Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data

Use this screen to import vendor data from GovWin IQ into Costpoint.

This screen allows you to import vendor information retrieved from GovWin IQ, which is compiled from various sources, into Costpoint. Imported data includes vendor profile information such as classification codes, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) levels, the latest date when the information was updated in GovWin IQ, and exclusion information from the System for Award Management ( which includes whether or not the vendor is on the government exclusion list. The exclusion list identifies those parties excluded from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain types of federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits.

Attention: For this screen to import vendor data, your GovWin IQ administrator/user must click the Add to Costpoint / Deltek CRM link for the company profile. If no profile has the Add to Costpoint / Deltek CRM clicked in GovWin IQ, no data will be imported into Costpoint.

When you import vendor data from GovWin IQ:

  • Costpoint updates both existing vendors and prospective vendors that have a valid GovWin IQ Company ID and do not have the Do Not Refresh checkbox selected on the Manage Vendors and Manage Prospective Vendors screens.
    Note: You can find the GovWin IQ Company ID on the URL path when you open the Teaming tab of a company profile in GovWin IQ.
  • Costpoint creates a new prospective vendor if the vendor data imported from GovWin IQ does not match any GovWin IQ Company ID of an existing regular or prospective vendor.
    Note: To successfully import prospective vendors from GovWin IQ, you must select the Auto-Assign Vendor Prospect IDs checkbox and enter a Last Vendor Prospect ID on the Configure Vendor Settings screen

If you are licensed for Capture & Contracts, you can view and modify prospective vendor information on the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen, and approve them on the Approve Prospective Vendors (CTMVENDA) screen.

You can run this screen any time or enter parameters for it to run on a scheduled time using the Costpoint Job Management applications.

Attention: To know more about setting up Costpoint for importing vendor data from GovWin IQ, refer to this document:

GovWin IQ Integration Setup Guide.