception-to-date.
Open Receivable Amt This column displays the uncollected receivable amount.
ITD Retainage Amt This column displays the withheld amount from inception-to-date.