Asset Selection

Use this tab to select one or more asset records to include in an asset master export based on whether any one of the following occurred during a specified time period:

  • certain fields in the asset have changed
  • new assets have been added
  • existing assets have been disposed

Include Asset Changes for

Use this group box to include Fixed Assets records that were added or posted within the specified Time Period, or those records that have changed based on the selected asset master fields.

Field Description

Select this check box to include Fixed Assets records added within the selected time period range.


Select this check box to include Fixed Assets Disposals posted within the selected time period range.

Assets with Changes to Selected Asset Master Fields

Select this check box to include Fixed Assets records with changes to the asset master fields. You can specify the fields in the Selected Asset Master Fields subtask.

Select Time Periods

Field Description
Time period

This field displays the value Range. You can enter the start and ending Fiscal Year/Period in the fields below to specify the time period range. This period will indicate which Fixed Assets records will be included in the export process.


Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the starting fiscal year of the time period range.


Enter, or click to select, the starting period of the time period range.


Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the ending fiscal year for the time period range.


Enter, or click to select, the ending period for the time period range.

Update List with Results

Click this button to insert selected assets to the Non-Contiguous Asset List table window.