
The prompts for the Contract Backlog Report include the selection for company, contracts, contract vehicle, contract type, and others.

Prompt Message



Select a company.

Select Prime Contract(s)

Select the contracts that you want to display in the report.

In the Keywords field, enter one or more characters to search for contract information. To narrow the search, select one of the following:
  • Starts with any of these keywords
  • Starts with the first keyword and contains all of the remaining keywords
  • Contains any of these keywords
  • Contains all of these keywords

If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options.) Click the arrow to list the matching contracts in Choices.

Select Contract Vehicle(s)

Select the contract vehicle to include in the report.

Select Contract Type(s)

Select the types of contract to include in the report.

Basis for Actual % Complete

Select the basis for the actual percentage completion which can either be Funded Value or Contract Value.

Select Rate Type

Select the type of rate, either Target or Actual.

Include Inactive Contracts?

Indicate whether to include inactive contracts.