Assessment Details Subtask

Use this subtask to evaluate performance on the contract based on the assessment factors assigned to the assessment format you selected on the Performance Assessment tab.


Field Description
Assessment Factors

This column lists the assessment descriptions assigned to the assessment format. A maximum of 10 descriptions may display here.

You set up assessment descriptions on the Manage Performance Assessment Descriptions screen, and you assign them to assessment formats on the Manage Performance Assessment Formats screen.


Enter, or click to select, your rating on each assessment factor. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage Performance Rating Codes screen. Ratings that display in the lookup have the Show in Lookup checkbox selected in Manage Performance Rating Codes. Only ratings that are available in the lookup can be used for new assessment records in Manage Contracts. Ratings may range from Not Applicable or Unsatisfactory to Exceptional. Each rating has an equivalent score that displays in the Score column.


This column displays the score assigned to the rating you selected in the Rating column. Scores range from 0 to 10.

Total Score is displayed at the bottom of this column as well as on the Performance Assessment tab.

Comments Use this column to indicate any comments regarding your assessment on a specific assessment factor.
Total Score

This field displays the total score over the total highest possible score for this assessment record. If there are 8 assessment factors on this subtask, the highest possible score is 80. If your rating for this assessment record is 78, this field displays 78/80.

The unlabeled field to the right displays the Total Score in percent.

Notes Enter additional assessment notes in this field.