
Select a company to run the Opportunity Current Pipeline report.

Prompt Message



Select the company to include in the Opportunity Current Pipeline Report.

Limit Primary Customer(s)

Select the customer to display in the report.

In Keywords, enter one or more characters to include in the search for which you want retrieve customer information from. To narrow the search, select one of the following in the dropdown field.
  • Starts with any of these keywords
  • Starts with the first keyword and contains all of the remaining keywords
  • Contains any of these keywords
  • Contains all of these keywords

If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options.) Click the arrow to list the matching contracts in Choices.


Select the opportunity stage to include in the report.

Include Inactive Opportunities?

Indicate if you like to include the inactive opportunities in the report (Yes or No).