Contents of the Application Log Screen

Use this read-only screen to view modifications made by users to key applications within Planning.


Field Description
Application This field displays the code of the application that was updated.
Action This field displays the type of action that was made by the user (for example, Delete or Save).
Project This field displays the ID of the affected project.
Organization This field displays the ID of the affected organization.
Budget Type This field displays either Bud or EAC depending on the type of budget that was modified.
Budget Version This field displays the version number of the budget or EAC that was modified.
Fiscal Year This field displays the fiscal year.
Sheet This field displays the budget sheet that was updated (for example, Subcontractor or Staff Hours).
ID Type This field displays the value that was selected on the budget sheet from the ID Type field (for example, Employee).
ID This field displays the ID that displays on the budget sheet (for example, the ID of the selected resource).
Name This field displays the value in the Name field of the budget sheet (for example, the name of the resource).
Operation This field displays which operation was performed (for example, an update to resource in Hours subtask).
User This field displays the ID of the user who performed made the change or performed the operation.
Date/Time This field displays the date and time of the change.